Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4023
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4023  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 3/23/2023, by Rep. John M. Cabello


15 ILCS 305/5.1 new

    Amends the Secretary of State Act. Provides that the Office of the Secretary of State shall install and maintain electronic monitoring devices at each entrance to the State Capitol Complex and shall install and maintain safety call boxes around the State Capitol Complex. Defines terms.

LRB103 31479 DTM 59298 b





HB4023LRB103 31479 DTM 59298 b

1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. This Act shall be referred to as the Capitol
5Security and Safety Act.
6    Section 5. The Secretary of State Act is amended by adding
7Section 5.1 as follows:
8    (15 ILCS 305/5.1 new)
9    Sec. 5.1. Installation of security devices in State
10Capitol Complex.
11    (a) The Office of the Secretary of State shall install and
12maintain electronic monitoring devices at each entrance to the
13State Capitol Complex and shall install and maintain safety
14call boxes around the State Capitol Complex.
15    (b) As used in this Section:
16    "Electronic monitoring device" means a surveillance
17instrument with a fixed position video camera, an audio
18recording device, or both that broadcasts or records activity
19or sounds.
20    "Safety call box" means a well lit, publicly accessible
21call box that houses a telecommunication device that may be
22used by an individual who feels unsafe and who wishes to



HB4023- 2 -LRB103 31479 DTM 59298 b

1communicate with law enforcement authorities and alert those
2authorities of the individual's location.