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Illinois Compiled Statutes
Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide. Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.
AGRICULTURE (505 ILCS 45/) County Cooperative Extension Law. 505 ILCS 45/1
(505 ILCS 45/1) (from Ch. 5, par. 241)
Sec. 1.
Short title.
This law may be known and cited as the " County Cooperative Extension Law. "
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2221 .)
505 ILCS 45/2
(505 ILCS 45/2) (from Ch. 5, par. 242)
Sec. 2.
of policy.
It is declared to be the policy of the General Assembly to provide for
aid in disseminating among the people of Illinois useful and practical
information on subjects relating to agriculture and home economics and
other University programs and to encourage the application of the same in
the several counties of the state through extension work to be carried on
by the University of Illinois College of Agriculture in cooperation with
the United States Department of Agriculture. A sharing of responsibility is
essential with counties of the state in providing for local costs of
Cooperative Extension to supplement appropriations by the General Assembly
of the State of Illinois and of the Congress of the United States to the
University of Illinois. This does not preclude voluntary grant funds from
being a part of the county extension council's budget.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 2278.)
505 ILCS 45/2a
(505 ILCS 45/2a) (from Ch. 5, par. 242a)
Sec. 2a. Information and assistance.
(a) The Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Illinois
shall provide information and assistance to person who are timber growers
and to persons who may be unaware of the economic and soil and water
benefits that can be attained through forestry management on marginal
(b) The Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Cooperative
Extension Service of the University of Illinois, in
conjunction with the Agriculture Experiment Station and Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale, shall provide
information on aquaculture and shall explore the establishment of an
aquaculture resource center for disseminating information and demonstrating
the viability of aquaculture as a part of the diversified agriculture of this
(Source: P.A. 102-555, eff. 1-1-22 .)
505 ILCS 45/2b
(505 ILCS 45/2b) (from Ch. 5, par. 242b)
Sec. 2b. The Cooperative Extension Service of the University of
Illinois may establish a Rural Transition Program to be operated in
cooperation with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to provide
assessments, career counseling, on-the-job training, tuition reimbursements,
training, financial management training, work experience opportunities,
job search skills, job placement, youth programs, and
support service to farmers and their families, agriculture-related
employees, other rural residents, and small rural businesses who are
being forced out of farming or other primary means of employment or
whose standard of living or employment has been
reduced because of prevailing economic conditions in the
agricultural or rural economy.
Eligible farmers and their families shall include those who can
demonstrate proof of financial stress, proof of foreclosure, proof of
bankruptcy, proof of inability to
secure needed capital, proof of voluntary foreclosure or proof of income
eligibility for assistance programs administered by the Department of Human
Services (acting as successor to the Department of
Public Aid under the Department of Human Services Act). Eligible
agriculture related employees shall mean tenant
farmers or other farm employees and employees of businesses related to
agricultural production who are facing displacement, unemployment or
underemployment due to a closure or reduction in operation of such business
or farm due to poor economic conditions that prevail in the agricultural or rural
economy. Other eligible rural residents shall include those residing in
rural areas whose employment or standard of living has been reduced due to
the poor economic conditions that prevail in the agricultural or rural economy.
Eligible small rural businesses shall include those existing or new
businesses established and operating in rural areas that lack access to other
sources of
services provided by this Section. In carrying
out the provisions of this Section,
the Cooperative
Extension Service may enter into agreements with the Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs, community colleges, vocational schools, and any
other State or local private or public agency or entity deemed necessary.
(Source: P.A. 99-27, eff. 1-1-16 .)
505 ILCS 45/3
(505 ILCS 45/3) (from Ch. 5, par. 243)
Sec. 3.
Definition of
Whenever used or referred to in this Act, unless a different meaning
clearly appears from the context, (1) "Cooperative Extension Service" means
the "Cooperative Extension Service of the College of Agriculture, of the
University of Illinois," hereinafter referred to as "cooperative extension
service"; (2) "director of extension" means the "Director of the University
of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service," hereinafter referred to as
"director of extension"; (3) "Board of Trustees" shall mean "The Board of
Trustees of the University of Illinois" hereinafter referred to as "Board
of Trustees."
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2221.)
505 ILCS 45/4
(505 ILCS 45/4) (from Ch. 5, par. 244)
Sec. 4.
County or
multi-county extension councils.
The Board of Trustees is authorized to provide for county extension
councils or multi-county extension councils and may issue instructions and
procedures regarding membership, officers to be elected, meetings of the
councils, operating procedures and structure, including executive councils
consisting of representatives of the other county extension councils in a
county or in a multi-county group.
(Source: P.A. 77-2729.)
505 ILCS 45/5
(505 ILCS 45/5) (from Ch. 5, par. 245)
Sec. 5.
Powers and
duties of county or multi-county extension councils.
The county and multi-county extension councils may exercise the
following powers and duties and such other duties in their respective
counties or areas as are designated by the Board of Trustees.
(a) To cooperate with Cooperative Extension Service personnel in
planning an extension educational program in agriculture, home economics
and subjects relating thereto, including 4-H Club and community resource
development work, and to periodically review the programs as approved by
the director of extension for the county or for the multi-county group.
(b) To make recommendations for the employment of all extension
personnel except those on University Civil Service from qualified nominees
furnished to it and recommended by the director of cooperative extension.
The councils may also recommend increases or decreases in the Cooperative
Extension Service staff as may be deemed necessary.
(c) To prepare and submit to the director of extension for approval
annually a total budget for the funds needed for extension programs in the
county or in the multi-county area, and to submit the approved budget and
request for such funds to the county or multi-county extension board.
(d) To pay over all funds received for Cooperative Extension Service
programs to the University of Illinois to be disbursed according to Section
9 of this Act.
(e) To cooperate with and provide program information to individuals,
groups and organizations. Nothing in this Act shall prevent the county
extension councils or Cooperative Extension Service personnel from using or
seeking opportunities to reach an audience of persons interested in
cooperative extension work through the help of interested organizations or
groups, provided that, in using or seeking such opportunities, the
extension councils or extension personnel shall make available to all
individuals, groups and organizations in the county equal opportunity to
cooperate in the Cooperative Extension Service education program.
(Source: P.A. 77-2729.)
505 ILCS 45/6
(505 ILCS 45/6) (from Ch. 5, par. 246)
Sec. 6.
on powers and activities of extension councils.
(a) The county and multi-county extension councils shall not attempt in
any manner, by the adoption of resolutions or otherwise, to influence
legislation, either state or national, except where the cooperative
extension service is directly affected by the legislation.
(b) The councils may accept contributions on behalf of the University
for county or multi-county extension activities, but shall not collect
dues. This shall not prohibit the homemakers extension associations from
collecting assessments or fees for the purpose of supplementing an
extension program.
(c) No member of an extension council shall be paid any salary for
services rendered the council.
(Source: P.A. 77-2729.)
505 ILCS 45/7
(505 ILCS 45/7) (from Ch. 5, par. 247)
Sec. 7.
County and
multi-county extension boards.
(a) A county extension board shall be established in each county upon
the request of the director of extension of the University of Illinois to
facilitate effective cooperation between the extension councils and the
county governing board. The county extension board shall consist of two men
and two women who are members of the county extension councils appointed by
the director of extension and three members appointed by the presiding
officer of the board, with the advice and consent of the county board, who
may be members of the county governing board.
(b) The county extension board, after reviewing the budgets and requests
for funds of the county extension councils, shall prepare annually a budget
for the total funds needed for the Cooperative Extension Service education
program in the county, taking into consideration the programs in
agriculture and home economics for adults and youth and the coordination of
such programs. The county extension board shall then certify funds needed
from the county and the Agricultural Premium Fund to the county governing
board. The county extension board shall inform the county extension
councils of the final disposition of their budget request and the amount of
the appropriation from the governing board. The director of extension shall
establish such additional policies and procedures as may be needed for the
effective functioning of the county extension board.
(c) Where more than one county forms an extension administrative unit,
or where the director of cooperative extension, the extension councils and
the county extension boards of two or more counties determine that the
needs of each county can best be served by a multi-county organization of
cooperative extension, a multi-county or area extension board shall be
created upon the request of the director of extension. Such multi-county
extension boards shall perform the same duties as are designated for county
extension boards in paragraph (b) of this section. Each multi-county
extension board shall be comprised of two men and two women appointed by
the director of cooperative extension from the constituent county extension
councils, but not less than one person from each county, and three
representatives, but not less than one from each county, appointed by the
presiding officer of the county board of each county, with the advice and
consent of the county board, who may be members of the county board.
(d) The amount certified as needed to each county governing board by a
multi-county extension board shall be in the same proportion to the total
need determined by the multi-county extension board as the equalized
assessed valuation of
that county is to the total equalized assessed valuation of the
counties in the multi-county
unit; except, where the multi-county board determines that a different
allocation among the counties is in the best interests of the extension
program in the multi-county unit, and where the Director of Extension
concurs in this determination,
the amount certified as needed to each county governing board shall be the
amount determined to be in the best interests of the extension program.
(Source: P.A. 86-232.)
505 ILCS 45/8
(505 ILCS 45/8) (from Ch. 5, par. 248)
Sec. 8. County extension education funds.
(a) The county governing
board shall annually consider the total budget certified by the county
or multi-county extension board in order to consider the total funds
needed for Cooperative Extension Service programs in the county. The
county governing board may appropriate and pay 50% of the total
so determined from the general corporate fund or other available funds
or from an existing extension education tax of the county for the
extension educational program in the county or multi-county group of
which it is a part, provided that the amount so appropriated shall not
exceed $54,400 in counties of less than 10,000 inhabitants,
$61,200 in
counties of 10,000 or more but less than 20,000 inhabitants, $68,000 in
counties of 20,000 or more but less than 30,000 inhabitants, $91,000 in
counties of 30,000 or more but less than 50,000 inhabitants, $117,000 in
counties of 50,000 or more but less than 100,000 inhabitants, $156,000 in
counties of 100,000 or more but less than 250,000 inhabitants, $233,000
in counties of 250,000 or more but less than 500,000 inhabitants,
$311,000 in counties of 500,000 or more but less than
inhabitants and $583,000 in counties of 1,000,000 or more
The amount to be so appropriated by the county governing board may be
reduced by the total of any private gifts or grants specifically made to
support the county extension programs included in such determination,
and may also be reduced by the fair market value of office space
furnished the Cooperative Extension Service by the county governing
board, provided it is suitable for extension needs and meets the housing
standards adopted by the Cooperative Extension Service.
In order to provide matching funds, which shall not exceed an amount equal
to 50% of the funds needed as provided herein, and funds
for the purpose of general support to counties for Cooperative
Extension programs the State will recognize those needs and shall make an
annual appropriation from the Agricultural Premium Fund or any other source
of funding available.
On or before October 15 of each year, the director of extension of the
University of Illinois shall forward to the Director of Agriculture, the
Governor, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives,
the President of the Senate, and the Minority Leader
of the
Senate, a report of the determinations made by the various county
governing boards of the total funds needed for Cooperative Extension
Service programs in the respective counties. The State matching funds and
funds for the purpose of general support shall
be included in an appropriation request by the Department of Agriculture for
next State fiscal year. That request shall be separate and apart from the
operating appropriation request for the Department of Agriculture. The funds
so appropriated
by the State to the Department of Agriculture shall be deposited into the
State Cooperative Extension Service Trust Fund and transferred as provided
in Section 8 (d) of this Act.
The Department of Agriculture shall have no responsibility for or control
over the cooperative extension service or its programs.
All funds provided pursuant to this Act may be used for operations or
(b) If sufficient funds are not available from the general corporate
fund or if sums greater than the maximum listed above are needed for the
county's share of the extension education program, the county governing
board shall have the power to increase by not more than .05 per cent,
with approval by referendum, the maximum rate at which it levies, or can
levy, taxes for general county purposes. Such additional rate shall not
be included within any statutory limitation or rate or amount for other
county purposes and shall be in addition thereto.
Any county that under this Cooperative Extension Law has approved a
rate by referendum prior to the effective date of this amendment, shall
have authority to continue such tax as approved, but may use the
provisions of this subsection as amended provided that another
referendum must be held if the rate desired is greater than the rate
previously approved.
(c) Upon approval by resolution the county board shall certify the
resolution and the
question of the adoption of a levy sufficient to produce the sums
determined by the county board to the proper election officials, who shall
submit the question to the electors of the county at an election in accordance
with the general election law. No such
levy shall be made until the adoption by majority vote of the electors
voting on the proposition.
(d) Funds received from local sources and funds appropriated by the
county governing board or the State for the county extension education
program in any county shall be paid over to the University of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 101-383, eff. 8-16-19.)
505 ILCS 45/9
(505 ILCS 45/9) (from Ch. 5, par. 249)
Sec. 9.
of funds.
Expenditures from funds appropriated by the county or contributed from
other sources for use in the county or multi-county unit shall be made in
accordance with University fiscal procedures and based on certifications
prepared by county extension personnel and approved by the chairman of the
county extension council or other authorized person for payment. The
University will maintain a record showing charges made against funds
contributed from each county.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 2278.)
505 ILCS 45/10
(505 ILCS 45/10) (from Ch. 5, par. 250)
Sec. 10.
The county extension councils shall submit an annual financial report in
writing to the county extension board, and the county extension board shall
report to the county governing board.
(Source: P.A. 77-2729.)
505 ILCS 45/11
(505 ILCS 45/11) (from Ch. 5, par. 251)
Sec. 11.
to other acts.
The provisions of the Act shall not be construed or held to repeal "An
act to enable the county boards to appropriate funds for the use of soil
and crop improvement and home improvement associations of their several
counties," approved June 27, 1913, as amended, but shall be in addition
and supplemental thereto.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 2221.)