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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Wildlife Code. Provides that except as provided in the Code, it is unlawful to have in his or her possession the green hides of fur bearing mammals without a valid hunting or trapping license. Provides that the annual fee for each resident fur buyer's permit (rather than a resident retail or wholesale fur buyer's permit) shall be $50.00 (rather than $25.00 for a resident retail fur buyer's permit or $125.00 for a resident wholesale fur buyer's permit). Provides that all fur buyers and non-resident auction participants shall maintain records of the receipt, collection, purchase, and sale of green hides of fur-bearing mammals. Provides that a record of each transaction shall be created at the time it is executed specifying the date, numbers, and kinds of green hides purchased, sold, or transferred, price paid for each green hide, if any, and the name, address, and Department customer identification number of the other party. Provides that a person who holds a fur tanner's permit is exempt from provisions for a resident fur buyer permit holder as long as the person is not engaged in the business of receiving green hides for the purpose of buying or selling the hides, whether green, dressed, processed, or tanned and the hides which have been tanned or processed are returned to the person who submitted the hides for processing or tanning. Repeals a provision regarding the receiving, collecting, or buying of green hides of fur-bearing or game mammals. Makes other conforming changes. Effective January 1, 2018.
House Floor Amendment No. 1 Provides that all resident and non-resident fur buyer permits and non-resident auction participation permits shall expire on March 31 (currently, April 30). Makes other technical changes.
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