Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HJR0078
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of HJR0078  103rd General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Thomas M. Bennett

Senate Sponsors
(Sen. Jason A. Barickman)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  7/15/2015HouseAdopted Both Houses

Synopsis As Introduced
Designates the section of U.S. Route 45 as it runs through the Village of Loda as the "Veterans of Loda Township Highway".

DateChamber Action
  5/25/2015HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Thomas M. Bennett
  5/26/2015HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  5/29/2015HouseAssigned to Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee
  5/29/2015HouseMotion Filed to Suspend Rule 21 Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee; Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie
  5/29/2015HouseMotion Prevailed
  5/30/2015HouseRecommends Be Adopted Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee; 017-000-000
  5/30/2015HousePlaced on Calendar Order of Resolutions
  5/30/2015HouseResolution Adopted 110-000-000
  5/30/2015SenateArrive in Senate
  5/30/2015SenateChief Senate Sponsor Sen. Jason A. Barickman
  5/30/2015SenateReferred to Assignments
  6/30/2015SenateApproved for Consideration Assignments
  6/30/2015SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of Secretary's Desk Resolutions July 1, 2015
  7/15/2015SenateResolution Adopted; 054-000-000
  7/15/2015HouseAdopted Both Houses

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