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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the State Salary and Annuity Withholding Act. Provides that an employee or annuitant may authorize the withholding of a portion of his salary, wages, or annuity, among other purposes, for investment purchases made as a participant in College Savings Programs established under the federal Internal Revenue Code. Amends the State Comptroller Act. Provides that no request for an amount to be deducted from pension annuity payments made under the Illinois Pension Code shall exceed 25% of the net amount of such payment. Provides that notice given by the Comptroller to a person upon a deduction for delinquent obligations owed to a specified government entity may inform the person that, in lieu of protest, he or she may provide written authority to the Comptroller to process the deduction immediately. Amends the Comptroller Merit Employment Code. Provides for a veteran's preference of 3 points if the person has served in the armed forces of the United States, the Illinois National Guard, or any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, and the person, among other qualifying factors, has served a minimum of 4 years in the Illinois National Guard or reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, regardless of whether or not the person was mobilized to active duty. Amends the Illinois State Collection Act of 1986. Provides that upon processing a deduction to satisfy a debt owed to a university or a State agency, the Comptroller may provide notice informing a person that, in lieu of protest, he or she may provide written authority to the Comptroller to process the deduction immediately. Effective immediately.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with changes. Further amends the State Salary and Annuity Withholding Act. Provides that an employee or annuitant may authorize the withholding of a portion of his or her salary, wages, or annuity, among other purposes, for investment purchases made as a participant or contributor to qualified tuition programs and qualified ABLE programs (rather than College Savings Programs) established under the Internal Revenue Code. Further amends the State Comptroller Act. Makes changes concerning the Comptroller's "Warehouse" and the Comptroller's "Online Ledger".
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