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Public Act 103-0266 Public Act 0266 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 103-0266 | SB2406 Enrolled | LRB103 26057 DTM 52412 b |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The State Comptroller Act is amended by | changing Sections 9, 20, and 28 as follows:
| (15 ILCS 405/9) (from Ch. 15, par. 209)
| Sec. 9. Warrants; vouchers; preaudit.
| (a) No payment may be made from
public funds held by the | State Treasurer in or outside of the State
treasury, except by | warrant drawn by the Comptroller and presented by
him to the | treasurer to be countersigned except for payments made | pursuant
to Section 9.03 or 9.05 of this Act.
| (b) No warrant for the payment of money by the State | Treasurer may be
drawn by the Comptroller without the | presentation of itemized vouchers
indicating that the | obligation or expenditure is pursuant to law and
authorized, | and authorizing the Comptroller to order payment.
| (b-1) An itemized voucher for under $5 that is presented | to the Comptroller for payment may shall not be paid except | through electronic funds transfer. This subsection (b-1) does | not apply to (i) vouchers presented by the legislative branch | of State government, (ii) vouchers presented by the State | Treasurer's Office for the payment of unclaimed property |
| claims authorized under the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property | Act, or (iii) vouchers presented by the Department of Revenue | for the payment of refunds of taxes administered by the | Department. | (c) The Comptroller shall examine each voucher required by | law to be filed
with him and determine whether unencumbered | appropriations or unencumbered
obligational or expenditure | authority other than by appropriation are
legally available to | incur the obligation or to make the expenditure of public
| funds. If he determines that
unencumbered appropriations or | other obligational or expenditure
authority are not available | from which to incur the obligation or make
the expenditure, | the Comptroller shall refuse to draw a warrant.
| (d) The Comptroller shall examine each voucher and all | other documentation
required to accompany the voucher, and | shall ascertain whether the voucher
and documentation meet all | requirements established by or pursuant to law.
If the | Comptroller determines that the voucher and documentation do | not
meet applicable requirements established by or pursuant to | law, he shall
refuse to draw a warrant. As used in this | Section, "requirements established
by or pursuant to law" | includes statutory enactments and requirements established
by | rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Act.
| (e) Prior to drawing a warrant, the Comptroller may review | the voucher,
any documentation accompanying the voucher, and | any other documentation
related to the transaction on file |
| with him, and determine if the transaction
is in accordance | with the law. If based on his review the Comptroller has
reason | to believe that such transaction is not in accordance with the | law,
he shall refuse to draw a warrant.
| (f) Where the Comptroller refuses to draw a warrant | pursuant to this Section,
he shall maintain separate records | of such transactions.
| (g) State agencies shall have the principal responsibility | for the preaudit
of their encumbrances, expenditures, and | other transactions as otherwise
required by law.
| (Source: P.A. 100-22, eff. 1-1-18 .)
| (15 ILCS 405/20) (from Ch. 15, par. 220)
| Sec. 20. Annual report. The Comptroller shall annually, as | soon as possible after the close
of the fiscal year but no | later than December 31, make available on the Comptroller's | website a report, showing the amount of
warrants drawn on the | treasury, on other funds held by the State
Treasurer and on any | public funds held by State agencies, during the
preceding | fiscal year, and stating, particularly, on what account they
| were drawn, and if drawn on the contingent fund, to whom and | for what
they were issued. He or she shall, also, at the same | time, report the amount of money received into
the treasury, | into other funds held by the State Treasurer and into any
other | funds held by State agencies during the preceding fiscal year, | and
also a general account of all the business of his office |
| during the
preceding fiscal year. The report shall also | summarize for the previous
fiscal year the information | required under Section 19.
| Within 60 days after the expiration of each calendar year, | the Comptroller
shall compile, from records maintained and | available in his
office, a list of all persons including those | employed in the Office of the Comptroller, who have been | employed by the State during the past
calendar year and paid | from funds in the hands of the State Treasurer.
| The list shall state in
alphabetical order the name of | each employee, the county in which he or she resides, the | position, and the
total salary paid to him or her during
the | past calendar year, rounded to the nearest hundred dollars. | The list so compiled and
arranged shall be kept
on file in the | office of the Comptroller and be open to inspection by
the | public at all times.
| No person who utilizes the names obtained from this list | for solicitation
shall represent that such solicitation is | authorized by any officer or agency
of the State of Illinois. | Violation of this provision is a business offense
punishable | by a fine not to exceed $3,000.
| (Source: P.A. 101-34, eff. 6-28-19; 101-620, eff. 12-20-19; | 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)
| (15 ILCS 405/28) | Sec. 28. State Comptroller purchase of real property. |
| (a) Subject to the provisions of the Public Contract Fraud
| Act, the State Comptroller, on behalf of the State of | Illinois, is
authorized during State fiscal years 2024 and | 2025 2021 and 2022 to acquire
real property located in the City | of Springfield, which the State Comptroller deems necessary to | properly carry out
the powers and duties vested in him or her. | Real property
acquired under this Section may be acquired | subject to any
third party interests in the property that do | not prevent the
State Comptroller from exercising the intended | beneficial use of
such property. This subsection (a) is | inoperative on and after July 1, 2025 2022 . | (b) Subject to the provisions of the Comptroller's
| Procurement Rules, which shall be substantially in accordance
| with the requirements of the Illinois Procurement Code, the
| State Comptroller may: | (1) enter into contracts relating to construction,
| reconstruction, or renovation projects for any such
| buildings or lands acquired under subsection (a); and | (2) equip, lease, repair, operate, and maintain those | grounds,
buildings, and facilities as may be appropriate | to carry out
his or her statutory purposes and duties. | (c) The State Comptroller may enter into agreements for | the purposes of exercising his or her authority under this | Section. | (d) The exercise of the authority vested in the | Comptroller to acquire
property under this
Section is subject |
| to appropriation. | (e) The Capital Facility and Technology Modernization Fund | is hereby created as a special fund in the State treasury. | Subject to appropriation, moneys in the Fund shall be used by | the Comptroller for the purchase, reconstruction, lease, | repair, and maintenance of real property as may be acquired | under this Section, including for expenses related to the | modernization and maintenance of information technology | systems and infrastructure.
| (Source: P.A. 101-665, eff. 4-2-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.) | Section 10. The State Finance Act is amended by changing | Sections 5 and 13.3 as follows:
| (30 ILCS 105/5) (from Ch. 127, par. 141)
| Sec. 5. Special funds.
| (a) There are special funds in the State Treasury | designated as
specified in the Sections which succeed this | Section 5 and precede Section 6.
| (b) Except as provided in the Illinois Vehicle Hijacking | and Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention and Insurance Verification
| Act, when any special fund in the State Treasury is | discontinued by an Act
of the General Assembly, any balance | remaining therein on the effective
date of such Act shall be | transferred to the General Revenue Fund, or to
such other fund | as such Act shall provide. Warrants outstanding against
such |
| discontinued fund at the time of the transfer of any such | balance
therein shall be paid out of the fund to which the | transfer was made.
| (c) When any special fund in the State Treasury has been | inactive
for 18 months or longer, the Comptroller may | terminate the fund, the fund is automatically terminated by | operation
of law and the balance remaining in such fund shall | be transferred by the
Comptroller to the General Revenue Fund. | When a special fund has been
terminated by the Comptroller | operation of law as provided in this Section, the General
| Assembly shall repeal or amend all Sections of the statutes | creating or
otherwise referring to that fund.
| The Comptroller shall be allowed the discretion to | maintain or dissolve
any federal trust fund which has been | inactive for 18 months or longer.
| (d) (Blank).
| (e) (Blank).
| (Source: P.A. 102-904, eff. 1-1-23 .)
| (30 ILCS 105/13.3) (from Ch. 127, par. 149.3)
| Sec. 13.3. Petty cash funds; purchasing cards.
| (a) Any State agency may establish and maintain petty cash
| funds for the purpose of making change, purchasing items of | small cost,
payment of postage due, and for other nominal | expenditures which cannot
be administered economically and | efficiently through customary procurement
| Petty cash funds may be established and maintained from | moneys which
are appropriated to the agency for Contractual | Services. In the case of
an agency which receives a single | appropriation for its ordinary and
contingent expenses, the | agency may establish a petty cash fund from the
appropriated | funds.
| Before the establishment of any petty cash fund, the | agency shall
submit to the State Comptroller a survey of the | need for the fund. The
survey shall also establish that | sufficient internal accounting controls
exist. The Comptroller | shall investigate such need and if he determines
that it | exists and that adequate accounting controls exist, shall
| approve the establishment of the fund. The Comptroller shall | have the
power to revoke any approval previously made under | this Section.
| Petty cash funds established under this Section shall be | operated and
maintained on the imprest system and no fund | shall exceed $1,000, except that
the Department of Revenue may | maintain a fund not exceeding $2,000 for each Department of | Revenue facility and the Secretary of State may maintain a | fund of not exceeding $2,000 for each
Chicago Motor Vehicle | Facility, each Springfield Public Service Facility, and
the | Motor Vehicle Facilities in Champaign, Decatur, Marion, | Naperville, Peoria,
Rockford, Granite City, Quincy, and | Carbondale, to be used solely for the
purpose of making | change. Except for purchases made by procurement card as
| provided in subsection (b) of this Section, single | transactions shall be
limited to amounts less
than $100, and | all transactions occurring in the fund shall be reported and
| accounted for as may be provided in the uniform accounting | system developed by
the State Comptroller and the rules and | regulations implementing that
accounting system. All amounts | in any such fund of less than $1,000 but over
$100 shall be | kept in a checking account in a bank, or savings and loan
| association or trust company which is insured by the United | States government
or any agency of the United States | government, except that in funds maintained
in each Department | of Revenue Facility, Chicago Motor Vehicle Facilities, each | Springfield Public Service Facility,
and the Motor Vehicle | Facilities in Champaign, Decatur, Marion, Naperville,
Peoria, | Rockford, Granite City, Quincy, and Carbondale, all amounts in | the fund
may be retained on the premises of such facilities.
| No bank or savings and loan association shall receive | public funds as
permitted by this Section, unless it has | complied with the requirements
established pursuant to Section | 6 of "An Act relating to certain
investments of public funds by | public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as
now or hereafter | amended.
| An internal audit shall be performed of any petty cash | fund which
receives reimbursements of more than $5,000 in a | fiscal year.
| Upon succession in the custodianship of any petty cash |
| fund, both the
former and successor custodians shall sign a | statement, in triplicate,
showing the exact status of the fund | at the time of the transfer. The
original copy shall be kept on | file in the office wherein the fund
exists, and each signer | shall be entitled to retain one copy.
| (b) The Comptroller may provide by rule for the use of | purchasing cards by
State agencies to pay for purchases that | otherwise may be paid out of the
agency's petty cash fund. Any | rule adopted hereunder shall impose a single
transaction | limit, which shall not be greater than $1,000 $500 .
| The rules of the Comptroller may include but shall not be | limited to:
| (1) standards for the issuance of purchasing cards to | State agencies
based upon the best interests of the State;
| (2) procedures for recording purchasing card | transactions
within the State accounting system, which may | provide for summary reporting;
| (3) procedures for auditing purchasing card | transactions on a
post-payment basis;
| (4) standards for awarding contracts with a purchasing | card vendor to
acquire purchasing cards for use by State | agencies; and
| (5) procedures for the Comptroller to charge against | State agency
appropriations for payment of purchasing card | expenditures without the
use of the voucher and warrant | system.
| (c) As used in this Section, "State agency" means any | department,
officer, authority, public corporation, | quasi-public corporation,
commission, board, institution, | State college or university, or other
public agency created by | the State, other than units of local government
and school | districts.
| (Source: P.A. 98-496, eff. 1-1-14; 98-904, eff. 8-15-14.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2024