Illinois General Assembly - HB5558Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB5558  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB5558
Proponents: 6Opponents: 1085No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/4/2024 10:00 AM
Aaron Sparlingselfself
Adam JeskieSelfSelf
Andrew MachucaSelf
Angel ConcepcionSelfSelf
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Beth DillSelfSelf
Beverly StollSelfSelf
BJ BahrNAMyself
Brad AndersonIllinois rifle association
Brett LoucksSelf
Brian BahrNAMyself
Brian NorwoodNana
Brian PhippsNoneSelf
Brice RauchMyselfMyself
Bryan AlfordOn behalf of selfSelf
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
caleb Collinsselfself
Christine HenthornSelfSelf
Christopher FerinoSelfSelf
Christopher SwambarNAMyself
Craig BullSelfSelf
Daniel BrandaMyself
Darrell LeslieIllinios rifle association
David ShubergBehalf of selfSelf
Dennis MoiceanuSelfSelf
Dennis Smithconcerned citizenindividual
Derek ChudzikOn behalf of selfSelf
Douglas L Tabornonemyself and my family
Douglas RaymondNa
ellen smithna
Eugene YoungSelfSelf
Franklin BakerSelfSouth
George LochnerSelfSelf
Guy BaumannNASelf
Haven Mensingnoneself
Heidi LoucksSelf
Jason AlbertsSelfSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jennifer Mensingnoneself
Jenny menzselfself
John HansonSelfSelf
John PatrascuMyself
John SheskierNASelf
Jon BeckerOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jose ReyesSelfSelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Julie MalnekoffSelfSelf
Julie WagonerNASelf
Justin OnigkeitSelfSelf
Justin SteeleFamilyself
Kallista Mensingnoneself
Karen VerbeckSelfSelf
Karl Mensingnoneself
Kim NorwoodNAna
Kimberly Sparlingselfself
Kressie MaricleNASelf
Larry Black JrSelfSelf
Larry HarrisTaxpayer
Laura MelvinNot ApplicableSelf
Leah Mensingnoneself
Lola BahrNAMyself
Malcom A Sandsnoneself
Marc MillerNoneSelf
Marcie ShafferSelfSelf
Matthew GulattoNANA
Matthew GulattoNANA
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Michael Nashselfon behalf of self
Micheal WilcoxSelfSelf
Michelle BahrNAMyself
Myra ReyesSelfSelf
parker tijerinaselfself
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul Crutcherself
Randy SmithSelfSelf
Randy SmithSelfSelf
Richard McCullumOn behalf of selfSelf
Rita Kroplewskiselfself
Robert CoulterNASELF
Robert Dziedzicnoneself
Robert HurstPrivate Citizen
Roland LischalkSelfSelf
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Scot MitchellSELF
Scott KellySelfSelf
Scott Mitchell Jrselfself
Scott RaeuberNASelf
Scott ReiserSelf
Shelly BahrNAMyself
Stephen HolmesRetired
Susan ReichartTaxpayer
Tadd RulandSelfSelf
Ted HeaterSelfSelf
Terry ThomasNAMyself
Thomas LarrySelfSelf
tim collinsselfself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Todd ColvinTC Precision Gunsmithing
Vian CheungPersonal
William BahrNAMyself
William CastleOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
William Clawsonselfself
William L TrouttIndividualSelf
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Willie BahrNAMyself
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM
Andrew MachucaSelf
Ansley Steven HatchSelf
Ansley Steven HatchSelf
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Brett CofflandNAMyself
Brian NorwoodNana
Bryan AlfordOn behalf of selfSelf
caleb collinsselfself
Christopher FerinoSelfSelf
Christopher JarchowNaMyself
Christopher SwambarNAMyself
Colleen D Skarinselfself
Craig BullSelfSelf
Debra GilbertNASelf
Dennis Smithconcerned citizenindividual
Donald GilbertNASelf
Douglas RaymondSelf
ellen smithna
ellen smithna
Gary NelsonAdams Electric Coop
Gary R Musson SrNot ApplicableMyself
Greg McKeanSelfSelf
James LemieuxSelfSelf
James LilesSelfSelf
Janet BladeNoneNone
Jason AlbertsSelfSelf
Jason HolbrookSelfself
Jeffrey GoetzenGoetzen HouseholdIllinois Concerned Citizen
jenny menzselfself
Jeremy CurranNot ApplicableSelf
John PatrascuMyself
John ZielsdorfSelf
John ZirbesSelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Julie MalnekoffSelfSelf
June HoltSelf
Justin StarcherSelfSelf
Justin SteeleFamilyself
Karen J LalagosSelf
Karen ReederSelfSelf
Karen VerbeckSelfSelf
Kim NorwoodNAna
Kressie MaricleNASelf
Kressie MaricleNASelf
Larry Black JrSelfSelf
Lee Ann Samfordself
Lenvil CurtisSelf
Linda WolfeSelfAwake Illinois
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Loretta Hatchselfself
Matthew AdamsOn behalf of selfSelf
Matthew GulattoNANA
Michael BaileyNAIGOR
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael Kroplewskiselfself
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Mike Lawrencenaself
Neal ZirbesSelf
Neal ZirbesSelf
P WilliamsSelfSelf
Pamela ZirbesSelf
Pamela ZirbesSelf
parker tijerinaselfself
Pat BurrisSelfSelf
pattie tackettna
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul Crutcherself
Phillip CookOn behalf of myself and my 2 childrenSelf
Rachel CrutcherSelfSelf
Randy SmithSelfSelf
Richard McCullumOn behalf of selfSelf
Rita Kroplewskiselfself
Robert CoulterNASELF
Robert HurstPrivate citizen
Robert WolfeSelfFamilies
Robin Millerself
Roland LischalkSelfSelf
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Ronald GrovesTaxpayerTaxpayer
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Ryan BrkljacicOn behalf of selfSELF
Ryan FloydSelfSelf
Scott RaeuberNASelf
Scott Robert HaasOn behalf of SelfSelf as believer in Constitutional rights
Shelly HarrisSelfSelf
Stuart Charles NussSelfSelf
Susan ReichartTaxpayer
Tadd RulandSelfSelf
Thomas Kroplewskiselfself
tim collinsselfself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Will LudwigSelfSelf
William CastleOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
William DreilingDriverself
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/21/2024 4:00 PM
Logan Adamspersonalself
A Matthew BukovyJefferson Courte Condo Assn
Adam NehrtSelf
Alex Frandsenself
Ann Marie SuterSuterself
Anna Butzinselfself
Art PattersonNA
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Beth Novakselfself
Bradley ReinkeNANA
Brandon KappesSelfSelf
Brett LoucksSelf
Brian MackCitizenSelf
Brinley RaySelfSelf
Bruce GussPersonPerson
caleb collinsselfself
Carl ZeganSelf SELF and selF of selflingfield
Carlos MartinezSelf
Carol VossGardening Angels
Casey CameronSelfSelf
Cassie ZacheisSelf
Cheryl KozlovNaSelf
Christine MuratoriSelfSELF
Christopher FerinoSelfSelf
Clifford SpeareSelfMyself
Clyde RushOn behalf of selfself
craig bakalichselfself
Craig BullSelfSelf
Cynthia SavoieOn behalf of selfSelf
Dan comitzNAMYSELF
Daniel TagliaIllinois Valley Community CollegeDaniel Michael Taglia. (Born, 08-02-2001. Chicago, IL)
Dave Rogersna
David BrownNAMyself
David GussPersonPerson
David JacksonNASelf
David MorrisNoneSelf
David ZalarPrivate CitizenMyself
Deborah brozioAd
Deborah EsareySelfSelf
Deborah L JenssenNA
Debra MeyerIllinoisSelf
Dennis c SheaPrivate citizenPrivate citizen
Dennis DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Devin CorbettSelfSelf
Doiglast RaymondNa
Dominick DiomedeOn behalf of selfSelf
Donald BridsonNASelf
Donna calderisiNAMYSELF
Douglas ReedNASelf
Dwight EddingtonSelfSelf
Eileen MullenSelf
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
ellen smithna
ellen smithna
Emily VossNaSelf
Everette CarneyNASelf
Frank AndrekusSelfNA
Franklin BakerSelfSouth
Fred A BebarSelf
Frederick P FollmerNASelf
Gary R Musson SrNot ApplicableMyself
Gary R Musson SrNot ApplicableMyself
George LochnerSelfSelf
Greg EccherSelfSelf
Gregory SchroederNAMyself
Harper JackSelfSelf
Heidi LoucksSelf
Heinemeier NatalieNA
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
James AltigMyselfMyself
James ArnoldSelfSelf
James Bennett IIIMyselfGR4I
James FischerNone
James MuratoriSelfSELF
James ThompsonNaSelf
Janet M MeyerSelfSelf
Janice MillerNoneIllinois Freedom Alliance
Janness AbrahamSelf
Jarred FlowersSelf
Jason BeilsmithSelfSelf
Jay KatzSelfSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jeff EvilsizerSelf
Jeffrey SavoieOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jennifer HughesSelfSelf
jenny menzselfself
Jeremy CurranNot ApplicableSelf
Jody Oltmanselfself
Joe PetruskiNAGunRights 4 Illinois
John HansonSelfSelf
Jose ReyesSelfSelf
Joseph A RodrickSelfSelf
Joseph B RehakSelf
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Joseph TyderekSelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Joshua HuckerUSAUSA
Julie I MalnekoffSelfSelf
June HoltSelf
Justin SteeleFamilyself
Justus DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Karen GollhardtKarilyn DesignsSelf
Karen RednourCitizenSelf
Karen ReederSelfSelf
Kathryn BeilsmithSelfSelf
Katie DavisIllinois citizen
Kelly BlandSelf
Kent ShafferNaSelf
Kevin LowerNA
Kimberly MantzorosSelfSelf
Kurt GlazierSelfSelf
Kurt GlazierSelfSelf
Kurt KapusinskiNAMyself
Kurtis MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Larry HarrisMyself
Laura MelvinNot ApplicableSelf
Laura Millerretiredself
Laurie Whitakerself
Linda WolfeSelfPro 2 A Families
Lisa Cunninghamself
Lucas DieboldSelf
Mackinly FlowersSelf
Marc MillerNoneSelf
Marcie ShafferSelfSelf
Margarita MatlisSelfSelf
Mark E Gregselfself
Mark HarrisSelfSelf
Mary CarlisleSelfSelf
Matthew MieszalaNoneSelf
Meghan RaglandOn Behalf Of SelfOn Behalf Of Self
Michael BaileyNAIGOR
michael calderisiNAMYSELF
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael JohnsonSelfSelf
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Michael Nashselfon behalf of self
Michael O'TooleSelfSelf
Michael PolkNASelf
Michael SaraciniGunRights4IllinoisGunRights4Illinois
Michael StroheckerNASelf
Michelle TrckaWe The Peopleself
Mike KonsoerSelfSelf
Mitch FletcherNAMyself
Myra ReyesSelfSelf
Nancy SwartSelf
Nicole cottoneNAMYSELF
Pam JohnsonPam JohnsonSelf
parker tijerinaselfself
Patricia GoodwinSelf
Patricia SchneppRetired Law Firm AdministratorSelf
pattie tackettna
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul KennaIllinois IntiativeCitizen
Paul SwearengenNAOn behalf of self
Penny FischerNone
Peter Tarchaselfself
Ray LoganNoneNone
Richard BloughNone
Richard McCullumOn behalf of selfSelf
Rita HagenNone
Robbie RaglandOn Behalf Of SelfOn Behalf Of Self
Robert Adamspersonalself
Robert BahrOn behalf of selfSelf
Robert CoulterNASELF
Robert HurstPrivate Citizen
Robert Sieczkaself
Robert WolfeSelfFamilies
Robert WrightNone
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Rosemary FarleyNaSelf
Roy HorrasSelfSelf
Ruthie PietaSelfSelf
Sam TimbushMyselfMy
Scott BrangenbergSelf
Scott Butzinselfself
Scott CarlsenSelf
Scott DidierPrivate Citizen
Scott RaeuberNASelf
Scott Robert HaasOn behalf of SelfSelf as believer in Constitutional rights
Scott ShoupSelfSelf
Sean StevensSean Stevens InsuranceSelf
Sean StevensSean Stevens InsuranceSelf
Shannon FlowersSelf
Shannon FlowersSelf
Shannon MorrisNoneSelf
Sharon FettingSelfSelf
Sharon FettingSelfSelf
Sharon HollandSelf
shawn tackettna
shawn tackettna
Sherrie SaratoreSelfSelf
Steve VanbussumOn behalf of selfSelf
Steven AbbaNASelf
Steven ElsterSelfSelf
Steven ElsterSelfSelf
Steven FoxSelfSelf
Steven McKenzieOn behalf of selfSelf
Tamara EfsenSelfSelf
Thomas HallNaMyself
Thomas SheridanNANA
tim collinsselfself
Tom KellySelfSelf
Troy MarkertNA
Vanessa RaySelfSelf
Waylon RaySelfSelf
Wayne Walusiakselfself
Will LudwigSelfSelf
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Zachary RaySelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/12/2024 4:00 PM
Adam NordenNoneself
Alex L KuhlSelfSelf
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Barrett KaufmanSelf
Brian NorwoodNana
Brian PhippsNoneSelf
caleb collinsselfself
Carla WinterSelf
Cassie ZacheisSelf
Charles JohnsonNANA
Colin BrownNASelf
Craig BullselfSelf
Cynthia SavoieOn behalf of selfSelf
David BlaskeyNANA
David HooperNoneself
David ShubergSelfSelf
Dennis Smithconcerned citizenindividual
Derek ChudzikSelfSelf
Dominic PalusinskiOn behalf of myselfSelf
Douglas RaymondSelf
Douglas ReedNASelf
Dustin HessNASelf
Edmund RiddleNAMyself
Edward De RyderOn behalf of selfSelf
Eileen KregorNoneSelf
Emily ReiserSelf
Emily WilcoxSelfSelf
Fred BorowiczNoneSelf
Fred RoderNoneSelf
James ArnoldSelfSelf
James BeadsworthSelfSelf
James LemieuxSelfSelf
James LilesSelfSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jeffrey KregorNoneSelf
Jeffrey R SavoieOn behalf of self
Jeffrey R SavoieOn behalf of self
Jeffrey SavoieOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jeffrey SavoieOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
jenny menzselfself
Jerry Drummondnamyself and my wife
jerry robertsselfself
John Edward StarasinicSelfSelf
John McElroyselfself
John PalusinskiOn behalf of myselfSelf
John ZielsdorfNoneSelf
Jordan MarcelainSelfSelf
Joseph Fechtselfself
Joseph HillSelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Julie PejakovichSelfSelf
Justin SteeleFamilyself
Justin Steeleselfself
Karen VerbeckSelfSelf
Kim NorwoodNAna
Kressie MaricleNASelf
Laura MelvinNot ApplicableSelf
Leon JacksonOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Margaret A BlairselfSelf
Mark MuehlhausenSelfSelf
Marlin E Wilcoxenprivate citizenself
Marsha DixonSelf
Mary V RaynieNone
Michael BushIndividualGunRights4Illinois
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael Kroplewskiselfself
Michelle TrckaWe The Peopleself
Nathan PalusinskiOn behalf of myselfSelf
Ned W JacklinSelf
parker tijerinaselfself
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Phillip CookOn behalf of myselfSelf
Rebecca pesmenskiSelf
Richard McCullumOn behalf of selfSelf
Rita Kroplewskiselfself
Roland LischalkSelfSelf
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Ryan BrkljacicOn behalf of selfSELF
Scott reiserSelf
Scott Robert HaasOn behalf of SelfSelf as believer in Constitutional rights
Steven AbbaNASelf
Thomas HallNaMyself
tim collinsselfself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tyler DeFoeSelfSelf
Viola PalusinskiOn behalf of myselfSelf
Will LudwigSelfSelf
William Clawsonselfself
William Clawsonselfself
William HoodSelf
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/5/2024 4:00 PM
Aaron M SchaferSchafer Stock Farm
Adam ButtsNASelf
Adam DavenportNALaw Enforcement
Adam NehrtNoneSelf
Alan BrunsSelfSelf
Alan WellsNAMyself
Albert ClapsNASelf
Alex L KuhlSelfSelf
Alex McCuneSelfSelf
Alexander IvakhnenkoLaw Office
Alfredo BarrazaOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Alice LongOn behalf of selfSelf
Allen Douglasnaself
Allen KistlerNASelf
Alvin WilkeningOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Andres PabonIndividualSelf
Andrew C MyszkaMyselfSelf
Andrew Hahnselfself
Andrew LeeSelfSelf
Andrey StroitelevOn behalf of selfSelf
Andy BankHome owner
Anita DolsonSelfSelf
Annette MillsNAMyself
Anthony Amportnaself
Anthony TamNASelf
Anton RegisSelfSelf
Arelis HernandezOn behalf of selfSelf
Arthur ArmstrongSelfSelf
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
B NelsonNAMyself
Barbara LarsonOn behalf of selfSelf
Bill BahrNAMyself
Bill DwyerSelfSelf
bill heigerton behalf of selfself
BJ BahrNAMyself
Bob FleischmannNAmyself
Brad MuellerNASelf
Bradley MyersSelfSelf
Branndon ElsbreeMyselfMyself
Brett LoucksSelfGunrights4illinois
Brian BahrNAMyself
Brian FalaszNASelf
brian novotneyselfself
Brian PettlonOn behalf of selfSelf
Brian PhippsNoneSelf
Brian RodriguezSelfSelf
Brian StreufertOn behalf of selfSelf
Brian VanSpeybroeckNoneGregg Johnson
Brian W StoudtNaSelf
Brock BossOn behalf of selfSelf
Bruce BennettNARepresenting myself
Bruce LaneNAMyself
Bruce McCormackOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Bryan NiemeierSelf InterestNA
Buddy Adelsbergernoneself
caleb collinsselfself
carl bebarselfself
Carl Sutton SrOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Carl WilliamsNoneMyself
Carmen ZepedaSelfSelf
Charles E Reavillpersonalpersonal
Charles Hirston behalf of selfon behalf of self
Charles Keith Wilsonnonemyself
Charlie FoorOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Chris McDonaldNANA
Chris DrewelFamily
Chris RollinsSelf
Christopher BradenOn behalf of selfSelf
Chuck BadgerOn behalf of selfSelf
Clarence J WestSelfSelf
Clint AshmoreNaDan Caulkins
Clyde RushOn behalf of selfself
Corey DelbySelfGR4I
Corey ZindaNAMyself
Cox Chris WATSMyself and my family
Craig FriendOn behalf of selfSelf
Craig LaurishkeNASelf
Crispin CruzNANA
Cynthia SavoieOn behalf of selfSelf
D GaglianoNoneMyself
Dan CooleyThe Bullet Trap
Dan HughesMyselfMyself
Daniel MillerNASELF
Daniel J WalterNASELF
Daniel MitchellretiredSelf
Daniel Renyselfself
Daniel RyanOn behalf of selfSelf
daniel virgaon behalf of selfself
Dann SmytheNASelf
Danny HodgesNa
Darren KenshaloOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Darryl KleinOn behalf of selfself
Darryl WhitmoreOn behalf of selfSelf
Dave NicioliShootRite TrainingShootRite Training LLC
David MarklandNASelf
David AllenOn Behalf of selfSelf
David BaderNA
David BlumhagenNAmyself
David Eversdennlaself
David FaganNot ApplicableDavid Fagan
David H Searby JrSelf
David Hammon behalf of selfon behalf of self
David Kewleynaself
David Kopalaon behalf of selfMyself
David L McClureOn Behalf of SelfOn Behave of self
David LejaSelfSelf
David LevyNASelf
David M WeinbergerSelfSelf
David MatuszakSelfSelf
David PorterNASelf
David PowenskiOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
David ReimerSelfSelf
David StrohNAMyself
David ThurmanMyselfMyself
David UpmanisMyselfMyself
Debbie Rossbergselfself
Debra A BaderNA
Dennis CisarikMyselfMyself
Dennis Floydnana
Dennis ParryNoneSelf
Dennis Smithconcerned citizenindividual
Derek ForresterNANA
Derek PyleNASelf
Derrick WrightSelfSelf
Dewain Wellenself
Diane KuzielanaOn behalf of self
Don BoydSelfSelf
Donald BridsonNASelf
Donald MartorelliSelfSelf
Donald SprinkleRetiredmyself
donald taborNAmyself
Donna PorterNASelf
Doug PrimerSelf
Douglas ReedNASelf
Dr Michael MostNASelf appearance
Dustin HessNASelf
Edward De RyderOn behalf of selfSelf
Edward ShannonNAself
Edward WillenborgSelfSelf
ellen smithna
Eric Allen NorthFor my 2A rightsVoid the FOID
Eric CovalOn behalf of selfSelf
Eric ThompsonSelf
Eugene PhelpsNAMyself
Eugene YoungSelfSelf
Evan PeckOn behalf of selfSelf
Francisco RamosNAMyself
Frank Benda JrSelf
Frank HarshmanOn behalf of selfSelf
Frank LandersSelfSelf
Frank LiparotaNASelf
Frank MarikMyself and FamilyMyself and family
Fred KrummelKrummel farms
Frederick R RappSelfself
Gary miller srnamyself
Gary EnglandNANA
Gary GiffordOn behalf of selfSelf
Gary L KaneyGary Kaney
Gary La ForteNASelf
Gary LoweryGary Loweryself
Gary PiwkoSelfSelf
Gary StClairOn behalf of selfSelf
Gene ShieldsMyselfMyself
George Dudzikhomeme
George MellerPersonnalSelf
George Tucker00
Georges LeFaivreSELF
Gerald Chambersnonemyself
Gerald ThompsonNational Rifle AssociationNational Rifle Association
Gina KochOn behalf of selfSelf
Glen WebsterWebster FarmsSelf & family
Glen Yorkselfself
GLENN ANTLEOn behalf of selfSelf
Glenn CarrOn behalf of selfself
Grant MontgomeryNAMyself
Greg McKeanSelfSelf
Gregory ChadaranekVoting Illinois Residentself
Gregory LieversSelfSelf
Gregory SmithMyselfMyself
Harold CraneSelfSelf
Harold DouglasNAself
Heidi LoucksSelf
Igor RubchinskyOn behalf of selfSelf
Ivan PhippsSelfOn behalf of self
J Alex McWilliamsSelfna
Jack GrossmanOn behalf of selfSelf
Jack MitchellSelfJack mitchell
James Bennett IIIMyselfGR4I
James CarsonSelf
James DillowSelfSelf
James FluckeyOn behalf of selfSelf
James GoreckiNASelf
James GornySelfSelf
James Henry NergerNoneMyself
James JuulOn behalf of selfSelf
James SeltzerOn behalf of self and my children.Self and my children
James WombleNAon behalf of self
Jamie BoweringNANA
Jamie PorterNASelf
Janice FienholdNone
Jarod RamsesMyselfMyself
Jason AlbertsSelfSelf
Jason BentonNAMyself
Jason ClavinNaNa
Jason KlinnerNANA
Jason MannNAMyself
Jay QuallsSelfSelf
Jay RossbergNASelf
Jayne AntleOn behalf of selfSelf
Jeb ElliottNone
Jeff BivensJeffrey A. Bivens, PCself
Jeff CarlsonSelfSelf
Jeff ComptonNoneSelf
Jeff GeeNANA
Jeff kimNaSelf
Jeff RandallNAMyself
Jeff RandallNAMyself
Jeff RoweOn behalf of selfSelf
Jeffrey BryantOn behalf of selfSelf
Jeffrey BurganNAMyself
Jeffrey RoesnerNANA
Jeffrey SavoieOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jeffrey UmbachSelfSelf
Jenny menzselfself
Jeremy CurranNot ApplicableSelf
Jeremy DeeOn behalf of selfSelf
Jeremy Ingramnana
Jeremy KellerSelfSelf
Jerry ClarkNAmyself
Jerry CragenNAMyself
Jim FerrebeeNoneNone
Jim SampsonNoneMyself and Family
Joan WillenborgSelfSelf
Joe WachterSelfSelf
John BrandesSelfSelf
John Cramer Jrnone
John Fraziernonenone
John Funkselfself
John GoggansOn behalf of selfself
John MengesNANA
John NixonOn behalf of selfSelf
John S OlesinskiNoneResident of Illinois
John SheskierNASelf
John SpinderOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
John TarzynskiNot applicable
John Van RiperNoneNone
John VerlingNASelf
John W Desmondselfself
Jon BeckNAMyself
Jon SiegmeierNAMyself
Jose ContrerasSelfSelf
Jose ReyesSelfSelf
Jose SotoOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Joseph DerbasNAMyself
Joseph GillispieNASelf
Joseph HolmanI represent myself as a voting resident of Illinois.I represent myself as a voting resident of Illinois.
Joseph LaydenOn behalf of selfSelf
Joseph Polcynretiredmyself
Joseph RoccasalvaSelfSelf
Josh BrownNASelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Josh TaylorNoneSelf
Joshua WatsonNoneSelf
Juan CastanedaNAMyself
Judy CountsSelfSelf
Justin SchmidtNAMyself
Karen ImmerOn behalf of selfSelf
Karen VerbeckSelfSelf
Karl VacekOn behalf of self
Katherine TiekenNAMyself
Kathy GoreckiSelfSelf
Kathy PreziosiSelfSelf
Keith AlldredgeMyself
Keith ChadwickSelfSelf
Keith GuardNAMyself
Keith Reevesnoneself
Keith SchutteNANA
Kelly KlinnerNANA
Ken CookCitizenLegal Citizen
Kenneth CzerwinskiNAMyself
Kenneth HornofNoneNone
Kenneth HoustonSelfSelf
kenneth landinghamNAmyself
Kenneth RangenState of IllinoisMyself
Kenny CountsSelfSelf
Kenny HorsleySelfSelf
Kent BarkerNoneMyself
Kerry B TaylorNoneMy wife and myself
Kerwin Lawdoes not applymyself
Kevin A ShawNoneSelf
Kevin ClineBlue Coat Arms Company
Kevin D HarveyNone
Kevin EvansNAMyself
Kevin JacksonNaMyself
Kevin MarkleyNAMyself
Kevin MarkleyNAMyself
Kevin SmithNANA
Kevin StockwellOn behalf of selfSelf
Kiley Lafondon behalf of selfSelf
Kimberly AbatangeloSelf
Kris RandeNANA
Kristi JenningsSelfSelf
Kristin OttolinoWe The PeopleWe The People
Larry E HasbargenNonemyself
Larry EthellE&E Firearms LLCSelf
Larry HorrallCitizen
Larry JacksonOn behalf of selfSelf
larry smithnamyself
Laura RenkeNoneSelf
Lee BurnhamOn behalf of SelfSelf
Lee Kowalskinaon behalf of self
Lenore RepelSelfSelf
LEONARD BRODERICKOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Leslie AdamsSelfSelf
Leslie FaganNot ApplicableSelf
Linda SarloNoneMyself
Lisa D JettSelfSelf
Lisa FalaszNASelf
Lola BahrNAMyself
Loren Wrightnamyself
Louis J Chavez JrNAMYSELF
Lowell MillsNAMyself
Malcolm ODeaNAmyself
Malcom A Sandsnoneself
Marcie ShafferSelfSelf
Marian JaskowiakNAMyself
Mark GrotheAmerican Citizen
Mark L JastowskiNAFor Self
Mark MetzlerSelfSelf
Mark MieszalaNAmyself
Mark MillerMark Miller
mark penrodnoneself
Mark StrieterNAOn behalf of self
Matt MylanderNAmyself
Matthew MieszalaNoneSelf
Matthew Renyselfself
Matthew SteinMr.On behalf of self
Michael FesterSelfSelf
Michael McKinneryOn behalf of selfSelf
Michael BaranNoneOn behalf of self
Michael BurkSelfSelf
Michael DippelNASelf
Michael EllisEllis ContractingSelf
Michael GallagherSelfSelf
Michael GorskiNoneMyself
Michael HayesSelfSelf
Michael HEDGEOn behalf of selfNA
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael j PientaNA
Michael Millernoneself
Michael MolloySelfSelf
Michael O'RourkeOn behalf of SelfSelf
Michael PolkNASelf
Michael RankinNAOn Behalf of Self
Michael ReingruberOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Michael RinaldoSelfSelf
Michael SchuttlerSelfSelf
Michael VidelkaNASelf
Michael Wrightselfself
Michael WutzNANA
Michele StanisSelf
Michelle BahrNAMyself
Michelle TrckaWe The Peopleself
Mike HallSelfNA
Mike HembroughNASelf
Mike RoweIllinoisCarryIllinoisCarry
mike wilsonDNAself
Mrs Lori N SteinNoneMyself
Myra ReyesSelfSelf
Myron IngramNoneNone
Nathan LambirdRetiredSelf
Neal Deterdingon behalf of selfon behalf of self
Nicholas cohanNicks GunsMYself
Nicholas J Robertsonselfself
Nicholas SchislerNASelf
Nicole CookCitizenLegal Citizen
Norm WillisRock Creek Arms,Inc.Self
Norman CorsiGot Gun IncSelf
Orlando HernandezOn behalf of selfSelf
parker tijerinaselfself
Patricia IngramNoneNone
Patrick HaleyOn behalf of selfSelf
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul Nimzmyselfmyself
Paul AndersonNAMyself
Paul BoardmanNAMyself
Paul CarpenterNAmyself
Paul PrattNASelf
Paul ProvartNaMyself
Paula HammOn behalf of selfSelf
Paula HancockNAMyself
Perry Hineson behalf of selfon behalf of self
Peter ArkinsOn behave of myselfMyself
Peter ParaskisOn behalf of selfSelf
Peter Seneseselfself
Phil LaymanNANA
Philip Bruckeron behalf of selfself
Philip LejmanNAMyself
Phillip J WoodIndividualSelf
Ralph Mieszalamyselfmyself
Randall Schoofself
Randy BirdNAMyself
Randy KosterOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Randy R ParkerOn behalf of selfSelf
Randy TomlinsonIllinois EngineSelf
Raymond WebbOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Raymundo MartinezIGORNA
Rene WeberOn behalf of selfMy Family
Rhonda EzellNoneSelf
Rhonda KenshaloOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Rich MartinSelfMyself, my family, and all freedom loving Americans
Richard KleifgenOn behalf of selfSelf
Richard PeslakOn behalf of selfSelf
Richard TiekenNAMyself
Rick KibortNANA
Rick KochNAMyself
Rita C McClureOn Behalf of SelfOn Behave of self
Ritchie TrullOn behalf of self.Self
Rob StanleyNAmyself
Robert ArjesOn behalf of selfSelf
Robert BalintNASelf
Robert BarlogNAMyself
Robert BianchettaMyselfSelf
Robert BrownNAMyself
Robert CampionOn behalf of selfself
Robert D StovallRobert StovallSelf
Robert GaglianoNoneMyself
Robert GreerOn behalf of selfSelf
Robert HawkinsNAMyself
Robert HoulneOn Behalf of Self and FamilySelf and Family
Robert LetiziaOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Robert P MeyerSelf
Robert SowersSelfSelf
Robert Taylorself
Roger DeVorenana
Roger GermannoneMacon County Gun Owners
Roger ZimmermannNASelf
Roland CeragioliOn behalf of selfMyself and Family
Ronald DemminRetiredpersonal
Ronald DemminRetiredpersonal
Ronald Englandretiredself
Ronald ForceON Behalf of SelfPersonal
Ronald KookenFor benefit of selffor benefit of self
Ronald LeberLeber Custom Engravingappearance
Ronald SarloNoneMyself
Roz HerreraNoneSelf
Ruben Riveranana
Russel YeamanNAMyself
Russell KnizeOn behalf of selfSelf
Russell PehanichNa
Russell TaylorNAMyself
Ryan AndersonOn behalf of selfSelf
Ryan BrkljacicOn behalf of selfSELF
Ryan ManlyOn behalf of selfMyself
Salvatore ContarinoNASelf
Samuel SteinbergNASelf
Sandra BoydNAself
Sandra EarpNoneSelf
Sandra Floydon behalf of selfna
Scot MitchellSELF
Scott D DyeNASelf
Scott EmeryNASelf
Scott GardnerSelfSelf
Scott GildayNASelf
Scott Gilday JrOn behalf of selfSelf
Scott Hodappon behalf of myselfon behalf of myself
Scott MeintsNANA
Scott Mitchell Jrselfself
Scott RaeuberNASelf
Selvin Morgannoneself
Sergio SiguenzaOn behalf of selfSelf
Shane MurrayNoneSelf
sharo moiniMorton Bavarianself
Sharon KwiatekNAMyself
Shaun PyleIGORself
shawn tackettna
Shelly BahrNAMyself
Stan LatosSelfSelf
Stan FlorczakSelf
Steph DerbasNAMyself
Stephen GerlachOn behalh of myselfMyself
stephen griffinNAself
stephen jaskowiakon behalf of selfself
Stephen StieglitzNaVeteran and father
Steve BrookshireBrookshire FarmsSelf and Family
Steve BrookshireBrookshire FarmsSelf and Family
Steve BrookshireBrookshire FarmsSelf and Family
Steve FriantNAMyself
Steve GrahamNANA
Steve Hamelnana
Steve MiskellNASelf
Steve priceNaSelf
Steven DolsonSelfSelf
Steven KinkadeOn behalf of selfSelf
Susan LoveSelfSelf
Suzanne FaganNot ApplicableSelf
Teri KempselfSelf
Terrence HarrisNAMyself
Terrence W WitteNASelf
Terry ThomasNAMyself
Theodore BoydNAself
Theodore OlejniczakOn behalf of selfSelf
Thomas HallNaMyself
Thomas J KeepesOn behalf of selfSelf
Thomas KnollNASelf
THOMAS R KLUCKon behalf of self
tim collinsselfself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tim Raffantion behalf of selfself
Tim SmithSelf employed
Timothy Gaffneynaself
Timothy GloverOn behalf of selfSelf
Todd ShawOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Tommy L Bergon behalf of selfSelf
Tony Rodgersnoneme
Trent MillerMyselfMyself
Troy HardingOn behalf of selfMyself
Valerie Renyselfself
Valinda RoweIllinoisCarryIllinoisCarry
Vian CheungPersonal
Vincent MastandreaOn behalf of selfSelf
Vincent NylinGunner's GearMyself
Wesley BielinskiNAMyself
Wesley PietschOn behalf of SelfSelf
Wesley PietschOn behalf of SelfSelf
Willaim ParadisNoneSelf
William BahrNAMyself
William BeattyNASelf
william bilottaNANA
William BortonNANA
William CastleOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
William FineOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
William FrameNANA
William Greenecitizencitizen
William HamptonNAMyself
William HancockNANA
William HarrisonMyselfMyself
William HydenNAMyself
William L TrouttSelfIndividual
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
William McGrewNaNa
william mooreprivate citisenmy self
William NiedringhausOn behalf ofNA
William NiedringhausOn behalf ofNA
William PlaceVillage of TamaroaMyself
William RifeNANA
William TrobyMyselfMyself
William WederOn behald of SelfOn belalf of Self
William ZellerExcel Training GroupNA
Willie BahrNAMyself
Wolfgang Schereron behalf of selfself
Wyett ColclasureSelfSelf