Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4059
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4059  103rd General Assembly



HB4059 EnrolledLRB103 31890 SPS 60565 b

1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Child Care Act of 1969 is amended by
5changing Section 7.10 as follows:
6    (225 ILCS 10/7.10)
7    Sec. 7.10. Licensing orientation program and progress
8Progress report.
9    (a) For the purposes of this Section, "child day care
10licensing" or "day care licensing" means licensing of day care
11centers, day care homes, and group day care homes.
12    (a-5) In addition to current daycare training and subject
13to appropriations, the Department or any State agency that
14assumes day care center licensing responsibilities shall host
15licensing orientation programs to help educate potential day
16care center, day care home, and group day care home providers
17about the child day care licensing process. The programs shall
18be made available in person and virtually. The Department or
19its successor shall offer to host licensing orientation
20programs at least twice annually in each Representative
21District in the State. Additionally, if one or more persons
22request that a program be offered in a language other than
23English, then the Department or its successor must accommodate



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1the request.
2    (b) No later than September 30th of each year, the
3Department shall provide the General Assembly with a
4comprehensive report on its progress in meeting performance
5measures and goals related to child day care licensing.
6    (c) The report shall include:
7        (1) details on the funding for child day care
8    licensing, including:
9            (A) the total number of full-time employees
10        working on child day care licensing;
11            (B) the names of all sources of revenue used to
12        support child day care licensing;
13            (C) the amount of expenditures that is claimed
14        against federal funding sources;
15            (D) the identity of federal funding sources; and
16            (E) how funds are appropriated, including
17        appropriations for line staff, support staff,
18        supervisory staff, and training and other expenses and
19        the funding history of such licensing since fiscal
20        year 2010;
21        (2) current staffing qualifications of day care
22    licensing representatives and day care licensing
23    supervisors in comparison with staffing qualifications
24    specified in the job description;
25        (3) data history for fiscal year 2010 to the current
26    fiscal year on day care licensing representative caseloads



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1    and staffing levels in all areas of the State;
2        (4) per the DCFS Child Day Care Licensing Advisory
3    Council's work plan, quarterly data on the following
4    measures:
5            (A) the percentage of new applications disposed of
6        within 90 days;
7            (B) the percentage of licenses renewed on time;
8            (C) the percentage of day care centers receiving
9        timely annual monitoring visits;
10            (D) the percentage of day care homes receiving
11        timely annual monitoring visits;
12            (E) the percentage of group day care homes
13        receiving timely annual monitoring visits;
14            (F) the percentage of provider requests for
15        supervisory review;
16            (G) the progress on adopting a key indicator
17        system;
18            (H) the percentage of complaints disposed of
19        within 30 days;
20            (I) the average number of days a day care center
21        applicant must wait to attend a licensing orientation;
22            (J) the number of licensing orientation sessions
23        available per region in the past year; and
24            (K) the number of Department trainings related to
25        licensing and child development available to providers
26        in the past year; and



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1        (5) efforts to coordinate with the Department of Human
2    Services and the State Board of Education on professional
3    development, credentialing issues, and child developers,
4    including training registry, child developers, and Quality
5    Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS).
6    (d) The Department shall work with the Governor's
7appointed Early Learning Council on issues related to and
8concerning child day care.
9(Source: P.A. 97-1096, eff. 8-24-12; 98-839, eff. 1-1-15.)
10    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January
111, 2025.