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Synopsis As Introduced Creates the Immigration Safe Zones Act. Provides that schools, medical treatment and health care facilities, and places of worship may not grant access to State and local law enforcement agencies that have entered into an agreement with United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement or undertake other joint efforts with federal, State, or local law enforcement agencies to investigate, detain, or arrest individuals for violation of federal immigration law, unless a court has issued a warrant and appropriate personnel have reviewed that warrant and have consented to access or unless required by law and appropriate personnel have consented. Prohibits employees of elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education from asking about a student's immigration status or that of the student's family members, with exceptions. Requires the Department of Human Services to provide training or make training available to teachers, administrators, and other staff of elementary and secondary schools, as well as to medical treatment and health care facilities, on how to deal with immigration issues and how to notify families of those issues in multiple languages. Requires appropriate personnel of a facility to develop a plan to provide assistance, information, and safety to persons who are concerned about the government's immigration enforcement efforts. Provides for the removal of certain file information by State agencies, public schools, and public institutions of higher education. Contains a severability clause. Effective immediately.
Fiscal Note (Dept. of Human Services)
The estimated cost of $5 million is based on the current $1.9 million Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP), which educates and assists immigrants on Department of Human Service (DHS) benefits. In addition to providing multi-lingual education, DHS is responsible for the required training of various providers--such as health care and education--statewide. The $5.0 million fiscal impact could grow for that reason.
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