Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4501
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4501  103rd General Assembly



State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 1/31/2024, by Rep. Joyce Mason - Dave Vella


225 ILCS 10/4.1  from Ch. 23, par. 2214.1

    Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Provides that a criminal background investigation for a person subject to background check shall include specified information. Provides that, notwithstanding any federal law that prohibits conditional employment prior to completed background checks, an individual hired to begin employment who has authorized the required background check may be employed by a child care facility on a conditional basis pending the outcome of the required background check. Provides that the form authorizing the background check shall be submitted to the Department of Children and Family Services. Provides that the individual shall also submit to the Department an attestation, under penalty of perjury, disclosing: (1) any abuse or neglect complaints made against the individual with the child welfare agency of a state other than Illinois in which the individual resided within the 5 years preceding the date of the attestation; and (2) any contact the individual had with a law enforcement agency in connection with the individual's suspected or alleged commission of a crime in a state other than Illinois in which the individual resided within the 5 years preceding the date of the attestation. Provides that a conditional employee shall not be left alone with children outside the visual and auditory supervision of staff until the conditional employee has cleared all required background checks. Defines "persons subject to background check".

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1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Child Care Act of 1969 is amended by
5changing Section 4.1 as follows:
6    (225 ILCS 10/4.1)  (from Ch. 23, par. 2214.1)
7    Sec. 4.1. Criminal background investigations.
8    (a) As used in this Section, "person subject to background
9check" means:
10        (1) an operator of the child care facility;
11        (2) any current and conditional employee of the child
12    care facility;
13        (3) any person who is used to replace or supplement
14    staff;
15        (4) any person who has access to children as defined
16    in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 385.20;
17        (5) any person, including a non-licensed service
18    provider, who provides services that allow unsupervised
19    access to children if the requirement for background
20    checks is a condition of a contract or agreement or is
21    required otherwise under a contract or agreement; and
22        (6) any volunteer who has unsupervised contact with
23    children.



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1    "Person subject to background check" does not include an
2employee of a child care facility that receives funds under
3Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
4    (b) The Department shall require that each person subject
5to background check child care facility license applicant as
6part of the application process, and each employee and
7volunteer of a child care facility or non-licensed service
8provider, as a condition of employment, authorizes authorize
9an investigation to determine if such person subject to
10background check applicant, employee, or volunteer has ever
11been charged with a crime and if so, the disposition of those
12charges; this authorization shall indicate the scope of the
13inquiry and the agencies which may be contacted. Upon this
14authorization, the Director shall request and receive
15information and assistance from any federal, State or local
16governmental agency as part of the authorized investigation.
17Each person subject to background check applicant, employee,
18or volunteer of a child care facility or non-licensed service
19provider shall submit the person subject to background check's
20applicant's, employee's, or volunteer's fingerprints to the
21Illinois State Police in the form and manner prescribed by the
22Illinois State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked
23against the fingerprint records now and hereafter filed in the
24Illinois State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation
25criminal history records databases. The Illinois State Police
26shall charge a fee for conducting the criminal history records



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1check, which shall be deposited in the State Police Services
2Fund and shall not exceed the actual cost of the records check.
3The Illinois State Police shall provide information concerning
4any criminal charges, and their disposition, now or hereafter
5filed, against a person subject to background check an
6applicant, employee, or volunteer of a child care facility or
7non-licensed service provider upon request of the Department
8of Children and Family Services when the request is made in the
9form and manner required by the Illinois State Police.
10    (c) A criminal background investigation for a person
11subject to background check under subsection (b) shall
13        (1) a Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint
14    check using Next Generation Identification;
15        (2) a search of the National Crime Information
16    Center's National Sex Offender Registry; and
17        (3) a search of the following registries,
18    repositories, or databases in this State and each state
19    where the person subject to background check resided
20    during the preceding 5 years:
21            (A) the criminal registry or repository, with the
22        use of fingerprints being:
23                (i) required in this State;
24                (ii) optional in other states;
25            (B) the sex offender registry or repository; and
26            (C) the child abuse and neglect registry and



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1        database.
2    (d) Information concerning convictions of a person subject
3to background check license applicant, employee, or volunteer
4of a child care facility or non-licensed service provider
5investigated under this Section, including the source of the
6information and any conclusions or recommendations derived
7from the information, shall be provided, upon request, to such
8person subject to background check applicant, employee, or
9volunteer of a child care facility or non-licensed service
10provider prior to final action by the Department on the
11application. State conviction information provided by the
12Illinois State Police regarding persons subject to background
13check employees, prospective employees, or volunteers of
14non-licensed service providers and child care facilities
15licensed under this Act shall be provided to the operator of
16such facility, and, upon request, to the person subject to
17background check employee, prospective employee, or volunteer
18of a child care facility or non-licensed service provider. Any
19information concerning criminal charges and the disposition of
20such charges obtained by the Department shall be confidential
21and may not be transmitted outside the Department, except as
22required herein, and may not be transmitted to anyone within
23the Department except as needed for the purpose of evaluating
24a person subject to background check an application or an
25employee or volunteer of a child care facility or non-licensed
26service provider. Only information and standards which bear a



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1reasonable and rational relation to the performance of a child
2care facility shall be used by the Department or any licensee.
3Any employee of the Department of Children and Family
4Services, Illinois State Police, or a child care facility
5receiving confidential information under this Section who
6gives or causes to be given any confidential information
7concerning any criminal convictions of a person subject to
8background check an applicant, employee, or volunteer of a
9child care facility or non-licensed service provider, shall be
10guilty of a Class A misdemeanor unless release of such
11information is authorized by this Section.
12     (e) Notwithstanding any federal law that prohibits
13conditional employment prior to completed background checks,
14an individual hired to begin employment who has authorized the
15background check required by this Section may be employed by a
16child care facility on a conditional basis pending the outcome
17of the required background check. The form authorizing the
18background check shall be submitted to the Department. The
19individual shall also submit to the Department an attestation,
20under penalty of perjury, disclosing: (1) any abuse or neglect
21complaints made against the individual with the child welfare
22agency of a state other than Illinois in which the individual
23resided within the 5 years preceding the date of the
24attestation; and (2) any contact the individual had with a law
25enforcement agency in connection with the individual's
26suspected or alleged commission of a crime in a state other



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1than Illinois in which the individual resided within the 5
2years preceding the date of the attestation. A conditional
3employee shall not be left alone with children outside the
4visual and auditory supervision of staff until the conditional
5employee has cleared all required background checks. A child
6care facility may hire, on a probationary basis, any employee
7or volunteer of a child care facility or non-licensed service
8provider authorizing a criminal background investigation under
9this Section, pending the result of such investigation.
10Employees and volunteers of a child care facility or
11non-licensed service provider shall be notified prior to
12hiring that such employment may be terminated on the basis of
13criminal background information obtained by the facility.
14(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 103-22, eff. 8-8-23.)