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Public Act 103-0216 Public Act 0216 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 103-0216 | SB1495 Enrolled | LRB103 05818 BMS 50838 b |
| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by | changing Sections 1510, 1515, 1550, 1555, 1560, 1570, 1575, | 1585, and 1590 as follows: | (215 ILCS 5/1510)
| Sec. 1510. Definitions. In this Article: | "Adjusting a claim for loss or damage covered by an | insurance contract" means negotiating values, damages, or | depreciation or applying the loss circumstances to insurance | policy provisions. | "Adjusting insurance claims" means representing an insured | with an insurer for compensation and, while representing that | insured, either negotiating values, damages, or depreciation | or applying the loss circumstances to insurance policy | provisions. | "Business entity" means a corporation, association, | partnership, limited liability company, limited liability | partnership, or other legal entity. | "Department" means the Department of Insurance. | "Director" means the Director of Insurance. | "Fingerprints" means an impression of the lines on the |
| finger taken for the purpose of identification. The impression | may be electronic or in ink converted to electronic format. | "Home state" means the District of Columbia and any state | or territory of the United States where the public adjuster's | principal place of residence or principal place of business is | located. If neither the state in which the public adjuster | maintains the principal place of residence nor the state in | which the public adjuster maintains the principal place of | business has a substantially similar law governing public | adjusters, the public adjuster may declare another state in | which it becomes licensed and acts as a public adjuster to be | the home state. | "Individual" means a natural person. | "Person" means an individual or a business entity. | "Public adjuster" means any person who, for compensation | or any other thing of value on behalf of the insured: | (i) acts , or aids, or represents the insured solely in | relation to first party claims arising under insurance | contracts that insure the real or personal property of the | insured, on behalf of an insured in adjusting a claim for | loss or damage covered by an insurance contract; | (ii) advertises for employment as a public adjuster of | insurance claims or solicits business or represents | himself or herself to the public as a public adjuster of | first party insurance claims for losses or damages arising | out of policies of insurance that insure real or personal |
| property; or | (iii) directly or indirectly solicits business, | investigates or adjusts losses, or advises an insured | about first party claims for losses or damages arising out | of policies of insurance that insure real or personal | property for another person engaged in the business of | adjusting losses or damages covered by an insurance policy | for the insured. | "Uniform individual application" means the current version | of the National Association of Directors (NAIC) Uniform | Individual Application for resident and nonresident | individuals. | "Uniform business entity application" means the current | version of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners | (NAIC) Uniform Business Entity Application for resident and | nonresident business entities.
| "Webinar" means an online educational presentation during | which a live and participating instructor and participating | viewers, whose attendance is periodically verified throughout | the presentation, actively engage in discussion and in the | submission and answering of questions. | (Source: P.A. 102-135, eff. 7-23-21.) | (215 ILCS 5/1515)
| Sec. 1515. License required. | (a) A person shall not act, advertise, solicit, or hold |
| himself out as a public adjuster or to be in the business of | adjusting insurance claims in this State, nor attempt to | obtain a contract for public adjusting services, unless the | person is licensed as a public adjuster in accordance with | this Article. | (b) A person licensed as a public adjuster shall not | misrepresent to a claimant that he or she is an adjuster | representing an insurer in any capacity, including acting as | an employee of the insurer or acting as an independent | adjuster unless so appointed by an insurer in writing to act on | the insurer's behalf for that specific claim or purpose. A | licensed public adjuster is prohibited from charging that | specific claimant a fee when appointed by the insurer and the | appointment is accepted by the public adjuster. | (c) A business entity acting as a public adjuster is | required to obtain a public adjuster license. Application | shall be made using the Uniform Business Entity Application. | Before approving the application, the Director shall find | that: | (1) the business entity has paid the required fees to | be registered as a business entity in this State; and | (2) all officers, shareholders, and persons with | ownership interests in the business entity are licensed | public adjusters responsible for the business entity's | compliance with the insurance laws, rules, and regulations | of this State. |
| (d) Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (c) of this | Section, a license as a public adjuster shall not be required | of the following: | (1) an attorney admitted to practice in this State, | when acting in his or her professional capacity as an | attorney; | (2) a person who negotiates or settles claims arising | under a life or health insurance policy or an annuity | contract; | (3) a person employed only for the purpose of | obtaining facts surrounding a loss or furnishing technical | assistance to a licensed public adjuster, including | photographers, estimators, private investigators, | engineers, and handwriting experts; | (4) a licensed health care provider, or employee of a | licensed health care provider, who prepares or files a | health claim form on behalf of a patient; or | (5) a person who settles subrogation claims between | insurers. | (e) All contracts entered into that are in violation of | this Section are void and invalid.
| (Source: P.A. 96-1332, eff. 1-1-11.) | (215 ILCS 5/1550) | Sec. 1550. Applicant convictions. | (a) The Director and the Department shall not require |
| applicants to report the following information and shall not | collect or consider the following criminal history records in | connection with a public adjuster license application: | (1) Juvenile adjudications of delinquent minors as | defined in Section 5-105 of the Juvenile Court Act of | 1987, subject to the restrictions set forth in Section | 5-130 of that Act. | (2) Law enforcement records, court records, and | conviction records of an individual who was 17 years old | at the time of the offense and before January 1, 2014, | unless the nature of the offense required the individual | to be tried as an adult. | (3) Records of arrest not followed by a formal charge | or conviction. | (4) Records of arrest where charges were dismissed | unless related to the duties and responsibilities of a | public adjuster. However, applicants shall not be asked to | report any arrests, and any arrest not followed by a | conviction shall not be the basis of a denial and may be | used only to assess an applicant's rehabilitation. | (5) Convictions overturned by a higher court. | (6) Convictions or arrests that have been sealed or | expunged. | (b) The Director, upon a finding that an applicant for a | license under this Act was previously convicted of any a | felony or a misdemeanor involving dishonesty or fraud, shall |
| consider any mitigating factors and evidence of rehabilitation | contained in the applicant's record, including any of the | following factors and evidence, to determine if a license may | be denied because the prior conviction will impair the ability | of the applicant to engage in the position for which a license | is sought: | (1) the bearing, if any, of the offense for which the | applicant was previously convicted on the duties, | functions, and responsibilities of the position for which | a license is sought; | (2) whether the conviction suggests a future | propensity to endanger the safety and property of others | while performing the duties and responsibilities for which | a license is sought; | (3) if the applicant was previously licensed or | employed in this State or other states or jurisdictions, | then the lack of prior misconduct arising from or related | to the licensed position or position of employment; | (4) whether 5 years since a felony conviction or 3 | years since release from confinement for the conviction, | whichever is later, have passed without a subsequent | conviction; | (5) successful completion of sentence and, for | applicants serving a term of parole or probation, a | progress report provided by the applicant's probation or | parole officer that documents the applicant's compliance |
| with conditions of supervision; | (6) evidence of the applicant's present fitness and | professional character; | (7) evidence of rehabilitation or rehabilitative | effort during or after incarceration or during or after a | term of supervision, including, but not limited to, a | certificate of good conduct under Section 5-5.5-25 of the | Unified Code of Corrections or certificate of relief from | disabilities under Section 5-5.5-10 of the Unified Code of | Corrections; and | (8) any other mitigating factors that contribute to | the person's potential and current ability to perform the | duties and responsibilities of a public adjuster. | (c) If a nonresident licensee meets the standards set | forth in items (1) through (4) of subsection (a) of Section | 1540 and has received consent pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1033(e)(2) | from his or her home state, the Director shall grant the | nonresident licensee a license. | (d) If the Director refuses to issue a license to an | applicant based on a conviction or convictions, in whole or in | part, then the Director shall notify the applicant of the | denial in writing with the following included in the notice of | denial: | (1) a statement about the decision to refuse to issue | a license; | (2) a list of convictions that the Director determined |
| will impair the applicant's ability to engage in the | position for which a license is sought; | (3) a list of the convictions that were the sole or | partial basis for the refusal to issue a license; and | (4) a summary of the appeal process or the earliest | the applicant may reapply for a license, whichever is | applicable.
| (Source: P.A. 100-286, eff. 1-1-18 .) | (215 ILCS 5/1555) | Sec. 1555. License denial, nonrenewal, or revocation. | (a) The Director may place on probation, suspend, revoke, | deny, or refuse to issue or renew a public adjuster's license | or may levy a civil penalty or any combination of actions, for | any one or more of the following causes: | (1) providing incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or | materially untrue information in the license application; | (2) violating any insurance laws, or violating any | regulation, subpoena, or order of the Director or of | another state's Director; | (3) obtaining or attempting to obtain a license | through misrepresentation or fraud; | (4) improperly withholding, misappropriating, or | converting any monies or properties received in the course | of doing insurance business; | (5) intentionally misrepresenting the terms of an |
| actual or proposed insurance contract or application for | insurance; | (6) having been convicted of any a felony or a | misdemeanor involving dishonesty or fraud, unless the | individual demonstrates to the Director sufficient | rehabilitation to warrant the public trust; consideration | of such conviction of an applicant shall be in accordance | with Section 1550; | (7) having admitted or been found to have committed | any insurance unfair trade practice or insurance fraud; | (8) using fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest | practices; or demonstrating incompetence, | untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the | conduct of business in this State or elsewhere; | (9) having an insurance license or public adjuster | license or its equivalent, denied, suspended, or revoked | in any other state, province, district, or territory; | (10) forging another's name to an application for | insurance or to any document related to an insurance | transaction; | (11) cheating, including improperly using notes or any | other reference material, to complete an examination for | an insurance license or public adjuster license; | (12) knowingly accepting insurance business from or | transacting business with an individual who is not | licensed but who is required to be licensed by the |
| Director; | (13) failing to comply with an administrative or court | order imposing a child support obligation; | (14) failing to pay State income tax or comply with | any administrative or court order directing payment of | State income tax; | (15) failing to comply with or having violated any of | the standards set forth in Section 1590 of this Law; or | (16) failing to maintain the records required by | Section 1585 of this Law. | (b) If the action by the Director is to nonrenew, suspend, | or revoke a license or to deny an application for a license, | the Director shall notify the applicant or licensee and | advise, in writing, the applicant or licensee of the reason | for the suspension, revocation, denial, or nonrenewal of the | applicant's or licensee's license. The applicant or licensee | may make written demand upon the Director within 30 days after | the date of mailing for a hearing before the Director to | determine the reasonableness of the Director's action. The | hearing must be held within not fewer than 20 days nor more | than 30 days after the mailing of the notice of hearing and | shall be held pursuant to 50 Ill. Adm. Code 2402. | (c) The license of a business entity may be suspended, | revoked, or refused if the Director finds, after hearing, that | an individual licensee's violation was known or should have | been known by one or more of the partners, officers, or |
| managers acting on behalf of the business entity and the | violation was neither reported to the Director, nor corrective | action taken. | (d) In addition to or in lieu of any applicable denial, | suspension or revocation of a license, a person may, after | hearing, be subject to a civil penalty. In addition to or | instead of any applicable denial, suspension, or revocation of | a license, a person may, after hearing, be subject to a civil | penalty of up to $10,000 for each cause for denial, | suspension, or revocation, however, the civil penalty may | total no more than $100,000. | (e) The Director shall retain the authority to enforce the | provisions of and impose any penalty or remedy authorized by | this Article against any person who is under investigation for | or charged with a violation of this Article even if the | person's license or registration has been surrendered or has | lapsed by operation of law. | (f) Any individual whose public adjuster's license is | revoked or whose application is denied pursuant to this | Section shall be ineligible to apply for a public adjuster's | license for 5 years. A suspension pursuant to this Section may | be for any period of time up to 5 years.
| (Source: P.A. 100-286, eff. 1-1-18 .) | (215 ILCS 5/1560)
| Sec. 1560. Bond or letter of credit. |
| (a) Prior to the issuance of a license as a public adjuster | and for the duration of the license, the applicant shall | secure evidence of financial responsibility in a format | prescribed by the Director through a surety bond or | irrevocable letter of credit, subject to all of the following | requirements: | (1) A surety bond executed and issued by an insurer | authorized to issue surety bonds in this State, which | bond: | (A) shall be in the minimum amount of $50,000 | $20,000 ; | (B) shall be in favor of this State and shall | specifically authorize recovery by the Director on | behalf of any person in this State who sustained | damages as the result of erroneous acts, failure to | act, conviction of fraud, or conviction of unfair | practices in his or her capacity as a public adjuster; | and | (C) shall not be terminated unless at least 30 | days' prior written notice will have been filed with | the Director and given to the licensee; and | (2) An irrevocable letter of credit issued by a | qualified financial institution, which letter of credit: | (A) shall be in the minimum amount of $50,000 | $20,000 ; | (B) shall be to an account to the Director and |
| subject to lawful levy of execution on behalf of any | person to whom the public adjuster has been found to be | legally liable as the result of erroneous acts, | failure to act, fraudulent acts, or unfair practices | in his or her capacity as a public adjuster; and | (C) shall not be terminated unless at least 30 | days' prior written notice will have been filed with | the and given to the licensee. | (b) The issuer of the evidence of financial responsibility | shall notify the Director upon termination of the bond or | letter of credit, unless otherwise directed by the Director. | (c) The Director may ask for the evidence of financial | responsibility at any time he or she deems relevant. | (d) The authority to act as a public adjuster shall | automatically terminate if the evidence of financial | responsibility terminates or becomes impaired.
| (Source: P.A. 96-1332, eff. 1-1-11.) | (215 ILCS 5/1570) | Sec. 1570. Public adjuster fees. | (a) A public adjuster shall not pay a commission, service | fee, or other valuable consideration to a person for | investigating or settling claims in this State if that person | is required to be licensed under this Article and is not so | licensed. | (b) A person shall not accept a commission, service fee, |
| or other valuable consideration for investigating or settling | claims in this State if that person is required to be licensed | under this Article and is not so licensed. | (c) A public adjuster may pay or assign commission, | service fees, or other valuable consideration to persons who | do not investigate or settle claims in this State, unless the | payment would violate State law.
| (d) If the loss giving rise to the claim for which the | public adjuster was retained arises from damage to property | that is anything but a personal residence, a A public adjuster | may not charge, agree to, or accept any compensation, payment, | commission commissions , fee, or other valuable consideration | in excess of 10% of the amount of the insurance settlement | claim paid by the insurer on any claim resulting from a | catastrophic event, unless approved in writing by the | Director. Application for exception to the 10% limit must be | made in writing. The request must contain specific reasons as | to why the consideration should be in excess of 10% and proof | that the policyholder would accept the consideration. The | Director must act on any request within 5 business days after | receipt of the request. | For the purpose of this subsection (d), "catastrophic | event" means an occurrence of widespread or severe damage or | loss of property producing an overwhelming demand on State and | local response resources and mechanisms and a severe long-term | effect on general economic activity, and that severely affects |
| State, local, and private sector capabilities to begin to | sustain response activities resulting from any catastrophic | cause, including, but not limited to, fire, including arson | (provided the fire was not caused by the willful action of an | owner or resident of the property), flood, earthquake, wind, | storm, explosion, or extended periods of severe inclement | weather as determined by declaration of a State of disaster by | the Governor. This declaration may be made on a | county-by-county basis and shall be in effect for 90 days, but | may be renewed for 30-day intervals thereafter. | (e) If the loss giving rise to the claim for which the | public adjuster was retained arises from damage to a personal | residence, a public adjuster may not charge, agree to, or | accept any compensation, payment, commission, fee, or other | valuable consideration in excess of 10% of the amount of the | insurance settlement claim paid by the insurer on any claim. | (Source: P.A. 98-701, eff. 1-1-15 .) | (215 ILCS 5/1575)
| Sec. 1575. Contract between public adjuster and insured. | (a) Public adjusters shall ensure that all contracts for | their services are in writing and contain the following terms: | (1) legible full name of the adjuster signing the | contract, as specified in Department records; | (2) permanent home state business address , email | address, and phone number; |
| (3) license number; | (4) title of "Public Adjuster Contract"; | (5) the insured's full name, street address, insurance | company name, and policy number, if known or upon | notification; | (6) a description of the loss and its location , if | applicable ; | (7) description of services to be provided to the | insured; | (8) signatures of the public adjuster and the insured; | (9) date and time the contract was signed by the | public adjuster and date and time the contract was signed | by the insured; | (10) attestation language stating that the public | adjuster is fully bonded pursuant to State law; and | (11) full salary, fee, commission, compensation, or | other considerations the public adjuster is to receive for | services , including any applicable cap under Section 1570 . | (b) The contract may specify that the public adjuster | shall be named as a co-payee on an insurer's payment of a | claim. | (1) If the compensation is based on a share of the | insurance settlement, the exact percentage shall be | specified. | (2) Initial expenses to be reimbursed to the public | adjuster from the proceeds of the claim payment shall be |
| specified by type, with dollar estimates set forth in the | contract and with any additional expenses first approved | by the insured. | (3) Compensation provisions in a public adjuster | contract shall not be redacted in any copy of the contract | provided to the Director. | (c) If the insurer, not later than 5 business days after | the date on which the loss is reported to the insurer, either | pays or commits in writing to pay to the insured the policy | limit of the insurance policy, the public adjuster shall: | (1) not receive a commission consisting of a | percentage of the total amount paid by an insurer to | resolve a claim; | (2) inform the insured that loss recovery amount might | not be increased by insurer; and | (3) be entitled only to reasonable compensation from | the insured for services provided by the public adjuster | on behalf of the insured, based on the time spent on a | claim and expenses incurred by the public adjuster, until | the claim is paid or the insured receives a written | commitment to pay from the insurer. | (d) A public adjuster shall provide the insured a written | disclosure concerning any direct or indirect financial | interest that the public adjuster has with any other party who | is involved in any aspect of the claim, other than the salary, | fee, commission, or other consideration established in the |
| written contract with the insured, including, but not limited | to, any ownership of or any compensation expected to be | received from, any construction firm, salvage firm, building | appraisal firm, board-up company, or any other firm that | provides estimates for work, or that performs any work, in | conjunction with damages caused by the insured loss on which | the public adjuster is engaged. The word "firm" shall include | any corporation, partnership, association, joint-stock | company, or person. | (e) A public adjuster contract may not contain any | contract term that: | (1) allows the public adjuster's percentage fee to be | collected when money is due from an insurance company, but | not paid, or that allows a public adjuster to collect the | entire fee from the first check issued by an insurance | company, rather than as a percentage of each check issued | by an insurance company; | (2) requires the insured to authorize an insurance | company to issue a check only in the name of the public | adjuster; | (3) precludes a public adjuster or an insured from | pursuing civil remedies; | (4) includes any hold harmless agreement that provides | indemnification to the public adjuster by the insured for | liability resulting from the public adjuster's negligence; | or |
| (5) provides power of attorney by which the public | adjuster can act in the place and instead of the insured. | (f) The following provisions apply to a contract between a | public adjuster and an insured: | (1) Prior to the signing of the contract, the public | adjuster shall provide the insured with a separate signed | and dated disclosure document regarding the claim process | that states: | "Property insurance policies obligate the insured to | present a claim to his or her insurance company for | consideration. There are 3 types of adjusters that could | be involved in that process. The definitions of the 3 | types are as follows: | (A) "Company adjuster" means the insurance | adjusters who are employees of an insurance company. | They represent the interest of the insurance company | and are paid by the insurance company. They will not | charge you a fee. | (B) "Independent adjuster" means the insurance | adjusters who are hired on a contract basis by an | insurance company to represent the insurance company's | interest in the settlement of the claim. They are paid | by your insurance company. They will not charge you a | fee. | (C) "Public adjuster" means the insurance | adjusters who do not work for any insurance company. |
| They represent work for the insured to assist in the | preparation, presentation and settlement of the claim. | The insured hires them by signing a contract agreeing | to pay them a fee or commission based on a percentage | of the settlement, or other method of compensation.". | (2) The insured is not required to hire a public | adjuster to help the insured meet his or her obligations | under the policy, but has the right to do so. | (3) The public adjuster is not a representative or | employee of the insurer or the Department of Insurance . | (4) The salary, fee, commission, or other | consideration is the obligation of the insured, not the | insurer, except when rights have been assigned to the | public adjuster by the insured. | (g) The contracts shall be executed in duplicate to | provide an original contract to the public adjuster, and an | original contract to the insured. The public adjuster's | original contract shall be available at all times for | inspection without notice by the Director. | (h) The public adjuster shall provide the insurer or its | authorized representative for receiving notice of loss or | damage with an exact copy of the contract with by the insured | by email no later than 5 business days after execution of the | contract , authorizing the public adjuster to represent the | insured's interest. | (i) The public adjuster shall give the insured written |
| notice of the insured's rights as a consumer under the law of | this State. | (j) A public adjuster shall not provide services , other | than emergency services, until a written contract with the | insured has been executed, on a form filed with and approved by | the Director , and an exact copy of the contract has been | provided to the insurer in accordance with subsection (h) . At | the option of the insured, any such contract shall be voidable | for 5 business days after the contract is received by the | insurer execution . The insured may void the contract by | notifying the public adjuster in writing by (i) registered or | certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address shown | on the contract , or (ii) personally serving the notice on the | public adjuster , or (iii) sending an email to the email | address shown on the contract . | (k) If the insured exercises the right to rescind the | contract, anything of value given by the insured under the | contract will be returned to the insured within 15 business | days following the receipt by the public adjuster of the | cancellation notice. | (l) All contracts entered into that are in violation of | this Section are void and invalid.
| (Source: P.A. 96-1332, eff. 1-1-11; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.) | (215 ILCS 5/1585)
| Sec. 1585. Record retention. |
| (a) A public adjuster shall maintain a complete record of | each transaction as a public adjuster. The records required by | this Section shall include the following: | (1) name of the insured; | (2) date, location and amount of the loss; | (3) a copy of the contract between the public adjuster | and insured and a copy of the separate disclosure | documents document ; | (4) name of the insurer, amount, expiration date and | number of each policy carried with respect to the loss; | (5) itemized statement of the insured's recoveries; | (6) itemized statement of all compensation received by | the public adjuster, from any source whatsoever, in | connection with the loss; | (7) a register of all monies received, deposited, | disbursed, or withdrawn in connection with a transaction | with an insured, including fees transfers and | disbursements from a trust account and all transactions | concerning all interest bearing accounts; | (8) name of public adjuster who executed the contract; | (9) name of the attorney representing the insured, if | applicable, and the name of the claims representatives of | the insurance company; and | (10) evidence of financial responsibility in a format | prescribed by the Director. | (b) Records shall be maintained for at least 7 years after |
| the termination of the transaction with an insured and shall | be open to examination by the Director at all times. | (c) Records submitted to the Director in accordance with | this Section that contain information identified in writing as | proprietary by the public adjuster shall be treated as | confidential by the Director and shall not be subject to the | Freedom of Information Act.
| (Source: P.A. 96-1332, eff. 1-1-11.) | (215 ILCS 5/1590)
| Sec. 1590. Standards of conduct of public adjuster. | (a) A public adjuster is obligated, under his or her | license, to serve with objectivity and complete loyalty for | the interests of his client alone, and to render to the insured | such information, counsel, and service, as within the | knowledge, understanding, and opinion in good faith of the | licensee, as will best serve the insured's insurance claim | needs and interest. | (b) A public adjuster may not propose or attempt to | propose to any person that the public adjuster represent that | person while a loss-producing occurrence is continuing, nor | while the fire department or its representatives are engaged | at the damaged premises, nor between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and | 8:00 a.m. | (c) A public adjuster shall not permit an unlicensed | employee or representative of the public adjuster to conduct |
| business for which a license is required under this Article. | (d) A public adjuster shall not have a direct or indirect | financial interest in any aspect of the claim, other than the | salary, fee, commission, or other consideration established in | the written contract with the insured, unless full written | disclosure has been made to the insured as set forth in | subsection (d) (g) of Section 1575. | (e) A public adjuster shall not acquire any interest in | the salvage of property subject to the contract with the | insured unless the public adjuster obtains written permission | from the insured after settlement of the claim with the | insurer as set forth in subsection (d) (g) of Section 1575 of | this Article. | (f) The public adjuster shall abstain from referring or | directing the insured to get needed repairs or services in | connection with a loss from any person, unless disclosed to | the insured: | (1) with whom the public adjuster has a direct or | indirect financial interest; or | (2) from whom the public adjuster may receive direct | or indirect compensation for the referral. | (g) The public adjuster shall disclose to an insured if he | or she has any interest or will be compensated by any | construction firm, salvage firm, building appraisal firm, | board-up company, or any other firm that performs any work in | conjunction with damages caused by the insured loss. The word |
| "firm" shall include any corporation, partnership, | association, joint-stock company or individual as set forth in | Section 1575 of this Article. | (h) Any compensation or anything of value in connection | with an insured's specific loss that will be received by a | public adjuster shall be disclosed by the public adjuster to | the insured in writing including the source and amount of any | such compensation. | (i) In all cases where the loss giving rise to the claim | for which the public adjuster was retained arise from damage | to a personal residence, the insurance proceeds shall be | delivered to the named insured or his or her designee. Where | proceeds paid by an insurance company are paid jointly to the | insured and the public adjuster, the insured shall release | such portion of the proceeds that are due the public adjuster | within 30 calendar days after the insured's receipt of the | insurance company's check, money order, draft, or release of | funds. If the proceeds are not so released to the public | adjuster within 30 calendar days, the insured shall provide | the public adjuster with a written explanation of the reason | for the delay. | (j) Public adjusters shall adhere to the following general | ethical requirements: | (1) a public adjuster shall not undertake the | adjustment of any claim if the public adjuster is not | competent and knowledgeable as to the terms and conditions |
| of the insurance coverage, or which otherwise exceeds the | public adjuster's current expertise; | (2) a public adjuster shall not knowingly make any | oral or written material misrepresentations or statements | which are false or maliciously critical and intended to | injure any person engaged in the business of insurance to | any insured client or potential insured client; | (3) no public adjuster, while so licensed by the | Department, may represent or act as a company adjuster or | independent adjuster on the same claim; | (4) the contract shall not be construed to prevent an | insured from pursuing any civil remedy after the | 5-business day revocation or cancellation period; | (5) a public adjuster shall not enter into a contract | or accept a power of attorney that vests in the public | adjuster the effective authority to choose the persons who | shall perform repair work; | (6) a public adjuster shall ensure that all contracts | for the public adjuster's services are in writing and set | forth all terms and conditions of the engagement; and | (7) a public adjuster shall not advance money or any | valuable consideration, except emergency services to an | insured pending adjustment of a claim. | (k) A public adjuster may not agree to any loss settlement | without the insured's knowledge and consent and shall, upon | the insured's request, provide the insured with a document |
| setting forth the scope, amount, and value of the damages | prior to request by the insured for authority to settle the | loss. | (l) A public adjuster shall not provide legal advice or | representation to the insured or engage in the unauthorized | practice of law. | (m) A public adjuster shall not represent that he or she is | a representative of an insurance company, a fire department, | or the State of Illinois, that he or she is a fire | investigator, that his or her services are required for the | insured to submit a claim to the insured's insurance company, | or that he or she may provide legal advice or representation to | the insured. A public adjuster may represent that he or she has | been licensed by the State of Illinois.
| (Source: P.A. 96-1332, eff. 1-1-11.)
| (815 ILCS 625/Act rep.)
| Section 10. The Fire Damage Representation Agreement Act | is repealed.
Effective Date: 1/1/2024