Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB5050
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of HB5050  103rd General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Natalie A. Manley

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/7/2025HouseSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
55 ILCS 5/5-44020
55 ILCS 5/5-44027 new
55 ILCS 5/5-44030
55 ILCS 5/5-44035
55 ILCS 5/5-44040
55 ILCS 5/5-44043
55 ILCS 5/5-44045
55 ILCS 5/5-44050
55 ILCS 5/5-44055

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Local Government Reduction and Efficiency Division of the Counties Code. Defines "district" as a township road and bridge district, sanitary district, drainage district, mosquito abatement district, or street light district. Provides that a county board may enact a resolution or ordinance or a county executive may issue an executive order to dissolve a district, but must first adopt or issue a plan that describes how the county will absorb and implement the services provided by the district, that provides a reason to discontinue the services provided, that describes how the county will pay for the transfer of services, and that shows long-term savings for taxpayers and file that plan with the State Comptroller. Provides that the State Comptroller may approve or deny the dissolution of the district based on the contents of the plan. Provides that, if the dissolution and transfer is approved by the State Comptroller, the county board may adopt a resolution or ordinance or a county executive may issue an executive order authorizing the dissolution of the district not less than 60 days following the court's appointment of a trustee-in-dissolution. Includes procedures for the dissolution of the district and designation of individuals to represent the district. Provides that the county must provide quarterly updates to the State Comptroller and that the State Comptroller shall publish those quarterly updates on the State Comptroller's local government Warehouse database. Makes conforming changes in the Division.

House Committee Amendment No. 1
Deletes reference to:
55 ILCS 5/5-44020
55 ILCS 5/5-44027 new
55 ILCS 5/5-44030
55 ILCS 5/5-44035
55 ILCS 5/5-44040
55 ILCS 5/5-44043
55 ILCS 5/5-44045
55 ILCS 5/5-44050
55 ILCS 5/5-44055
Adds reference to:
50 ILCS 70/26 new

Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Decennial Committees on Local Government Efficiency Act. Provides that, after each decennial census and no later than 24 months after the formation of all of the committees of the governmental units in a county, the county board must prepare a report to the General Assembly that includes a plan to reduce the number of governmental units within the county by 10% to 20%.

DateChamber Action
  2/7/2024HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Natalie A. Manley
  2/8/2024HouseFirst Reading
  2/8/2024HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  2/28/2024HouseAssigned to Executive Committee
  3/21/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Natalie A. Manley
  3/21/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  3/27/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Executive Committee
  4/3/2024HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Executive Committee; by Voice Vote
  4/3/2024HouseDo Pass as Amended / Short Debate Executive Committee; 008-003-000
  4/3/2024HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Natalie A. Manley
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Natalie A. Manley
  4/16/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules Committee
  4/17/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Rules Refers to Executive Committee
  4/17/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Recommends Be Adopted Executive Committee; 008-004-000
  4/17/2024HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  4/17/2024HouseHeld on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
  4/19/2024HouseRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
  4/19/2024HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 3 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
  1/7/2025HouseSession Sine Die

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