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Illinois Compiled Statutes
- 410 ILCS 1/ Antifreeze Bittering Act.
- 410 ILCS 2/ Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act.
- 410 ILCS 3/ Atherosclerosis Prevention Act.
- 410 ILCS 4/ Automated External Defibrillator Act.
- 410 ILCS 5/ Burial of Dead Bodies Act.
- 410 ILCS 10/ Choke-Saving Methods Act.
- 410 ILCS 15/ Coal Mine Medical Emergencies Act.
- 410 ILCS 18/ Crematory Regulation Act.
- 410 ILCS 20/ DES Act.
- 410 ILCS 25/ Environmental Barriers Act.
- 410 ILCS 27/ Epinephrine Injector Act.
- 410 ILCS 30/ Elevator Tactile Identification Act.
- 410 ILCS 34/ Equitable Health Outcomes Act.
- 410 ILCS 35/ Equitable Restrooms Act.
- 410 ILCS 37/ Construction Site Temporary Restroom Facility Act.
- 410 ILCS 39/ Restroom Access Act.
- 410 ILCS 40/ Impounding and Disposition of Stray Animals Act. (Repealed by P.A. 88-216)
- 410 ILCS 43/ Comprehensive Lead Education, Reduction, and Window Replacement Program Act.
- 410 ILCS 44/ Toxin-Free Toddler Act. (Repealed by P.A. 97-1101, Sec. 98; see FDA final rule at 77 Federal Register 41899-41902 (July 17, 2012) amending 21 CFR 177.1580 to prohibit the use of polycarbonate resins in infant feeding bottles and spill-proof cups)
- 410 ILCS 45/ Lead Poisoning Prevention Act.
- 410 ILCS 46/ Mercury-added Product Prohibition Act.
- 410 ILCS 47/ Poison Control System Act.
- 410 ILCS 48/ Brominated Fire Retardant Prevention Act.
- 410 ILCS 50/ Medical Patient Rights Act.
- 410 ILCS 51/ Mercury-Free Vaccine Act.
- 410 ILCS 53/ Suicide Prevention, Education, and Treatment Act.
- 410 ILCS 54/ Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Registration Act.
- 410 ILCS 55/ Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf Act.
- 410 ILCS 60/ Toxicological Laboratory Service Act.
- 410 ILCS 65/ Illinois Rural/Downstate Health Act.
- 410 ILCS 66/ Community Health Center Expansion Act.
- 410 ILCS 67/ Community Health Worker Certification and Reimbursement Act.
- 410 ILCS 68/ Safe and Hygienic Bed Act.
- 410 ILCS 70/ Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act.
- 410 ILCS 75/ Smokeless Tobacco Outdoor Advertising Act.
- 410 ILCS 76/ Tobacco Products Compliance Act.
- 410 ILCS 80/ Illinois Clean Indoor Air Act. (Repealed by P.A. 95-17)
- 410 ILCS 82/ Smoke Free Illinois Act.
- 410 ILCS 83/ Illinois Clean Public Elevator Air Act.
- 410 ILCS 85/ Cigarette Health Warning Act.
- 410 ILCS 86/ Preventing Youth Vaping Act.
- 410 ILCS 87/ Indoor Air Quality Act.
- 410 ILCS 90/ Pest and Predatory Animal Control Act.
- 410 ILCS 95/ Vector Control Act.
- 410 ILCS 100/ Reduction of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Act.
- 410 ILCS 105/ Mold Remediation Registration Act.
- 410 ILCS 110/ Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning Prohibition Act.
- 410 ILCS 115/ Obesity Prevention Initiative Act.
- 410 ILCS 120/ MRSA Prevention, Control, and Reporting Act.
- 410 ILCS 125/ Public Health Standing Orders Act.
- 410 ILCS 130/ Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act.
- 410 ILCS 135/ Public Self-Care of Diabetes Act.
- 410 ILCS 140/ Lactation Accommodation in Airports Act.
- 410 ILCS 145/ Youth Sports Concussion Safety Act.
- 410 ILCS 150/ Autism and Co-Occurring Medical Conditions Awareness Act.
- 410 ILCS 155/ Health in All Policies Act.
- 410 ILCS 160/ Dense Breast Tissue Act.
- 410 ILCS 165/ Underlying Causes of Crime and Violence Study Act.
- 410 ILCS 170/ Coal Tar Sealant Disclosure Act.
- 410 ILCS 175/ Feminine Hygiene Products for the Homeless Act.
- 410 ILCS 180/ Latex Glove Ban Act.
- 410 ILCS 185/ Abortion Care Clinical Training Program Act.
- 410 ILCS 201/ Autism Spectrum Disorders Reporting Act.
- 410 ILCS 205/ Child Vision and Hearing Test Act.
- 410 ILCS 210/ Consent by Minors to Health Care Services Act.
- 410 ILCS 212/ Illinois Family Case Management Act.
- 410 ILCS 213/ Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act.
- 410 ILCS 215/ Infant Eye Disease Act.
- 410 ILCS 220/ Infant Mortality Reduction Act. (Repealed by P.A. 94-407)
- 410 ILCS 221/ Advisory Board for the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Programs Act.
- 410 ILCS 223/ Newborn Eye Pathology Act.
- 410 ILCS 225/ Prenatal and Newborn Care Act.
- 410 ILCS 230/ Problem Pregnancy Health Services and Care Act.
- 410 ILCS 235/ Pertussis Vaccine Act.
- 410 ILCS 240/ Newborn Metabolic Screening Act.
- 410 ILCS 245/ Reye's Syndrome Reporting Act. (Repealed by P A. 103-1043)
- 410 ILCS 250/ Developmental Disability Prevention Act.
- 410 ILCS 255/ WIC Vendor Management Act.
- 410 ILCS 260/ Shaken Baby Prevention Act.
- 410 ILCS 265/ Genetic and Metabolic Diseases Advisory Committee Act.
- 410 ILCS 270/ Reducing the Risk of Skin Cancer and Excessive UV Exposure in Children Act.
- 410 ILCS 303/ African-American HIV/AIDS Response Act.
- 410 ILCS 305/ AIDS Confidentiality Act.
- 410 ILCS 310/ HIV/AIDS Registry Act.
- 410 ILCS 312/ Infectious Disease Testing Act.
- 410 ILCS 315/ Communicable Disease Prevention Act.
- 410 ILCS 316/ Ryan White Fund Validation Act.
- 410 ILCS 320/ Prenatal Syphilis Act.
- 410 ILCS 325/ Illinois Sexually Transmitted Infection Control Act.
- 410 ILCS 330/ Polio Vaccine Act.
- 410 ILCS 335/ Perinatal HIV Prevention Act.
- 410 ILCS 405/ Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Act.
- 410 ILCS 406/ Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Services Act.
- 410 ILCS 407/ Excellence in Alzheimer's Disease Center Treatment Act. (Repealed by P.A. 100-621)
- 410 ILCS 410/ Alzheimer's Disease Research, Care, and Support Fund Act
- 410 ILCS 413/ Epilepsy Disease Assistance Act.
- 410 ILCS 415/ Experimental Cancer Treatment Act.
- 410 ILCS 416/ Clinical Trial Participation Program Act.
- 410 ILCS 417/ Reducing Cervical Cancer and Saving Lives Act.
- 410 ILCS 420/ Hemophilia Care Act.
- 410 ILCS 425/ High Blood Pressure Control Act. (Repealed by P.A. 98-692)
- 410 ILCS 430/ Renal Disease Treatment Act.
- 410 ILCS 435/ Rheumatic Diseases Treatment Act. (Repealed by P.A. 91-798)
- 410 ILCS 440/ Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease Medicine Act.
- 410 ILCS 445/ Rare Disease Commission Act.
- 410 ILCS 450/ Lyme Disease Prevention and Protection Act.
- 410 ILCS 455/ Parkinson's Disease Public Awareness and Education Act.
- 410 ILCS 460/ Sickle Cell Prevention, Care, and Treatment Program Act.
- 410 ILCS 501/ Access to Public Health Data Act.
- 410 ILCS 503/ Arthritis Quality of Life Initiative Act.
- 410 ILCS 505/ Autopsy Act.
- 410 ILCS 510/ Cadaver Act.
- 410 ILCS 511/ Down Syndrome Information and Awareness Act.
- 410 ILCS 513/ Genetic Information Privacy Act.
- 410 ILCS 515/ Head and Spinal Cord Injury Act.
- 410 ILCS 517/ Health Care Professional Credentials Data Collection Act.
- 410 ILCS 520/ Illinois Health Statistics Act.
- 410 ILCS 522/ Illinois Adverse Health Care Events Reporting Law of 2005.
- 410 ILCS 525/ Illinois Health and Hazardous Substances Registry Act.
- 410 ILCS 527/ Immunization Data Registry Act.
- 410 ILCS 528/ Lupus Education and Awareness Act.
- 410 ILCS 530/ Marriage, Dissolution, and Invalidity Records Act.
- 410 ILCS 535/ Vital Records Act.
- 410 ILCS 540/ Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Education Act.
- 410 ILCS 605/ Animals Intended for Food Act.
- 410 ILCS 607/ Emergency Asthma Inhalers and Allergy Treatment for Children Act.
- 410 ILCS 610/ Butter and Cheese Factories Act.
- 410 ILCS 615/ Illinois Egg and Egg Products Act.
- 410 ILCS 620/ Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
- 410 ILCS 625/ Food Handling Regulation Enforcement Act.
- 410 ILCS 630/ Food Safety Transportation Act.
- 410 ILCS 635/ Grade A Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Act.
- 410 ILCS 637/ Halal Food Act.
- 410 ILCS 638/ Healthy Food Program Development Act.
- 410 ILCS 640/ Hearth Baked Bread Act.
- 410 ILCS 642/ Home Health and Hospice Drug Dispensation and Administration Act.
- 410 ILCS 643/ Access to Affordable Insulin Act.
- 410 ILCS 645/ Kosher Food Act.
- 410 ILCS 647/ Powdered Caffeine Control and Education Act.
- 410 ILCS 649/ Right to Try Act.
- 410 ILCS 650/ Sanitary Food Preparation Act.
- 410 ILCS 655/ Safe Bottled Water Act.
- 410 ILCS 705/ Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.
- 410 ILCS 710/ Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Act.
- 410 ILCS 715/ Illinois Drug Reuse Opportunity Program Act
- 410 ILCS 720/ Drug Take-Back Act
- 410 ILCS 725/ Pharmaceutical and Health Affordability: Restrictions on Manufacturers' Amoral Behavior through Reasonable Oversight Act.