Illinois General Assembly - SB0090Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB0090  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001   Senate Amendment 002   Senate Amendment 003
House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002
Bill Status

Legislation: House Amendment 001
Proponents: 7Opponents: 1No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 5/18/2023 9:00 AM
Alex BautistaDepartment of Human RightsDepartment of Human Rights
Cassie CreswellIllinois Families for Public SchoolsIllinois Families for Public Schools
Clarissa WilliamsTeach PlusMyself
Jason RosensweigDepartment of Human RightsDepartment of Human Rights
Kelly TurnerIllinois Federation of TeachersIFT
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Unique MickensIllinois Education AssociationIEA