Full Text of SB3243 101st General Assembly
State of Illinois
2019 and 2020 SB3243 Introduced 2/11/2020, by Sen. Ram Villivalam - Robert Peters - Ann Gillespie - Celina Villanueva - Mattie Hunter, et al. SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
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Amends the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that a home rule municipality with a population in excess of 1,000,000 may restructure the rates of an existing real estate transfer tax to specified amounts. Provides that if the municipality increases the real estate transfer tax rates as provided in this subsection, then of the entire proceeds received from the real estate transfer tax, 75% shall be dedicated to the city's general budget and 25% shall be dedicated to housing and services to combat homelessness.
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| | A BILL FOR |
| | | SB3243 | | LRB101 16309 AWJ 65682 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning local government.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 5. The Illinois Municipal Code is amended by | 5 | | changing Section 8-3-19 as follows: | 6 | | (65 ILCS 5/8-3-19)
| 7 | | Sec. 8-3-19. Home rule real estate transfer taxes.
| 8 | | (a) After the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | 9 | | 93rd General
Assembly and subject
to this Section, a home rule
| 10 | | municipality may impose or increase a tax or other fee on the | 11 | | privilege of
transferring title to real estate, on the | 12 | | privilege of transferring a beneficial interest
in real | 13 | | property, and on the
privilege of
transferring a controlling | 14 | | interest in a real estate entity, as the terms
"beneficial | 15 | | interest", "controlling interest", and "real estate entity" | 16 | | are
defined in Article 31 of
the Property Tax Code. Such a tax | 17 | | or other fee shall hereafter be referred to as a
real estate | 18 | | transfer tax.
| 19 | | (b) Before adopting a resolution
to submit the question of | 20 | | imposing or
increasing a real estate transfer tax to | 21 | | referendum,
the corporate authorities shall give public notice | 22 | | of and hold a public
hearing on the intent to
submit the | 23 | | question to referendum. This hearing may be part of a regularly
| | | SB3243 | - 2 - | LRB101 16309 AWJ 65682 b |
| 1 | | scheduled meeting of the corporate authorities. The
notice | 2 | | shall be published not more than 30 nor less than 10
days prior | 3 | | to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the
| 4 | | municipality. The notice shall be published in the following | 5 | | form:
| 6 | | Notice of Proposed (Increased) Real Estate Transfer | 7 | | Tax for (commonly known
name of
| 8 | | A public hearing on a resolution to submit to | 9 | | referendum the question of
proposed (increased) real | 10 | | estate transfer
tax for (legal name of the municipality) in | 11 | | an amount of (rate) to be paid by
the buyer (seller) of the | 12 | | real
estate transferred will be held on (date) at (time) at | 13 | | (location).
The current rate of real estate transfer tax | 14 | | imposed by (name of municipality)
is (rate).
| 15 | | Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and | 16 | | present testimony
to the taxing district may do so.
| 17 | | (c) A notice that includes any information not specified | 18 | | and required by
this Section is an invalid notice. All hearings | 19 | | shall be open to the
public. At the public hearing, the | 20 | | corporate authorities of the
municipality shall explain the
| 21 | | reasons for the proposed or increased real estate transfer tax | 22 | | and shall permit
desiring to be heard an opportunity to | 23 | | present testimony within reasonable
time limits determined by | 24 | | the corporate authorities. A copy of the proposed
ordinance | 25 | | shall be made
available to the general public for
inspection | 26 | | before the public hearing.
| | | SB3243 | - 3 - | LRB101 16309 AWJ 65682 b |
| 1 | | (d) Except as provided in subsection (i), no
home rule | 2 | | municipality shall impose a new real estate transfer tax
after | 3 | | the
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1996 without prior | 4 | | approval by
referendum. Except as provided in subsection (i), | 5 | | no
home rule
municipality shall impose an increase of the rate | 6 | | of a current real estate
transfer tax without prior approval by | 7 | | referendum. A home rule municipality
may impose a new real | 8 | | estate transfer tax or may increase an existing real
estate | 9 | | transfer tax with prior referendum
approval. The referendum | 10 | | shall be
conducted as provided in subsection (e).
An existing | 11 | | ordinance or resolution imposing a real estate transfer tax may
| 12 | | be amended without approval by referendum if the amendment does | 13 | | not increase
the rate of the tax or add transactions on which | 14 | | the tax is imposed.
| 15 | | (e) The home rule municipality shall, by resolution, | 16 | | provide for submission
of the proposition to the voters. The | 17 | | home rule municipality shall certify
the resolution and the | 18 | | proposition to the proper election officials in
accordance with | 19 | | the general election law. If the proposition is to impose
a new | 20 | | real estate transfer tax, it shall be in substantially the | 21 | | following
form: "Shall
(name of municipality) impose a real | 22 | | estate transfer tax at a rate of
(rate) to be paid by the buyer | 23 | | (seller) of the real estate transferred, with
the revenue of | 24 | | the proposed transfer tax to be used for (purpose)?". If
the | 25 | | proposition is to increase an existing real estate transfer | 26 | | tax, it shall
be in
the following form: "Shall (name of |
| | | SB3243 | - 4 - | LRB101 16309 AWJ 65682 b |
| 1 | | municipality) impose a real estate
transfer tax increase of | 2 | | (percent increase) to establish a new
transfer tax rate of | 3 | | (rate) to be paid by the buyer (seller) of the real
estate | 4 | | transferred? The current rate of the real estate transfer tax | 5 | | is
(rate), and the revenue is
used for (purpose). The revenue | 6 | | from the increase is to be used for
| 7 | | If a majority of the electors voting on the proposition | 8 | | vote in favor of
it, the municipality may impose or increase | 9 | | the municipal real estate transfer
tax or fee.
| 10 | | (f) Nothing in this amendatory Act of 1996 shall limit the | 11 | | purposes for
which real estate transfer tax revenues may be | 12 | | collected or expended.
| 13 | | (g) A home rule municipality may not impose real estate
| 14 | | transfer taxes other than as
authorized by this Section. This | 15 | | Section is a denial and limitation of home
rule powers and | 16 | | functions under subsection (g) of Section 6 of Article VII
of | 17 | | the Illinois Constitution.
| 18 | | (h) Notwithstanding subsection (g) of this Section, any | 19 | | real estate
transfer taxes adopted
by a municipality at any | 20 | | time prior to January 17, 1997 (the effective date of
Public | 21 | | Act 89-701)
and any amendments to any existing real estate | 22 | | transfer tax ordinance adopted
after that date, in accordance | 23 | | with the law in effect at the time of the
adoption of the | 24 | | amendments,
are not preempted by this amendatory
Act of the | 25 | | 93rd General Assembly.
| 26 | | (i) Within 6 months after the effective date of this |
| | | SB3243 | - 5 - | LRB101 16309 AWJ 65682 b |
| 1 | | amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, by ordinance | 2 | | adopted without a referendum, a home rule municipality with a | 3 | | population in excess of 1,000,000 may increase the rate of an | 4 | | existing real estate transfer tax by a rate of up to $1.50 for | 5 | | each $500 of value or fraction thereof, or in the alternative | 6 | | may impose a real estate transfer tax at a rate of up to $1.50 | 7 | | for each $500 of value or fraction thereof, which may be on the | 8 | | buyer or seller of real estate, or jointly and severally on | 9 | | both, for the sole purpose of providing financial assistance to | 10 | | the Chicago Transit Authority. All amounts collected under such | 11 | | supplemental tax, after fees for costs of collection, shall be | 12 | | provided to the Chicago Transit Authority pursuant to an | 13 | | intergovernmental agreement as promptly as practicable upon | 14 | | their receipt. Such municipality shall file a copy of any | 15 | | ordinance imposing or increasing such tax with the Illinois | 16 | | Department of Revenue and shall file a report with the | 17 | | Department each month certifying the amount paid to the Chicago | 18 | | Transit Authority in the previous month from the proceeds of | 19 | | such tax.
| 20 | | (j) Within 6 months after the effective date of this | 21 | | amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly, by ordinance | 22 | | adopted without a referendum, a home rule municipality with a | 23 | | population in excess of 1,000,000 may restructure the rates of | 24 | | an existing real estate transfer tax to: $2.75 for each $500 of | 25 | | transfer price, or fraction thereof, for consideration from $1 | 26 | | up to $500,000; $4.75 for each $500 of transfer price, or |
| | | SB3243 | - 6 - | LRB101 16309 AWJ 65682 b |
| 1 | | fraction thereof, for consideration from $500,000.01 up to | 2 | | $1,000,000; a $7.50 for every $500 of transfer price, or | 3 | | fraction thereof, for consideration from $1,000,000.01 up to | 4 | | $3,000,000; $14.00 for every $500 of transfer price, or | 5 | | fraction thereof, for real estate consideration from | 6 | | $3,000,000.01 to up to $10 million; and $20.00 for every $500 | 7 | | of transfer price, or fraction thereof, for consideration over | 8 | | $10 million which may be on the buyer or seller of real estate, | 9 | | or jointly and severally on both. | 10 | | If the municipality increases the real estate transfer tax | 11 | | rates as provided in this subsection, then of the entire | 12 | | proceeds received from the real estate transfer tax imposed | 13 | | under this Section, 75% shall be dedicated to the city's | 14 | | general budget and 25% shall be dedicated to housing and | 15 | | services to combat homelessness. | 16 | | (Source: P.A. 95-708, eff. 1-18-08.)