Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB1294
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 Bill Status of SB1294  104th General Assembly

Short Description:  INDUSTRIAL HEMP ACT

Senate Sponsors
Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson - Wm. Sam McCann - Patricia Van Pelt - David Koehler, Linda Holmes, Napoleon Harris, III, Pamela J. Althoff and Steven M. Landek

House Sponsors
(Rep. Lawrence Walsh, Jr. - Allen Skillicorn - Charles Meier - Sonya M. Harper, Theresa Mah, Daniel J. Burke and Litesa E. Wallace)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/9/2019SenateSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
New Act
505 ILCS 100/2from Ch. 5, par. 952
720 ILCS 550/3from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 703

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Industrial Hemp Act. Provides that any person desiring to grow, process, cultivate, harvest, process, possess, sell, or purchase industrial hemp or industrial hemp related products must be licensed by the Department of Agriculture. Provides that the application for a license shall include the name and address of the applicant and the legal description of the land area to be used to grow or process industrial hemp and that the license shall be valid for a period of 5 years. Preempts home rule powers. Amends the Illinois Noxious Weed Law. Provides that "noxious weed" does not include industrial hemp. Amends the Cannabis Control Act. Provides that "cannabis" does not include industrial hemp.

Senate Committee Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the language of the introduced bill with changes. Provides that industrial hemp means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis (in the introduced bill, fibers, seeds, and roots cultivated from plants of the cannabis genus with a THC content of 1% or lower). Provides that a person desiring to grow, cultivate, or process industrial hemp or industrial hemp products must be licensed by the Department of Agriculture (in the introduced bill, any person desiring to grow, cultivate, harvest, process, possess, sell, or purchase industrial hemp or industrial hemp related products must be licensed by the Department). Provides that the application for a license shall include the legal description of the land area, including Global Positioning System coordinates. Provides that the Department may determine, by rule, the duration of a license and the requirements for license renewal (in the introduced bill, if the applicant completes the application process to the satisfaction of the Department, then the Department shall issue the license, which shall be valid for a period of 5 years).

Senate Floor Amendment No. 2
Adds reference to:
30 ILCS 105/5.878 new
720 ILCS 550/8from Ch. 56 1/2, par. 708
720 ILCS 550/15.2 rep.

Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the language of Senate Amendment No. 1 with changes. Provides that a person desiring to cultivate industrial hemp shall be licensed by the Department of Agriculture (in Senate Amendment No. 1, a person desiring to grow, cultivate, or process industrial hemp or industrial hemp products must be license by the Department). All fees and fines collected by the Department under the Act shall be deposited into the Industrial Hemp Regulatory Fund. Provides that monies in the Fund shall be utilized by the Department for the purposes of implementation, administration, and enforcement of the Act. Provides that a person employed by the Department shall not be subject to criminal or civil penalties for taking any action under the Act when the actions are within the scope of his or her employment. Repeals a Section in the Cannabis Control Act concerning an industrial hemp pilot program. Amends the State Finance Act to make conforming changes.

DateChamber Action
  2/9/2017SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson
  2/9/2017SenateFirst Reading
  2/9/2017SenateReferred to Assignments
  2/15/2017SenateAssigned to Agriculture
  2/16/2017SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Linda Holmes
  2/16/2017SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Wm. Sam McCann
  2/22/2017SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Patricia Van Pelt
  3/1/2017SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. David Koehler
  3/2/2017SenatePostponed - Agriculture
  3/2/2017SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Napoleon Harris, III
  3/10/2017SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson
  3/10/2017SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
  3/15/2017SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Agriculture
  3/16/2017SenateSenate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted
  3/16/2017SenateDo Pass as Amended Agriculture; 010-000-000
  3/16/2017SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 28, 2017
  3/30/2017SenateSecond Reading
  3/30/2017SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading April 4, 2017
  4/25/2017SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Pamela J. Althoff
  4/25/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson
  4/25/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Assignments
  4/26/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Assignments Refers to Agriculture
  4/28/2017SenateRule 2-10 Third Reading Deadline Established As May 31, 2017
  5/4/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Recommend Do Adopt Agriculture; 008-000-000
  5/4/2017SenateAdded as Co-Sponsor Sen. Steven M. Landek
  5/4/2017SenateRecalled to Second Reading
  5/4/2017SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 2 Adopted; Hutchinson
  5/4/2017SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading
  5/4/2017SenateThird Reading - Passed; 055-000-000
  5/5/2017HouseArrived in House
  5/5/2017HouseChief House Sponsor Rep. Lawrence Walsh, Jr.
  5/5/2017HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Theresa Mah
  5/9/2017HouseFirst Reading
  5/9/2017HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  5/15/2017HouseAssigned to Agriculture & Conservation Committee
  5/16/2017HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Daniel J. Burke
  5/16/2017HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Litesa E. Wallace
  5/16/2017HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Charles Meier
  5/16/2017HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Sonya M. Harper
  5/18/2017HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Allen Skillicorn
  5/19/2017HouseCommittee Deadline Extended-Rule 9(b) May 26, 2017
  5/23/2017HouseDo Pass / Short Debate Agriculture & Conservation Committee; 014-000-000
  5/23/2017HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  5/24/2017HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  5/24/2017HouseHeld on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
  5/26/2017HouseFinal Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 31, 2017
  5/31/2017HouseFinal Action Deadline Extended-9(b) June 30, 2017
  6/30/2017HouseFinal Action Deadline Extended-9(b) July 7, 2017
  7/6/2017HouseRule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
  1/9/2019SenateSession Sine Die

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