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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Township Code, Illinois Municipal Code, Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, Park District Code, Illinois Local Library Act, Public Library District Act of 1991, School Code, and Illinois Highway Code. Provides that specified contracts may be let to the lowest responsible bidder or the best value bidder (rather than to the lowest responsible bidder). Provides that "best value" means the result determined by a procurement method that considers price and other criteria reflecting an objective and quantifiable analysis. Includes examples of such analysis.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes: Includes requirements for the resolution to include the identity of an officer or director of the bidder who is a family member of a board member, is a person with whom a board member maintains a close economic association, or is a person with whom a board member maintains a close political association. Defines terms. In the Township Code, Illinois Municipal Code, and the Illinois Highway Code, provides that, if an entity is eligible to be paid for or reimbursed, in whole or in part, with federal-aid funds, grants, or loans, and the provisions would result in the loss of those federal-aid funds, grants, or loans, then the contract is exempt from the requirements of the provisions in order to remain eligible for those federal-aid funds, grants, or loans. In the School Code provisions, adds language providing that a school board that awards a competitively bid contract in excess of $25,000 to a third party for non-instructional services currently performed by an employee or bargaining unit member may only award such a contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Amends the Public Community College Act making similar changes made to the other Acts in the bill.
House Floor Amendment No. 4 Provides that, if an entity is eligible to be paid for or reimbursed, in whole or in part, with federal-aid funds, grants, or loans, and the letting of a contract to the best value bidder under the provisions would result in the loss of those federal-aid funds, grants, or loans, then the contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder (rather than the contract is exempt from the provisions).
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