Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB5494
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 Bill Status of HB5494  104th General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Ann M. Williams - Barbara Wheeler - Kelly M. Cassidy - Frances Ann Hurley, Lou Lang, Camille Y. Lilly, Michael J. Zalewski and Will Guzzardi

Senate Sponsors
(Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson - Jacqueline Y. Collins - Karen McConnaughay - Iris Y. Martinez, John F. Curran, Don Harmon, Linda Holmes, Michael Connelly, Elgie R. Sims, Jr., Neil Anderson, Thomas Cullerton, Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant and Mattie Hunter)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  8/3/2018HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0692

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
20 ILCS 2630/5.2

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Criminal Identification Act. Provides that a trafficking victim as defined by the Criminal Code of 2012 shall be eligible to petition for the immediate sealing of his or her criminal record upon the completion of his or her last sentence if his or her participation in the underlying offense was a direct result of human trafficking under the Criminal Code of 2012 or a severe form of trafficking under the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Provides that a petitioner under this provision, in addition to other requirements provided by law, shall include in his or her petition a clear and concise statement that: (1) he or she was a victim of human trafficking at the time of the offense; and (2) that his or her participation in the offense was a direct result of human trafficking under the Criminal Code of 2012 or a severe form of trafficking under the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Provides that if an objection is filed alleging that the petitioner is not entitled to immediate sealing, the court shall conduct a hearing and the court shall determine whether the petitioner is entitled to immediate sealing under the provision. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1
Makes a technical change concerning immediate sealing for trafficking victims.

DateChamber Action
  2/16/2018HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Ann M. Williams
  2/16/2018HouseFirst Reading
  2/16/2018HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  3/6/2018HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Barbara Wheeler
  3/7/2018HouseAssigned to Judiciary - Criminal Committee
  3/7/2018HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy
  3/7/2018HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Lou Lang
  3/7/2018HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Camille Y. Lilly
  3/7/2018HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Michael J. Zalewski
  3/7/2018HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Will Guzzardi
  4/6/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Ann M. Williams
  4/6/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  4/9/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Judiciary - Criminal Committee
  4/9/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Judiciary - Criminal Committee; by Voice Vote
  4/9/2018HouseDo Pass as Amended / Short Debate Judiciary - Criminal Committee; 013-000-000
  4/10/2018HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  4/13/2018HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  4/13/2018HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  4/27/2018HouseThird Reading - Short Debate - Passed 103-000-001
  4/27/2018HouseAdded Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Frances Ann Hurley
  5/1/2018SenateArrive in Senate
  5/1/2018SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of First Reading
  5/1/2018SenateChief Senate Sponsor Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson
  5/1/2018SenateFirst Reading
  5/1/2018SenateReferred to Assignments
  5/1/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins
  5/2/2018SenateAssigned to Criminal Law
  5/3/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. John F. Curran
  5/3/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Don Harmon
  5/8/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Karen McConnaughay
  5/9/2018SenateDo Pass Criminal Law; 011-000-000
  5/9/2018SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading May 10, 2018
  5/16/2018SenateSecond Reading
  5/16/2018SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading May 17, 2018
  5/17/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Linda Holmes
  5/17/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Iris Y. Martinez
  5/21/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael Connelly
  5/21/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
  5/21/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Neil Anderson
  5/21/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Thomas Cullerton
  5/21/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant
  5/21/2018SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Mattie Hunter
  5/21/2018SenateThird Reading - Passed; 049-000-000
  5/21/2018HousePassed Both Houses
  6/19/2018HouseSent to the Governor
  8/3/2018HouseGovernor Approved
  8/3/2018HouseEffective Date August 3, 2018
  8/3/2018HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0692

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