Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Airline Passenger Protection Act. Provides that an employee or contractor of this State or any unit of local government in this State shall not involuntarily remove a passenger from an aircraft by force when that passenger is seated in a seat confirmed by a valid paid or awarded ticket unless: (1) the passenger has committed a breach of the peace; (2) the passenger presents a danger to himself or herself or others; or (3) a public emergency exists. Provides that no criminal charges may be brought or civil liability attach against a passenger who refuses to yield his or her seat unless certain conditions exist. Provides that the State of Illinois or any unit of local government in this State shall not make travel arrangements with, do business with, or have any investments in any commercial airline or a company owning a commercial airline that has a policy allowing the involuntary removal of a passenger from an aircraft to allow an employee traveling on a non-revenue ticket to use the passenger's seat. Awards attorney's fees and costs to a passenger who prevails in an action brought against a commercial airline for a violation of the Act. Effective immediately.