Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB5098
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of HB5098  103rd General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Kimberly Du Buclet

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/7/2025HouseSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
New Act

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Chicago Downtown Revitalization Task Force Act. Includes legislative findings. Creates the Chicago Downtown Revitalization Task Force. Includes provisions on Task Force membership, meetings, compensation, and administrative support. Requires the Task Force to (1) conduct an analysis of all taxes and economic incentives, monetary or otherwise, that impact downtown Chicago, including analyzing all taxes and incentives levied or administered directly by the State of Illinois as well as those authorized by State law but are implemented by units of local government, including the City of Chicago; (2) research and review trends impacting downtown Chicago, including, but not limited to, population growth, office occupancy rates, commercial office vacancy and valuation figures, retail sales, restaurant sales, hotel occupancy rates, and cultural event attendance; (3) examine national best practices in the area of post-pandemic revitalization of large urban centers and consider the applicability of such policies to downtown Chicago; (4) assess existing and potential industry clusters based on current and anticipated trends to consider policy solutions that may optimize the marketability and overall appeal of downtown Chicago to potential growth sectors; and (5) make recommendations regarding changes to existing policy or the implementation of new policies to enhance economic activity in and increase the overall vitality of downtown Chicago. Requires the Task Force to submit a report no later than 12 months after the effective date of the Act and periodically thereafter. Dissolves the Task Force 5 years after the effective date of the Act. Repeals the Act on January 1, 2031.

DateChamber Action
  2/8/2024HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Kimberly Du Buclet
  2/8/2024HouseFirst Reading
  2/8/2024HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  3/12/2024HouseAssigned to Labor & Commerce Committee
  4/5/2024HouseRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
  1/7/2025HouseSession Sine Die

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