Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB1205
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of SB1205  103rd General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. Jason A. Barickman - Pamela J. Althoff

House Sponsors
(Rep. Michael J. Zalewski)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  8/10/2015SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 99-0330

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
20 ILCS 2105/2105-15
225 ILCS 61/10

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Patients' Right to Know Act. Provides that a physician who has retired from active practice may use the title "Retired" on his or her physician profile. Provides that a retired physician using the title "Retired" on his or her physician profile is not required to provide office addresses or other practice specific information. Makes conforming change in the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1
Adds reference to:
225 ILCS 65/50-10was 225 ILCS 65/5-10
225 ILCS 95/4from Ch. 111, par. 4604

Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the engrossed bill with the following changes: Amends the Nurse Practice Act and Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987. Defines "hospital affiliate" in both Acts. Effective immediately, except that the changes to the Nurse Practice Act and Physician Assistant Practice Act of 1987 are effective January 1, 2016.

DateChamber Action
  2/11/2015SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Jason A. Barickman
  2/11/2015SenateFirst Reading
  2/11/2015SenateReferred to Assignments
  2/25/2015SenateAssigned to Licensed Activities and Pensions
  3/5/2015SenateDo Pass Licensed Activities and Pensions; 008-000-000
  3/5/2015SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 10, 2015
  3/5/2015SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Pamela J. Althoff
  3/10/2015SenateSecond Reading
  3/10/2015SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 11, 2015
  3/26/2015SenateThird Reading - Passed; 052-000-000
  3/27/2015HouseArrived in House
  3/27/2015HouseChief House Sponsor Rep. Michael J. Zalewski
  4/14/2015HouseFirst Reading
  4/14/2015HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  4/20/2015HouseAssigned to Health Care Licenses Committee
  4/29/2015HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Michael J. Zalewski
  4/29/2015HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/4/2015HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Health Care Licenses Committee
  5/6/2015HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Health Care Licenses Committee; by Voice Vote
  5/6/2015HouseDo Pass as Amended / Short Debate Health Care Licenses Committee; 011-000-000
  5/7/2015HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  5/13/2015HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  5/13/2015HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  5/14/2015HouseThird Reading - Short Debate - Passed 114-000-000
  5/18/2015SenateSecretary's Desk - Concurrence House Amendment(s) 1
  5/18/2015SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence House Amendment(s) 1 - May 19, 2015
  5/27/2015SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. Jason A. Barickman
  5/27/2015SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments
  5/28/2015SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Assignments Referred to Licensed Activities and Pensions
  5/28/2015SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion To Concur Recommended Do Adopt Licensed Activities and Pensions; 008-000-000
  5/31/2015SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Senate Concurs 058-000-000
  5/31/2015SenateSenate Concurs 058-000-000
  5/31/2015SenatePassed Both Houses
  6/29/2015SenateSent to the Governor
  8/10/2015SenateGovernor Approved
  8/10/2015SenateEffective Date August 10, 2015; Some provisions effective
  8/10/2015SenateEffective Date January 1, 2016; Some provisions effective
  8/10/2015SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 99-0330

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