Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB1267
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 Bill Status of SB1267  104th General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. Martin A. Sandoval - Jacqueline Y. Collins - Mattie Hunter, Kimberly A. Lightford and Napoleon Harris, III

House Sponsors
(Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr. - Jehan Gordon-Booth, William Davis, Sonya M. Harper, Justin Slaughter and Juliana Stratton)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  8/25/2017SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0423

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
New Act

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Railroad Supplier Diversity Act. Defines terms. Provides that each Class I railroad company shall, no later than April 15 of each year, submit to the Illinois Commerce Commission an annual report containing certain information concerning procurement goals and spending for female-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises. Provides that the reports shall be submitted in the form and manner required by the Commission. Provides that the Commission and each railroad company subject to the Act shall hold an annual workshop open to the public on the state of supplier diversity.

Senate Floor Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that a Class I railroad company may (rather than shall) submit to the Illinois Commerce Commission an annual report containing certain information concerning procurement goals and spending for female-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises and any other additional information by the railroad company, including, but not limited to, a national supplier diversity report. Provides that the Commission (rather than the Commission and each railroad company) shall hold an annual workshop open to the public on the state of supplier diversity among railroad companies. Provides that the workshop shall not be held on the same date as other workshops held by the Commission.

DateChamber Action
  2/9/2017SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Martin A. Sandoval
  2/9/2017SenateFirst Reading
  2/9/2017SenateReferred to Assignments
  2/9/2017SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford
  2/15/2017SenateAssigned to Transportation
  2/28/2017SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins
  3/1/2017SenatePostponed - Transportation
  3/8/2017SenateDo Pass Transportation; 015-000-000
  3/8/2017SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 9, 2017
  4/6/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Martin A. Sandoval
  4/6/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
  4/25/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Transportation
  4/26/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommend Do Adopt Transportation; 012-000-000
  4/28/2017SenateRule 2-10 Third Reading Deadline Established As May 31, 2017
  5/2/2017SenateSecond Reading
  5/2/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted; Sandoval
  5/2/2017SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading May 3, 2017
  5/18/2017SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Mattie Hunter
  5/18/2017SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Napoleon Harris, III
  5/18/2017SenateThird Reading - Passed; 053-000-000
  5/18/2017HouseArrived in House
  5/18/2017HouseChief House Sponsor Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  5/18/2017HouseFirst Reading
  5/18/2017HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  5/22/2017HouseAssigned to Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee
  5/22/2017HouseMotion Filed to Suspend Rule 21 Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee; Rep. Lou Lang
  5/22/2017HouseMotion Prevailed
  5/23/2017HouseDo Pass / Standard Debate Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee; 006-005-000
  5/23/2017HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Standard Debate
  5/23/2017HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  5/23/2017HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/24/2017HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommends Be Adopted Rules Committee; 003-000-000
  5/24/2017HouseSecond Reading - Standard Debate
  5/24/2017HouseHeld on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Standard Debate
  5/26/2017HouseFinal Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 31, 2017
  5/28/2017HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth
  5/28/2017HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. William Davis
  5/28/2017HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Sonya M. Harper
  5/28/2017HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Justin Slaughter
  5/28/2017HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Juliana Stratton
  5/29/2017HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Withdrawn by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
  5/29/2017HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Standard Debate
  5/29/2017HouseThird Reading - Standard Debate - Passed 107-005-000
  5/29/2017SenatePassed Both Houses
  6/27/2017SenateSent to the Governor
  8/25/2017SenateGovernor Approved
  8/25/2017SenateEffective Date January 1, 2018
  8/25/2017SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0423

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