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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the School Code. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the State Board of Education must develop an Agricultural Education Pre-Service Teacher Training Program beginning at the secondary level that provides grants to (i) students who qualify as pre-service teaching students and who attend institutions of higher education that offer a State-approved agricultural education teacher preparation program, (ii) students who qualify as pre-service teaching students and who attend public community colleges that provide an articulated agricultural education teacher course of study, and (iii) non-traditional agricultural education teaching students; defines terms and specifies the Training Program's requirements. Provides that the funds provided by the State Board may be used to support (i) a stipend not to exceed $7,500 for a non-traditional agricultural education teaching student or a pre-service teaching student for work completed under the Training Program, distributed in monthly installments, (ii) lodging for a pre-service training student, (iii) reimbursement for meals for the pre-service teaching student, (iv) reasonable costs charged by a participating Illinois agricultural company, or (v) any educational costs related to the Training Program. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the State Board of Education must, in consultation with the Board of Higher Education, develop an Agricultural Education Pre-Service Teacher Internship Program, beginning at the secondary education level, for pre-service teaching students that consists of (i) at a minimum, an 8-week experience or 300 hours of experience to prepare the pre-service teaching student for in-classroom experiences, including, but not limited to, experiences in the 5 career clusters for Illinois agricultural education through partnerships with Illinois agricultural companies and (ii) both in-classroom lectures and hands-on, applied learning; defines terms. Provides that the State Board must award grants to a pre-service teaching student enrolled in the Internship Program, which may be used by the student to support (i) a stipend not to exceed $7,500 for a pre-service teaching student's completion of the Internship Program, distributed in monthly installments, (ii) lodging for a pre-service teaching student while participating in the Internship Program, (iii) reimbursement for meals, not to exceed the per diem rate established by the Internal Revenue Service, for a pre-service teaching student while participating in the Internship Program, and (iv) any reasonable costs for participation in the Internship Program charged by any participating Illinois agricultural company. Effective immediately.
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