Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for SB0080
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 Bill Status of SB0080  104th General Assembly

Short Description:  24/7 SOBRIETY&DRUG MONITORING

Senate Sponsors
Sen. William R. Haine

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  1/9/2019SenateSession Sine Die

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
New Act

Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program Act. Provides that there is created a statewide 24/7 sobriety and drug monitoring program administered by the probation department in counties that have adopted the program. Provides that a court in a participating county, as a condition of bond, pretrial release, sentence, suspended sentence, probation, or conditional discharge, may: (1) require a person who has been charged, pled guilty, or convicted of a crime in which the abuse of alcohol or drugs was a contributing factor in the commission of the crime to abstain from alcohol or drugs for a specific period of time; and (2) require the person to be subject to testing to determine the presence of alcohol or drugs in his or her body: (A) at least twice a day at a central location where immediate sanctions may be applied; (B) if twice a day testing creates a documented hardship or is geographically impractical by an alternate method as determined by the court and consistent with this Section in which timely sanctions may be effectively applied; or (C) if testing only for drugs, as frequently as practicable, as determined by the court. Provides that the Division of Probation Services of the Supreme Court shall assist in the creation and administration of the 24/7 sobriety and drug monitoring program in the manner provided in this Act in the participating counties. Provides that the Division shall also assist participating counties in which a 24/7 program exists in determining alternatives to incarceration. Provides that the probation department in the participating county may designate a third party to provide the testing services. Effective immediately.

DateChamber Action
  1/12/2017SenateFiled with Secretary by Sen. William R. Haine
  1/12/2017SenateFirst Reading
  1/12/2017SenateReferred to Assignments
  1/9/2019SenateSession Sine Die

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