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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Election Code. Provides that no candidate for President or Vice-President of the United States shall appear on the official ballot for the general election if that candidate has not released his or her tax returns at least 5 days prior to the date set for certification of the ballot for the general election. Defines "released his or her tax returns" to mean that the tax returns filed with the federal Internal Revenue Service for the 5 most recent years in which tax returns have been filed by the candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States have been filed with the Secretary of State. Requires the Secretary of State to post the tax returns on the Secretary of State's website and to certify that the tax returns have been filed to the State Board of Elections. Allows the Secretary of State to adopt rules to implement the provisions.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes: Further amends the Election Code. Provides that a candidate for President of the United States may have his name printed upon the primary ballot of his political party if he also files his income tax returns for the previous 5 years with the office of the Secretary of State. Provides that no candidate for President or Vice President of the United States shall appear on the official ballot for the general election if that candidate has not released his or her income tax returns for the 5 tax years immediately preceding the year of the general election (rather than at least 5 days prior to the date set for certification of the ballot for the general election). Provides that the Secretary of State shall redact certain personal information of a candidate on a submitted income tax return. Provides that if a candidate for President or Vice President has not filed his or her income tax return with the Internal Revenue Service for the tax year immediately preceding the year of the general election by the time electors have been chosen, then the candidate must submit his or her income tax return to the Secretary of State within 5 days after he or she files the income tax return with the Internal Revenue Service. Changes references to "tax returns" to "income tax returns". Defines "income tax return". Makes changes to the definition of "released his or her tax returns".
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Election Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning expenses of conducting a primary election.
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