Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB2459
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 Bill Status of SB2459  104th General Assembly


Senate Sponsors
Sen. Dan McConchie - Pamela J. Althoff

House Sponsors
(Rep. Nick Sauer - Carol Sente - David McSweeney - Sam Yingling - Barbara Wheeler, David S. Olsen, Allen Skillicorn, Kathleen Willis, Deb Conroy, Jonathan Carroll, Brad Halbrook, Gregory Harris, Frances Ann Hurley and Martin J. Moylan)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  8/14/2018SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0874

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
70 ILCS 605/10-7.2 new

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Illinois Drainage Code. Provides that the Lake County Board may dissolve the Seavey Drainage District with a resolution that states: that the district has not imposed a levy for at least 10 years; that there are no outstanding debts of the district that have been filed with the county clerk of Lake County; that no federal or State permit or grant will be impaired by dissolution of the district; and the date of dissolution of the district. Provides that on the date of dissolution of the district, the powers of the former district shall be exercised by the respective municipalities where the various parts of the former district are located and by Lake County for any unincorporated areas contained in the former district. Provides that no later than 60 days after the date of dissolution of the district, Lake County shall notify the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency of the dissolution of the district.

Senate Floor Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes: provides that the resolution the Lake County Board may adopt to dissolve the Seavey Drainage District must state that the precise physical boundaries of the district have become indeterminate due to the passage of time; provides that all drains, levees, and other works constituting the drainage system of the district and the rights-of-way, if any, on which the same are situated shall be deemed to be for the mutual benefit of the lands formerly in the district; provides that powers relating to the levy and collection of assessments shall not be exercised by the Lake County Board; and provides that dissolution of the Seavey Drainage District under the provisions must take place no later than December 31, 2019.

House Committee Amendment No. 1
Adds reference to:
70 ILCS 2805/33from Ch. 42, par. 444
70 ILCS 2805/33.1 new
70 ILCS 2805/35from Ch. 42, par. 446

Amends the Sanitary District Act of 1936. Provides that the Lakes Region Sanitary District may dissolve itself upon entering into a dissolution agreement with Lake County for the county to acquire all of the assets and responsibilities of the district. Provides that upon dissolution of the district, the statutory powers of the former district shall be exercised by the county board of Lake County. Provides that no later than 60 days after the effective date of the dissolution, Lake County shall notify the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency of the dissolution of the Lakes Region Sanitary District and providing a copy of the dissolution agreement to the Agency. Makes conforming changes.

DateChamber Action
  1/30/2018SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. Dan McConchie
  1/30/2018SenateFirst Reading
  1/30/2018SenateReferred to Assignments
  2/7/2018SenateAssigned to Government Reform
  2/14/2018SenatePostponed - Government Reform
  2/21/2018SenateDo Pass Government Reform; 006-001-001
  2/21/2018SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading February 22, 2018
  3/29/2018SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Dan McConchie
  3/29/2018SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
  4/4/2018SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Government Reform
  4/10/2018SenateSecond Reading
  4/10/2018SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading April 11, 2018
  4/11/2018SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommend Do Adopt Government Reform; 008-001-000
  4/12/2018SenateRecalled to Second Reading
  4/12/2018SenateSenate Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted; McConchie
  4/12/2018SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading April 17, 2018
  4/17/2018SenateThird Reading - Passed; 050-001-000
  4/17/2018HouseArrived in House
  4/17/2018HouseChief House Sponsor Rep. Nick Sauer
  4/17/2018HouseFirst Reading
  4/17/2018HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  4/26/2018HouseAssigned to Government Consolidation & Modernization Committee
  5/17/2018HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Carol Sente
  5/18/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Nick Sauer
  5/18/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  5/21/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Government Consolidation & Modernization Committee
  5/24/2018HouseHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Government Consolidation & Modernization Committee; by Voice Vote
  5/24/2018HouseDo Pass as Amended / Short Debate Government Consolidation & Modernization Committee; 008-000-000
  5/24/2018HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. David McSweeney
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Sam Yingling
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Barbara Wheeler
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. David S. Olsen
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Allen Skillicorn
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kathleen Willis
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Deb Conroy
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Jonathan Carroll
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Brad Halbrook
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Gregory Harris
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Frances Ann Hurley
  5/24/2018HouseAdded Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Martin J. Moylan
  5/24/2018HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  5/24/2018HouseHeld on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
  5/25/2018SenateAdded as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Pamela J. Althoff
  5/25/2018HouseFinal Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 31, 2018
  5/28/2018HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  5/28/2018HouseThird Reading - Short Debate - Passed 115-000-000
  5/29/2018SenateSecretary's Desk - Concurrence House Amendment(s) 1
  5/29/2018SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of Concurrence House Amendment(s) 1 - May 30, 2018
  5/29/2018SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. Dan McConchie
  5/29/2018SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments
  5/29/2018SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Assignments Referred to Local Government
  5/29/2018SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion To Concur Recommended Do Adopt Local Government; 005-000-000
  5/30/2018SenateHouse Committee Amendment No. 1 Senate Concurs 054-001-001
  5/30/2018SenateSenate Concurs
  5/30/2018SenatePassed Both Houses
  6/28/2018SenateSent to the Governor
  8/14/2018SenateGovernor Approved
  8/14/2018SenateEffective Date January 1, 2019
  8/14/2018SenatePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-0874

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