Full Text of HB2301 103rd General Assembly
| | HB2301 Enrolled | | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning government.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 5. The Central Midwest Radioactive Waste Compact | 5 | | Act is amended by changing Section 1 as follows:
| 6 | | (45 ILCS 140/1) (from Ch. 127, par. 63v-1)
| 7 | | Sec. 1. The State of Illinois ratifies and approves the | 8 | | following compact:
| 10 | | There is created the Central Midwest Interstate Low-Level | 11 | | Radioactive
Waste Compact.
| 12 | | The states party to this compact recognize that the | 13 | | Congress of the
United States, by enacting the Low-Level | 14 | | Radioactive Waste Policy Act (42
U.S.C. 2021), has provided | 15 | | for and encouraged the development of low-level
radioactive | 16 | | waste compacts as a tool for managing such waste. The party
| 17 | | states also recognize that the management of low-level | 18 | | radioactive waste is
handled most efficiently on a regional
| 19 | | basis; and, that the safe and efficient management of | 20 | | low-level radioactive
waste generated within the region | 21 | | requires that sufficient capacity to
manage such waste be | 22 | | properly provided.
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 2 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | a) It is the policy of the party states to enter into a | 2 | | regional
low-level radioactive waste management compact for | 3 | | the purpose of:
| 4 | | 1) providing the instrument and framework for a | 5 | | cooperative effort;
| 6 | | 2) providing sufficient facilities for the proper | 7 | | management of
low-level radioactive waste generated in the | 8 | | region;
| 9 | | 3) protecting the health and safety of the citizens of the | 10 | | region;
| 11 | | 4) limiting the number of facilities required to manage | 12 | | low-level
radioactive waste generated in the region | 13 | | effectively and efficiently;
| 14 | | 5) promoting the volume and source reduction of low-level | 15 | | radioactive
waste generated in the region;
| 16 | | 6) distributing the costs, benefits and obligations of | 17 | | successful low-level
radioactive waste management equitably | 18 | | among the party states and among
generators and other persons | 19 | | who use regional facilities to manage their waste;
| 20 | | 7) ensuring the ecological and economical management of | 21 | | low-level
radioactive waste, including the prohibition of | 22 | | shallow-land burial of waste; and
| 23 | | 8) promoting the use of above-ground facilities and other | 24 | | disposal
technologies providing greater and safer confinement | 25 | | of low-level
radioactive waste than shallow-land burial | 26 | | facilities.
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 3 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | b) Implicit in the Congressional consent to this compact | 2 | | is the
expectation by the Congress and the party states that | 3 | | the appropriate
federal agencies will actively assist the | 4 | | Compact Commission and the
individual party states to this | 5 | | compact by:
| 6 | | 1) expeditious enforcement of federal rules, regulations | 7 | | and laws;
| 8 | | 2) imposition of sanctions against those found to be in | 9 | | violation of
federal rules, regulations and laws; and
| 10 | | 3) timely inspection of their licensees to determine their | 11 | | compliance with
these rules, regulations and laws.
| 13 | | As used in this compact, unless the context clearly | 14 | | requires a
different construction:
| 15 | | a) "Commission" means the Central Midwest Interstate | 16 | | Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Commission.
| 17 | | b) "Decommissioning" means the measures taken at the end | 18 | | of a facility's
operating life to assure the continued | 19 | | protection of the public from any
residual radioactivity or | 20 | | other potential hazards present at a facility.
| 21 | | c) "Disposal" means the isolation of waste from the | 22 | | biosphere
in a permanent facility designed for that purpose.
| 23 | | d) "Eligible state" means either the State of Illinois or | 24 | | the
Commonwealth of Kentucky.
| 25 | | e) "Extended care" means the continued observation of a |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 4 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | facility after
closure for the purpose of detecting a need for | 2 | | maintenance, ensuring
environmental safety, and determining | 3 | | compliance with applicable licensure
and regulatory | 4 | | requirements and includes undertaking any action or clean-up
| 5 | | necessary to protect public health and the environment from | 6 | | radioactive
releases from a regional facility.
| 7 | | f) "Facility" means a parcel of land or site, together | 8 | | with the
structures, equipment and improvements on or | 9 | | appurtenant to the land or
site, which is used or is being | 10 | | developed for the treatment, storage or
disposal of low-level | 11 | | radioactive waste.
| 12 | | g) "Generator" means a person who produces or possesses | 13 | | low-level
radioactive waste in the course of or incident to | 14 | | manufacturing, power
generation, processing, medical diagnosis | 15 | | and treatment, research, or other
industrial or commercial | 16 | | activity and who, to the extent required by law,
is licensed by | 17 | | the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or a party state, to
| 18 | | produce or possess such waste.
| 19 | | h) "Host state" means any party state that is designated | 20 | | by the Commission
to host a regional facility.
| 21 | | i) "Institutional control" means those activities carried | 22 | | out by the
host state to physically control access to the | 23 | | disposal site following
transfer of control of the disposal | 24 | | site from the disposal site operator to
the state or federal | 25 | | government.
These activities must include, but need not be | 26 | | limited to, environmental
monitoring, periodic surveillance, |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 5 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | minor custodial care, and other
necessary activities at the | 2 | | site as determined by the host state, and
administration of | 3 | | funds to cover the costs for these activities. The
period of | 4 | | institutional control will be determined by the host state, | 5 | | but
institutional control may not be relied upon for more than | 6 | | 100 years
following transfer of control of the disposal site | 7 | | to the state or
federal government.
| 8 | | j) "Long-term liability" means the financial obligation to | 9 | | compensate
any person for medical and other expenses incurred | 10 | | from damages to human
health, personal injuries suffered from | 11 | | damages to human health and damages
or losses to real or | 12 | | personal property, and to provide for the costs for
| 13 | | accomplishing any necessary corrective action or clean-up on | 14 | | real or
personal property caused by radioactive releases from | 15 | | a regional facility.
| 16 | | k) "Low-level radioactive waste" or "waste" means | 17 | | radioactive waste not
classified as (1) high-level radioactive | 18 | | waste, (2) transuranic waste, (3)
spent nuclear fuel, or (4) | 19 | | byproduct by-product material as defined in Sections Section | 20 | | 11e(2) , 11e(3), and 11e(4)
of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 | 21 | | U.S.C. 2014) . This definition shall apply notwithstanding
any | 22 | | declaration by the federal government, a state , or any | 23 | | regulatory agency
that any radioactive material is exempt from | 24 | | any regulatory control.
| 25 | | l) "Management plan" means the plan adopted by the | 26 | | Commission for the
storage, transportation, treatment and |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 6 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | disposal of waste within the region.
| 2 | | m) "Manifest" means a shipping document identifying the | 3 | | generator of
waste, the volume of waste, the quantity of | 4 | | radionuclides in the shipment, and
such other information as | 5 | | may be required by the appropriate regulatory agency.
| 6 | | n) "Party state" means any eligible state which enacts the | 7 | | compact into
law and pays the membership fee.
| 8 | | o) "Person" means any individual, corporation, business | 9 | | enterprise or
other legal entity, either public or private, | 10 | | and any legal successor,
representative, agent or agency of | 11 | | that individual, corporation, business
enterprise, or legal | 12 | | entity.
| 13 | | p) "Region" means the geographical area of the party | 14 | | states.
| 15 | | q) "Regional facility" means any facility as defined in
| 16 | | Article II (f) that is (1) located within the region,
and (2) | 17 | | established by a party state pursuant to
designation of that | 18 | | state as a host state by the Commission.
| 19 | | r) "Shallow-land burial" means a land disposal facility in | 20 | | which
radioactive waste is disposed of in or within the upper | 21 | | 30 meters of the
earth's surface; however, this definition | 22 | | shall not include an enclosed,
engineered, strongly | 23 | | structurally enforced and solidified bunker that
extends below | 24 | | the earth's surface.
| 25 | | s) "Site" means the geographic location of a facility.
| 26 | | t) "Source reduction" means those administrative practices |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 7 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | that reduce
the radionuclide levels in low-level radioactive | 2 | | waste or that prevent the
generation of additional low-level | 3 | | radioactive waste.
| 4 | | u) "State" means a state of the United States, the | 5 | | District of Columbia,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the | 6 | | Virgin Islands or any other
territorial possession of the | 7 | | United States.
| 8 | | v) "Storage" means the temporary holding of waste for | 9 | | treatment or disposal.
| 10 | | w) "Treatment" means any method, technique or process, | 11 | | including storage
for radioactive decay, designed to change | 12 | | the physical, chemical or
biological characteristics or | 13 | | composition of any waste in order to render
the waste safer for | 14 | | transport or management, amenable to recovery,
convertible to | 15 | | another usable material or reduced in volume.
| 16 | | x) "Volume reduction" means those methods including, but | 17 | | not limited to,
biological, chemical, mechanical and thermal | 18 | | methods used to reduce the
amount of space that waste | 19 | | materials occupy and to put them into a form
suitable for | 20 | | storage or disposal.
| 21 | | y) "Waste management" means the source and volume | 22 | | reduction, storage,
transportation, treatment or disposal of | 23 | | waste.
| 25 | | a) There is created the Central Midwest Interstate |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 8 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | Low-Level Radioactive
Waste Commission. Upon the eligible | 2 | | states becoming party states, the
Commission shall consist of | 3 | | two voting Commissioners from each state eligible
to be | 4 | | designated a host state under Article VI(b), one voting | 5 | | Commissioner from
any other party state, and for each regional | 6 | | facility, one non-voting
Commissioner who is an elected | 7 | | official of local government and a resident of
the county | 8 | | where that regional facility is located. The Governor of each | 9 | | party
state shall notify the Commission in writing of its | 10 | | Commissioners and any
| 11 | | b) Each voting Commissioner is entitled to one
vote. No | 12 | | action of the Commission is binding unless a majority of the
| 13 | | voting membership casts its vote in the affirmative.
In | 14 | | addition, no agreement by the Commission under Article | 15 | | III(i)(1),
Article III(i)(2), or Article III(i)(3) is valid | 16 | | unless all voting
Commissioners from the party state in which | 17 | | the facility where the waste
would be sent is located cast | 18 | | their votes in the affirmative.
| 19 | | c) The Commission shall elect annually from among its | 20 | | members a
chairperson. The Commission shall adopt and publish, | 21 | | in convenient form,
by-laws and policies that are not | 22 | | inconsistent with this compact, including
procedures that | 23 | | conform with the provisions of the Federal Administrative
| 24 | | Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. ss. 500 to 559) to the greatest extent | 25 | | practicable
in regard to notice, conduct and recording of | 26 | | meetings; access by the
public to records; provision of |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 9 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | information to the public; conduct of
adjudicatory hearings; | 2 | | and issuance of decisions.
| 3 | | d) The Commission shall meet at least once annually and | 4 | | shall also meet
upon the call of any voting Commissioner.
| 5 | | e) All meetings of the Commission and its designated | 6 | | committees shall be
open to the public with reasonable advance | 7 | | notice. The Commission may, by
majority vote, close a meeting | 8 | | to the public for the purpose of considering
sensitive | 9 | | personnel or legal strategy matters. However, all Commission
| 10 | | actions and decisions shall be made in open meetings and | 11 | | appropriately
recorded. A roll call may be required upon | 12 | | request of any voting
| 13 | | f) The Commission may establish advisory committees for | 14 | | the purpose of
advising the Commission on any matters | 15 | | pertaining to waste management,
waste generation and source | 16 | | and volume reduction.
| 17 | | g) The Office of the Commission shall be in Illinois. The | 18 | | Commission may
appoint or contract for and compensate such | 19 | | staff necessary to carry out its
duties and functions. The | 20 | | staff shall serve at the Commission's pleasure with
the | 21 | | exception that staff hired as the result of securing federal | 22 | | funds shall be
hired and governed under applicable federal | 23 | | statutes and regulations. In
selecting any staff, the | 24 | | Commission shall assure that the staff has adequate
experience | 25 | | and formal training to carry out the functions assigned to it | 26 | | by the
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 10 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | h) All files, records and data of the Commission shall be | 2 | | open to
reasonable public inspection and may be copied upon | 3 | | payment of reasonable
fees to be established where appropriate | 4 | | by the Commission, except for
information privileged against | 5 | | introduction in judicial proceedings. Such
fees may be waived | 6 | | or shall be reduced substantially for not-for-profit
| 7 | | organizations.
| 8 | | i) The Commission may:
| 9 | | 1) Enter into an agreement with any person to allow waste | 10 | | from outside
the region to be disposed of at facilities in the | 11 | | region. However, no
such agreement shall be effective unless | 12 | | and until ratified by a law enacted by
the party state to which | 13 | | the waste would be sent for disposal.
| 14 | | 2) Enter into an agreement with any person to allow waste | 15 | | described in
Article VII(a)(6) to be treated, stored, or | 16 | | disposed of at regional
facilities. However, no such agreement | 17 | | shall be effective unless and until
ratified by a law enacted | 18 | | by the host state of the regional facility
where the waste | 19 | | would be sent for treatment, storage, or disposal.
| 20 | | 3) Enter into an agreement with any person to allow waste | 21 | | from outside
the region to be treated or stored at facilities | 22 | | in the region. However,
any such agreement shall be revoked as | 23 | | a matter of law if, within one year
of the effective date of | 24 | | the agreement, a law is enacted ordering the
revocation by the | 25 | | party state where the waste would be sent for treatment or | 26 | | storage.
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 11 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | 4) Approve, or enter into an agreement with any person | 2 | | for, the export
of waste from the region.
| 3 | | 5) Approve the disposal of waste generated within the | 4 | | region at a
facility in the region other than a regional | 5 | | facility, subject to the
limitations of Articles V(f) and | 6 | | VII(a)(6).
| 7 | | 6) Require that waste generated within the region be | 8 | | treated or stored
at available regional facilities, subject to | 9 | | the limitations of Articles
V(f), VII(a)(3) and VII(a)(6).
| 10 | | 7) Appear as an intervenor or party in interest before any | 11 | | court of law
or any federal, state or local agency, board or | 12 | | commission in any matter
related to waste management. In order | 13 | | to represent its views, the
Commission may arrange for any | 14 | | expert testimony, reports, evidence or
other participation.
| 15 | | 8) Review the emergency closure of a regional facility, | 16 | | determine the
appropriateness of that closure, and take | 17 | | whatever actions are necessary to
ensure that the interests of | 18 | | the region are protected, provided that a
party state with a | 19 | | total volume of waste recorded on low-level radioactive
waste | 20 | | manifests for any year that is less than 10 percent of the | 21 | | total
volume recorded on such manifests for the region during | 22 | | the same year shall
not be designated a host state or be | 23 | | required to store the region's waste.
In determining the 10 | 24 | | percent exclusion, there shall not be included waste
recorded | 25 | | on low-level radioactive waste manifests by a person whose
| 26 | | principal business is providing a service by arranging for the |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 12 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | collection,
transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of | 2 | | such waste.
| 3 | | 9) Take any action which is appropriate and necessary to | 4 | | perform its
duties and functions as provided in this compact.
| 5 | | 10) Suspend the privileges or revoke the membership of a | 6 | | party state.
| 7 | | j) The Commission shall:
| 8 | | 1) Submit within 10 days of its execution to the governor | 9 | | and the
appropriate officers of the legislative body of the | 10 | | party state in which
any affected facility is located a copy of | 11 | | any agreement entered into by
the Commission under Article | 12 | | III(i)(1), Article III(i)(2) or Article
| 13 | | 2) Submit an annual report to, and otherwise communicate
| 14 | | with, the governors and the appropriate officers of the | 15 | | legislative bodies of
the party states regarding the | 16 | | activities of the Commission. The annual report
shall include | 17 | | a description of the status of the activities taken pursuant | 18 | | to
any agreement entered into by the Commission under Article | 19 | | III(i)(1), Article
III(i)(2) or Article III(i)(3) and any | 20 | | violation of any provision thereof, and
a description of the | 21 | | source, volume, activity, and current status of any waste
from | 22 | | outside the region or waste described under Article VII(a)(6) | 23 | | that was
treated, stored or disposed of in the region in the | 24 | | previous year.
| 25 | | 3) Hear, negotiate, and, as necessary, resolve by final | 26 | | decision
disputes which may arise between the party states |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 13 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | regarding this compact.
| 2 | | 4) Adopt and amend, as appropriate, a regional management | 3 | | plan that
plans for the establishment of needed regional | 4 | | facilities.
| 5 | | 5) Adopt an annual budget.
| 6 | | k) Funding of the budget of the Commission shall be | 7 | | provided as follows:
| 8 | | 1) Each state, upon becoming a party state, shall pay | 9 | | $50,000 to the
Commission which shall be used for the | 10 | | administrative costs of the Commission.
| 11 | | 2) Each state hosting a regional facility shall levy | 12 | | surcharges on each
user of the regional facility based upon | 13 | | its portion of the total volume
and characteristics of wastes | 14 | | managed at that facility. The surcharges
collected at all | 15 | | regional facilities shall:
| 16 | | A) be sufficient to cover the annual budget of the | 17 | | Commission; and
| 18 | | B) be paid to the Commission, provided, however, that each | 19 | | host state
collecting surcharges may retain a portion of the | 20 | | collection sufficient to
cover its administrative costs of | 21 | | collection.
| 22 | | l) The Commission shall keep accurate accounts of all | 23 | | receipts and
disbursements. The Commission shall contract with | 24 | | an independent certified
public accountant to annually audit | 25 | | all receipts and disbursements of
Commission funds and to | 26 | | submit an audit report to the Commission. The
audit report |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 14 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | shall be made a part of the annual report of the Commission
| 2 | | required by this Article.
| 3 | | m) The Commission may accept for any of its purposes and | 4 | | functions and
may utilize and dispose of any donations, grants | 5 | | of money, equipment,
supplies, materials and services from any | 6 | | state or the United States (or
any subdivision or agency | 7 | | thereof), or interstate agency, or from any
institution, | 8 | | person, firm or corporation. The nature, amount and
condition, | 9 | | if any, attendant upon any donation or grant accepted or
| 10 | | received by the Commission together with the identity of the | 11 | | donor, grantor
or lender, shall be detailed in the annual | 12 | | report of the Commission. The
Commission shall establish | 13 | | guidelines for the acceptance of donations,
grants, equipment, | 14 | | supplies, materials and services and shall review such
| 15 | | guidelines annually.
| 16 | | n) The Commission is not liable for any costs associated | 17 | | with any of
the following:
| 18 | | 1) the licensing and construction of any facility;
| 19 | | 2) the operation of any facility;
| 20 | | 3) the stabilization and closure of any facility;
| 21 | | 4) the extended care of any facility;
| 22 | | 5) the institutional control, after extended care of any | 23 | | facility; or
| 24 | | 6) the transportation of waste to any facility.
| 25 | | o) The Commission is a legal entity separate and distinct | 26 | | from the party
states and is liable for its actions as a |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 15 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | separate and distinct legal
entity. Commissioners are not | 2 | | personally liable for actions
taken by them in their official | 3 | | capacity.
| 4 | | p) Except as provided under Article III(n), Article | 5 | | III(o), Article
VI(p) and Article VI(q), nothing in this | 6 | | compact alters liability for any
action, omission, course of | 7 | | conduct or liability resulting from any causal or
other | 8 | | relationships.
| 9 | | q) Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the | 10 | | Commission which
adversely affects the legal rights, duties or | 11 | | privileges of such person,
may petition a court of competent | 12 | | jurisdiction, within 60 days after the
Commission's final | 13 | | decision, to obtain judicial review of said final decision.
| 15 | | The Commission shall adopt a regional management plan | 16 | | designed to ensure
the safe and efficient management of waste | 17 | | generated within the region. In
adopting a regional waste | 18 | | management plan the Commission shall:
| 19 | | a) Adopt procedures for determining, consistent with | 20 | | considerations of
public health and safety, the type and | 21 | | number of regional facilities which
are presently necessary | 22 | | and which are projected to be necessary to manage
waste | 23 | | generated within the region.
| 24 | | b) Develop and adopt policies promoting source and volume | 25 | | reduction of
waste generated within the region.
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 16 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | c) Develop alternative means for the treatment, storage | 2 | | and disposal of
waste, other than shallow-land burial or | 3 | | underground injection well.
| 4 | | d) Prepare a draft regional management plan that shall be | 5 | | made available
in a convenient form to the public for comment. | 6 | | The Commission shall
conduct one or more public hearings in | 7 | | each party state prior to the
adoption of the regional | 8 | | management plan. The regional management plan
shall include | 9 | | the Commission's response to public and party state comment.
| 11 | | a) Each party state shall act in good faith in the | 12 | | performance of acts
and courses of conduct which are intended | 13 | | to ensure the provision of facilities
for regional | 14 | | availability and usage in a manner consistent with this | 15 | | compact.
| 16 | | b) Other than the provisions of Article V(f) and | 17 | | VII(a)(6), each
party state has the right to have all wastes | 18 | | generated within its borders
managed at regional facilities. | 19 | | This right shall be subject to the
provisions of this Compact. | 20 | | All party states have an equal right of access to
any facility | 21 | | outside the region made available to the region by any | 22 | | agreement
entered into by the Commission pursuant to Article | 23 | | III(i)(4).
| 24 | | c) Party states or generators may negotiate for the right | 25 | | of access to a
facility outside the region and may export waste |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 17 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | outside the region subject
to Commission approval under | 2 | | Article III(i)(4).
| 3 | | d) To the extent permitted by federal law, each party | 4 | | state may enforce
any applicable federal and state laws, | 5 | | regulations and rules pertaining to
the packaging and | 6 | | transportation of waste generated within or passing
through | 7 | | its borders. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to | 8 | | require
a party state to enter into any agreement with the U.S. | 9 | | Nuclear Regulatory
| 10 | | e) Each party state shall provide to the Commission any | 11 | | data and
information the Commission requires to implement its | 12 | | responsibilities.
Each party state shall establish the | 13 | | capability to obtain any data and
information required by the | 14 | | Commission.
| 15 | | f) Waste originating from the Maxey Flats nuclear waste | 16 | | disposal site in
Fleming County, Kentucky shall not be shipped | 17 | | to any
facility in Illinois for storage, treatment or | 18 | | disposal. Disposition
of these wastes shall be the sole | 19 | | responsibility of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky and such waste | 20 | | shall not be subject to the provisions of
Article IX(b)(3) and | 21 | | (4) of this compact.
| 23 | | a) Any party state may volunteer to become a host state, | 24 | | and the
Commission may designate that state as a host state.
| 25 | | b) If all regional facilities required by the regional |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 18 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | management plan
are not developed pursuant to Article VI(a), | 2 | | or upon
notification that an existing regional facility will | 3 | | be closed, the
Commission may designate a party state as a host | 4 | | state.
A party state shall not be designated as a host state | 5 | | for any regional
facility under this Article VI(b) unless that | 6 | | state's total volume of waste
recorded on low-level | 7 | | radioactive waste manifests for any year is more than
10% of | 8 | | the total volume recorded on those manifests for the region | 9 | | during the
same year. In determining the 10% exclusion, there | 10 | | shall not be included
waste recorded on low-level radioactive | 11 | | waste manifests by a person whose
principal business is | 12 | | providing a service by arranging for the collection,
| 13 | | transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of such waste, | 14 | | or waste
described in Article VII(a)(6).
| 15 | | c) Each party state designated as a host state is | 16 | | responsible for
determining possible facility locations within | 17 | | its borders. The selection
of a facility site shall not | 18 | | conflict with applicable federal and host
state laws, | 19 | | regulations and rules not inconsistent with this compact and
| 20 | | shall be based on factors including, but not limited to, | 21 | | geological,
environmental, engineering and economic viability | 22 | | of possible facility
| 23 | | d) Any party state designated as a host state may request | 24 | | the Commission
to relieve that state of the responsibility to | 25 | | serve as a host state. The
Commission may relieve a party state | 26 | | of this responsibility upon a
showing by the requesting party |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 19 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | state that no feasible potential regional
facility site of the | 2 | | type it is designated to host exists within its borders or
for | 3 | | other good cause shown and consistent with the purposes of the | 4 | | Compact.
| 5 | | e) After a state is designated a host state by the | 6 | | Commission, it is
responsible for the timely development and | 7 | | operation of a regional facility.
| 8 | | f) To the extent permitted by federal and state law, a host | 9 | | state shall
regulate and license any facility within its | 10 | | borders and ensure the
extended care of that facility.
| 11 | | g) The Commission may designate a party state as a host | 12 | | state while a
regional facility is in operation if the | 13 | | Commission determines that an
additional regional facility is | 14 | | or may be required to meet the needs of
the region.
| 15 | | h) Designation of a host state is for a period of 20 years
| 16 | | or the life of the regional facility which is established | 17 | | under that
designation, whichever is shorter. Upon request of | 18 | | a host state, the
Commission may modify the period of its | 19 | | designation.
| 20 | | i) A host state may establish a fee system for any regional
| 21 | | facility within its borders. The fee system shall be | 22 | | reasonable and
equitable. This fee system shall provide the | 23 | | host state with sufficient
revenue to cover any costs | 24 | | including, but not limited to, the planning,
siting, | 25 | | licensure, operation, pre-closure corrective action or | 26 | | clean-up,
monitoring, inspection, decommissioning, extended |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 20 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | care and long-term
liability, associated with such facilities. | 2 | | This fee system may provide
for payment to units of local | 3 | | government affected by a regional facility
for costs incurred | 4 | | in connection with such facility. This fee system may
also | 5 | | include reasonable revenue beyond the costs incurred for the | 6 | | host
state, subject to approval by the Commission. The fee | 7 | | system shall include
incentives for source or volume reduction | 8 | | and may be based on the hazard of
the waste. A host state shall | 9 | | submit an annual financial audit of the
operation of the | 10 | | regional facility to the Commission.
| 11 | | j) A host state shall ensure that a regional facility | 12 | | located within its
borders which is permanently closed is | 13 | | properly decommissioned. A host state
shall also provide for | 14 | | the extended care of a closed or decommissioned regional
| 15 | | facility within its borders so that the public health and | 16 | | safety of the state
and region are ensured, unless, pursuant | 17 | | to the federal Nuclear Waste Policy
Act of 1982, the federal | 18 | | government has assumed title and custody of the
regional | 19 | | facility and the federal government thereby has assumed | 20 | | responsibility
to provide for the extended care of such | 21 | | facility.
| 22 | | k) A host state intending to close a regional facility | 23 | | located within
its borders shall notify the Commission in | 24 | | writing of its intention and the
reasons. Notification shall | 25 | | be given to the Commission at least five years
prior to the | 26 | | intended date of closure. This Section shall not prevent an
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 21 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | emergency closing of a regional facility by a host state to | 2 | | protect its
air, land and water resources and the health and | 3 | | safety of its citizens.
However, a host state which has an | 4 | | emergency closing of a regional facility
shall notify the | 5 | | Commission in writing within 3 working days
of its action and | 6 | | shall, within 30 working days of its action, demonstrate
| 7 | | justification for the closing.
| 8 | | l) If a regional facility closes before an additional or | 9 | | new facility
becomes operational, waste generated within the | 10 | | region may be shipped
temporarily to any location agreed on by | 11 | | the Commission until a regional
facility is operational, | 12 | | provided that the region's waste shall not be
stored in a party | 13 | | state with a total volume of waste recorded on low-level
| 14 | | radioactive waste manifests for any year which is less than | 15 | | 10% of the total
volume recorded on the manifests for the | 16 | | region during the same year. In
determining the 10% exclusion, | 17 | | there shall not be included
waste recorded on low-level | 18 | | radioactive waste manifests by a person whose
principal | 19 | | business is providing a service by arranging for the | 20 | | collection,
transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of | 21 | | such waste, or waste
described in Article VII(a)(6).
| 22 | | m) A party state which is designated as a host state by the | 23 | | Commission
and fails to fulfill its obligations as a host | 24 | | state may have its
privileges under the compact suspended or | 25 | | membership in the compact revoked
by the Commission.
| 26 | | n) The host state shall create an "Extended Care and |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 22 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | Long-Term Liability
Fund" and shall allocate sufficient fee | 2 | | revenues, received pursuant to
Article VI(i), to provide for | 3 | | the costs of:
| 4 | | 1) decommissioning and other procedures required for the | 5 | | proper closure
of a regional facility;
| 6 | | 2) monitoring, inspection and other procedures required | 7 | | for the proper
extended care of a regional facility;
| 8 | | 3) undertaking any corrective action or clean-up necessary | 9 | | to protect
human health and the environment from radioactive | 10 | | releases from a
regional facility;
| 11 | | 4) compensating any person for medical and other expenses | 12 | | incurred from
damages to human health, personal injuries | 13 | | suffered from damages to human
health and damages or losses to | 14 | | real or personal property, and
accomplishing any necessary | 15 | | corrective action or clean-up on real or
personal property | 16 | | caused by radioactive releases from a regional facility;
the | 17 | | host state may allocate monies in this Fund in amounts as it | 18 | | deems
appropriate to purchase insurance or to make other | 19 | | similar financial
protection arrangements consistent with the | 20 | | purposes of this Fund; this
Article VI(n) shall in no manner | 21 | | limit the financial responsibilities of the
site operator | 22 | | under Article VI(o), the party states under Article VI(p), or | 23 | | any
person who sends waste to a regional facility, under | 24 | | Article VI(q).
| 25 | | o) The operator of a regional facility shall purchase an | 26 | | amount of
property and third-party liability insurance deemed |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 23 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | appropriate by the host
state, pay the necessary periodic | 2 | | premiums at all times and make periodic
payments to the | 3 | | Extended Care and Long-Term Liability Fund as set forth in
| 4 | | Article VI(n) for such amounts as the host state reasonably | 5 | | determines is
necessary to provide for future premiums to | 6 | | continue such insurance
coverage, in order to pay the costs of | 7 | | compensating any person for medical
and other expenses | 8 | | incurred from damages to human health, personal injuries
| 9 | | suffered from damages to human health and damages or losses to | 10 | | real or
personal property, and accomplishing any necessary | 11 | | corrective action or
clean-up on real or personal property | 12 | | caused by radioactive releases from a
regional facility. In | 13 | | the event of such costs resulting from radioactive
releases | 14 | | from a regional facility, the host state should, to the | 15 | | maximum
extent possible, seek to obtain monies from such | 16 | | insurance prior to using
monies from the Extended Care and | 17 | | Long-Term Liability Fund.
| 18 | | p) All party states shall be liable for the cost
of | 19 | | extended care and long-term liability in excess of monies | 20 | | available from
the Extended Care and Long-Term Liability Fund, | 21 | | as set forth in Article
VI(n) and from the property and | 22 | | third-party liability
insurance as set forth in Article VI(o). | 23 | | A party
state may meet such liability for costs by levying | 24 | | surcharges upon
generators located in the party state. The | 25 | | extent of such
liability shall be based on the proportionate | 26 | | share of
the total volume of waste placed in the regional |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 24 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | facility by generators
located in each such party state. Such | 2 | | liability shall be joint and
several among the party states | 3 | | with a right of contribution between the
party states. | 4 | | However, this Section shall not apply to a party state with
a | 5 | | total volume of waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste | 6 | | manifests
for any year that is less than 10% of the total | 7 | | volume
recorded on such manifests for the region during the | 8 | | same year.
| 9 | | q) Any person who sends waste from outside the region or | 10 | | waste
described in Article VII(a)(6) for treatment, storage or | 11 | | disposal at a
regional facility shall be liable for the cost of | 12 | | extended care and
long-term liability of that regional | 13 | | facility in excess of the monies
available from the Extended | 14 | | Care and Long-Term Liability Fund as set forth
in Article | 15 | | VI(n) and from the property and third-party liability | 16 | | insurance
as set forth in Article VI(o). The extent of the | 17 | | liability for the person
shall be based on the proportionate | 18 | | share of the total volume of waste sent
by that person to the | 19 | | regional facility.
| 21 | | a) Nothing in this compact:
| 22 | | 1) abrogates or limits the applicability of any act of | 23 | | Congress or
diminishes or otherwise impairs the jurisdiction | 24 | | of any federal agency
expressly conferred thereon by the | 25 | | Congress;
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 25 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | 2) prevents the enforcement of any other law of a party | 2 | | state which is
not inconsistent with this compact;
| 3 | | 3) prohibits any storage or treatment of waste by the | 4 | | generator on its
own premises;
| 5 | | 4) affects any administrative or judicial proceeding | 6 | | pending on the
effective date of this compact;
| 7 | | 5) alters the relations between the respective internal | 8 | | responsibility
of the government of a party state and its | 9 | | subdivisions;
| 10 | | 6) establishes any right to the treatment, storage or | 11 | | disposal at any
facility in the region or provides any | 12 | | authority to prohibit export from the
region of waste that is | 13 | | owned or generated by the United States Department of
Energy, | 14 | | owned or generated by the United States Navy as a result of the
| 15 | | decommissioning of vessels of the United States Navy, or
owned | 16 | | or generated as
the result of any research, development, | 17 | | testing or production of any atomic
weapon; or
| 18 | | 7) affects the rights and powers of any party state or its | 19 | | political
subdivisions, to the extent not inconsistent with | 20 | | this compact, to regulate
and license any facility or the | 21 | | transportation of waste within its borders
or affects the | 22 | | rights and powers of any state or its political subdivisions
| 23 | | to tax or impose fees on the waste managed at any facility | 24 | | within its borders;
| 25 | | 8) requires a party state to enter into any agreement with | 26 | | the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission; or
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 26 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | 9) alters or limits liability of transporters of waste and | 2 | | owners and
operators of sites for their acts, omissions, | 3 | | conduct or relationships in
accordance with applicable laws.
| 4 | | b) For purposes of this compact, all state laws or parts of | 5 | | laws in
conflict with this compact are hereby superseded to | 6 | | the extent of the conflict.
| 7 | | c) No law, rule, regulation, fee or surcharge of a party | 8 | | state, or of
any of its subdivisions or instrumentalities, may | 9 | | be applied in a manner
which discriminates against the | 10 | | generators of another party state.
| 11 | | d) No person who provides a service by arranging for | 12 | | collection,
transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of | 13 | | waste from outside the region
shall be allowed to dispose of | 14 | | any waste, regardless of origin, in the region
unless | 15 | | specifically permitted under an agreement entered into by the | 16 | | Commission
in accordance with the requirements of Article | 17 | | III(i)(1).
| 20 | | a) Eligible parties to this compact are the State of | 21 | | Illinois and
Commonwealth of Kentucky. Eligibility terminates | 22 | | on April 15, 1985.
| 23 | | b) An eligible state becomes a party state when the state | 24 | | enacts the
compact into law and pays the membership fee | 25 | | required in Article III(k)(1).
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 27 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | c) The Commission is formed upon the appointment of the | 2 | | Commissioners
and the tender of the membership fee payable to | 3 | | the Commission by the
eligible states. The Governor of | 4 | | Illinois shall convene the initial
meeting of the Commission. | 5 | | The Commission shall cause legislation to be
introduced in the | 6 | | Congress which grants the consent of the Congress to this
| 7 | | compact, and shall take action necessary to organize the | 8 | | Commission and
implement the provisions of this compact.
| 9 | | d) Other than the special circumstances for withdrawal in | 10 | | Section (f) of
this Article, either party state may withdraw | 11 | | from this compact at any time
by repealing the authorizing | 12 | | legislation, but no withdrawal may take effect
until 5 years | 13 | | after the Governor of the withdrawing state gives notice
in | 14 | | writing of the withdrawal to the Commission and to the | 15 | | Governor of the
other state. Withdrawal does not affect any | 16 | | liability already incurred by
or chargeable to a party state | 17 | | prior to the time of such withdrawal. Any
host state which | 18 | | grants a disposal permit for waste generated in a withdrawing
| 19 | | state shall void the permit when the withdrawal of that state | 20 | | is effective.
| 21 | | e) This compact becomes effective July 1, 1984, or at any | 22 | | date
subsequent to July 1, 1984, upon enactment by the | 23 | | eligible states.
However, Article IX(b) shall not take effect | 24 | | until the Congress
has by law consented to this compact. The | 25 | | Congress shall have an
opportunity to withdraw such consent | 26 | | every 5 years. Failure of the
Congress affirmatively to |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 28 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | withdraw its consent has the effect of renewing
consent for an | 2 | | additional 5 year period. The consent given to this
compact by | 3 | | the Congress shall extend to the power of the region to ban the
| 4 | | shipment of waste into the region pursuant to Article | 5 | | III(i)(1) and to
prohibit exportation of waste generated | 6 | | within the region under Article
| 7 | | f) A state which has been designated a host state may | 8 | | withdraw from the
compact. The option to withdraw must be | 9 | | exercised within 90 days
of the date the Governor of the | 10 | | designated state receives written notice of
the designation. | 11 | | Withdrawal becomes effective immediately after notice is
given | 12 | | in the following manner. The Governor of the withdrawing state | 13 | | shall
give notice in writing to the Commission and to the | 14 | | Governor of each party
state. A state which withdraws from the | 15 | | compact under this Section
forfeits any funds already paid | 16 | | pursuant to this compact. A designated
host state which | 17 | | withdraws from the compact after 90 days and prior to
| 18 | | fulfilling its obligations shall be assessed a sum the | 19 | | Commission
determines to be necessary to cover the costs borne | 20 | | by the Commission and
remaining party states as a result of | 21 | | that withdrawal.
| 23 | | a) Each party state shall prescribe and enforce penalties | 24 | | against any
person who is not an official of another state for | 25 | | violation of any
provision of this compact.
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 29 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | b) Unless authorized by the Commission pursuant to Article
| 2 | | III(i), or otherwise provided in this compact, after January | 3 | | 1, 1986 it
is a violation of this compact:
| 4 | | 1) for any person to deposit at a facility in the
region | 5 | | waste from outside the region;
| 6 | | 2) for any facility in the region to accept waste
from | 7 | | outside the region;
| 8 | | 3) for any person to export from the region waste that is
| 9 | | generated within the region;
| 10 | | 4) for any person to dispose of waste at a facility other | 11 | | than a
regional facility;
| 12 | | 5) for any person to deposit at a regional facility waste | 13 | | described in
Article VII(a)(6); or
| 14 | | 6) for any regional facility to accept waste described in | 15 | | Article VII(a)(6).
| 16 | | c) It is a violation of this compact for any person to | 17 | | treat or store
waste at a facility other than a regional | 18 | | facility if such treatment or
storage is prohibited by the | 19 | | Commission under Article III(i)(6).
| 20 | | d) Each party state acknowledges that the receipt by a | 21 | | host state of
waste packaged or transported in violation of | 22 | | applicable laws, rules or
regulations may result in the | 23 | | imposition of sanctions by the host state
which may include | 24 | | suspension or revocation of the violator's right of
access to | 25 | | the facility in the host state.
| 26 | | e) Each party state has the right to seek legal recourse
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 30 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | against any party state which acts in violation of this | 2 | | compact.
| 4 | | The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if | 5 | | any phrase,
clause, sentence or provision of this compact is | 6 | | declared by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be contrary | 7 | | to the Constitution of any
participating state or the United | 8 | | States, or if the applicability thereof
to any government, | 9 | | agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the
validity | 10 | | of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof | 11 | | to
any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be | 12 | | affected
thereby. If any provision of this compact shall be | 13 | | held contrary to the
Constitution of any state participating | 14 | | therein, the compact shall remain
in full force and effect as | 15 | | to the state affected as to all severable matters.
| 16 | | (Source: P.A. 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)
| 17 | | Section 10. The Radioactive Waste Compact Enforcement Act | 18 | | is amended by changing Section 15 as follows:
| 19 | | (45 ILCS 141/15)
| 20 | | Sec. 15. Definitions. In this Act:
| 21 | | "Commission" means the Central Midwest Interstate | 22 | | Low-Level Radioactive Waste
| 23 | | "Compact" means the Central Midwest Interstate Low-Level |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 31 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | Radioactive Waste
| 2 | | "Disposal" means the isolation of waste from the biosphere | 3 | | in a permanent
facility designed for that purpose.
| 4 | | "Facility" means a parcel of land or site, together with | 5 | | the structures,
equipment, and improvements on or appurtenant | 6 | | to the land or site, that is
used or is being developed for the | 7 | | treatment, storage or disposal of
low-level radioactive waste.
| 8 | | "Low-level radioactive waste" or "waste" means radioactive | 9 | | waste not
classified as (1) high-level radioactive waste, (2) | 10 | | transuranic waste, (3)
spent nuclear fuel, or (4) byproduct | 11 | | by-product material as defined in Sections Section 11e(2) , | 12 | | 11e(3), and 11e(4)
of the Atomic Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2014) . | 13 | | This definition shall apply notwithstanding any
declaration by | 14 | | the federal government , a or any state , or any regulatory | 15 | | agency that any radioactive
material is exempt from any | 16 | | regulatory control.
| 17 | | "Management plan" means the plan adopted by the Commission | 18 | | for the
storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of | 19 | | waste within the region.
| 20 | | "Person" means any individual, corporation, business | 21 | | enterprise or other
legal entity, public or private, and any | 22 | | legal successor, representative,
agent or agency of that | 23 | | individual, corporation, business enterprise, or
legal entity.
| 24 | | "Region" means the geographical area of the State of | 25 | | Illinois and the
Commonwealth of Kentucky.
| 26 | | "Regional Facility" means any facility as defined in this |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 32 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | Act that is (1)
located in Illinois, and (2) established by | 2 | | Illinois pursuant to
designation of Illinois as a host state | 3 | | by the Commission.
| 4 | | "Storage" means the temporary holding of radioactive | 5 | | material for treatment
or disposal.
| 6 | | "Treatment" means any method, technique or process, | 7 | | including storage for
radioactive decay, designed to change | 8 | | the physical, chemical, or biological
characteristics of the | 9 | | radioactive material in order to render the
radioactive | 10 | | material safe for transport or management, amenable to
| 11 | | recovery, convertible to another usable material, or reduced | 12 | | in volume.
| 13 | | (Source: P.A. 87-1166.)
| 14 | | Section 15. The Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste | 15 | | Management Act is amended by changing Section 3 as follows:
| 16 | | (420 ILCS 20/3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 241-3)
| 17 | | Sec. 3. Definitions.
| 18 | | "Agency" means the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. | 19 | | "Broker" means any person who takes possession of | 20 | | low-level waste for
purposes of consolidation and shipment.
| 21 | | "Compact" means the Central Midwest Interstate Low-Level | 22 | | Radioactive
Waste Compact.
| 23 | | "Decommissioning" means the measures taken at the end of a | 24 | | facility's
operating life to assure the continued protection |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 33 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | of the public from any
residual radioactivity or other | 2 | | potential hazards present at a facility.
| 3 | | "Director" means the Director of the Illinois Emergency | 4 | | Management Agency.
| 5 | | "Disposal" means the isolation of waste from the biosphere | 6 | | in a
permanent facility designed for that purpose.
| 7 | | "Facility" means a parcel of land or site, together with | 8 | | structures,
equipment and improvements on or appurtenant to | 9 | | the land or site, which
is used or is being developed for the | 10 | | treatment, storage or disposal of
low-level radioactive waste. | 11 | | "Facility" does not include lands, sites,
structures or | 12 | | equipment used by a generator in the generation of low-level
| 13 | | radioactive wastes.
| 14 | | "Generator" means any person who produces or possesses | 15 | | low-level
radioactive waste in the course of or incident to | 16 | | manufacturing, power
generation, processing, medical diagnosis | 17 | | and treatment, research,
education or other activity.
| 18 | | "Hazardous waste" means a waste, or combination of wastes, | 19 | | which
because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, | 20 | | chemical, or
infectious characteristics may cause or | 21 | | significantly contribute to an
increase in mortality or an | 22 | | increase in serious, irreversible, or
incapacitating | 23 | | reversible, illness; or pose a substantial present or
| 24 | | potential hazard to human health or the environment when | 25 | | improperly
treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or | 26 | | otherwise managed, and
which has been identified, by |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 34 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | characteristics or listing, as hazardous
under Section 3001 of | 2 | | the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
1976, P.L. | 3 | | 94-580 or under regulations of the Pollution Control Board.
| 4 | | "High-level radioactive waste" means:
| 5 | | (1) the highly radioactive material resulting from the | 6 | | reprocessing of
spent nuclear fuel including liquid waste | 7 | | produced directly in reprocessing
and any solid material | 8 | | derived from the liquid waste that contains fission
| 9 | | products in sufficient concentrations; and
| 10 | | (2) the highly radioactive material that the Nuclear | 11 | | Regulatory
Commission has determined, on the effective | 12 | | date of this Amendatory Act of
1988, to be high-level | 13 | | radioactive waste requiring permanent isolation.
| 14 | | "Low-level radioactive waste" or "waste" means radioactive | 15 | | waste not
classified as (1) high-level radioactive waste, (2) | 16 | | transuranic waste, (3) spent nuclear
fuel , or (4) byproduct | 17 | | material as defined in Sections Section 11e(2) , 11e(3), and | 18 | | 11e(4) of the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014). This | 19 | | definition shall apply notwithstanding any declaration by the | 20 | | federal government, a state, or any regulatory agency that any | 21 | | radioactive material is exempt from any regulatory control.
| 22 | | "Mixed waste" means waste that is both "hazardous waste" | 23 | | and "low-level
radioactive waste" as defined in this Act.
| 24 | | "Person" means an individual,
corporation, business | 25 | | enterprise or other legal entity either public or private
and | 26 | | any legal successor, representative, agent or agency of that |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 35 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | individual,
corporation, business enterprise, or legal entity.
| 2 | | "Post-closure care" means the continued monitoring of the | 3 | | regional
disposal facility after closure for the purposes of | 4 | | detecting a need for
maintenance, ensuring environmental | 5 | | safety, and determining compliance with
applicable licensure | 6 | | and regulatory requirements, and includes undertaking any
| 7 | | remedial actions necessary to protect public health and the | 8 | | environment from
radioactive releases from the facility.
| 9 | | "Regional disposal facility" or "disposal facility" means | 10 | | the
facility established by the State of Illinois under this | 11 | | Act for disposal
away from the point of generation of waste
| 12 | | generated in the region of the Compact.
| 13 | | "Release" means any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, | 14 | | emitting,
emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, | 15 | | leaching, dumping or disposing
into the environment of | 16 | | low-level radioactive waste.
| 17 | | "Remedial action" means those actions taken in the event | 18 | | of a release
or threatened release of low-level radioactive | 19 | | waste into the environment,
to prevent or minimize the release | 20 | | of the waste so that it does not migrate
to cause substantial | 21 | | danger to present or future public health or welfare
or the | 22 | | environment. The term includes, but is not limited to, actions
| 23 | | at the location of the release such as storage, confinement, | 24 | | perimeter
protection using dikes, trenches or ditches, clay | 25 | | cover, neutralization,
cleanup of released low-level | 26 | | radioactive wastes, recycling or reuse,
dredging or |
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 36 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | excavations, repair or replacement of leaking containers,
| 2 | | collection of leachate and runoff, onsite treatment or | 3 | | incineration,
provision of alternative water supplies and any | 4 | | monitoring reasonably
required to assure that these actions | 5 | | protect human health and the environment.
| 6 | | "Scientific Surveys" means, collectively, the Illinois | 7 | | State Geological
and the Illinois State Water Survey of | 8 | | the University of Illinois.
| 9 | | "Shallow land burial" means a land disposal facility in | 10 | | which
radioactive waste is disposed of in or within the upper | 11 | | 30 meters of the
earth's surface. However, this definition | 12 | | shall not include an enclosed,
engineered, structurally | 13 | | re-enforced and solidified bunker that extends
below the | 14 | | earth's surface.
| 15 | | "Storage" means the temporary holding of waste for | 16 | | treatment or
disposal for a period determined by Agency | 17 | | regulations.
| 18 | | "Treatment" means any method, technique or process, | 19 | | including storage
for radioactive decay, designed to change | 20 | | the physical, chemical or biological
characteristics or | 21 | | composition of any waste in order to render the waste
safer for | 22 | | transport, storage or disposal, amenable to recovery, | 23 | | convertible
to another usable material or reduced in volume.
| 24 | | "Waste management" means the storage, transportation, | 25 | | treatment or
disposal of waste.
| 26 | | (Source: P.A. 98-346, eff. 8-14-13.)
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 37 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | Section 20. The Radioactive Waste Tracking and Permitting | 2 | | Act is amended by changing Section 10 as follows:
| 3 | | (420 ILCS 37/10)
| 4 | | Sec. 10. Definitions.
| 5 | | (a) "Agency" means the Illinois Emergency Management | 6 | | Agency.
| 7 | | (b) "Director" means the Director of the Illinois | 8 | | Emergency Management Agency.
| 9 | | (c) "Disposal" means the isolation of waste from the | 10 | | biosphere in a
permanent facility designed for that purpose.
| 11 | | (d) "Facility" means a parcel of land or a site, together | 12 | | with structures,
equipment, and improvements on or appurtenant | 13 | | to the land or site, that is used
or is being developed for the | 14 | | treatment, storage, or disposal of low-level
radioactive | 15 | | waste.
| 16 | | (e) "Low-level radioactive waste" or "waste" means | 17 | | radioactive waste not
classified as (1) high-level radioactive | 18 | | waste, (2) transuranic waste, (3)
spent nuclear fuel, or (4) | 19 | | byproduct by-product material as defined in Sections Section | 20 | | 11e(2) , 11e(3), and 11e(4) of
the Atomic Energy Act (42 U.S.C. | 21 | | 2014) . This definition shall apply notwithstanding any
| 22 | | declaration by the federal government , or a state , or any | 23 | | regulatory agency that any radioactive material
is exempt from | 24 | | any regulatory control.
| | | HB2301 Enrolled | - 38 - | LRB103 25735 AWJ 52084 b |
| 1 | | (f) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business | 2 | | enterprise, or other
legal entity, public or private, or any | 3 | | legal successor, representative, agent,
or agency of that | 4 | | individual, corporation, business enterprise, or legal
| 5 | | (g) "Regional facility" or "disposal facility" means a | 6 | | facility that is
located in Illinois and established by | 7 | | Illinois, under designation of Illinois
as a
host state by the | 8 | | Commission for disposal of waste.
| 9 | | (h) "Storage" means the temporary holding of waste for | 10 | | treatment or
disposal for a period determined by Agency | 11 | | regulations.
| 12 | | (i) "Treatment" means any method, technique, or process, | 13 | | including storage
for radioactive decay, that is designed to | 14 | | change the physical, chemical, or
biological characteristics | 15 | | or composition of any waste in order to render the
waste safer | 16 | | for transport, storage, or disposal, amenable to recovery,
| 17 | | convertible to another usable material, or reduced in volume.
| 18 | | (Source: P.A. 95-777, eff. 8-4-08.)
| 19 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 20 | | becoming law.