Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5406
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5406  103rd General Assembly



State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/9/2024, by Rep. Janet Yang Rohr


105 ILCS 25/1.25 new

    Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that, for the benefit of the physical and mental health of athletes, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, all practices, games, or contests by a State high school athletic program or team that is a part of an association or other entity that has, as one of its purposes, promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition among high schools and high school students within this State shall meet all specified requirements. Provides that an association or other entity that has as one of its purposes promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition among schools and students within this State shall enforce a penalty for a State high school athletic program or team exceeding practice maximums, which may include, but are not limited to, a loss of a practice day or other sanctions determined by the Illinois High School Association for each violation and shall be imposed as appropriate to the level, extent, and duration of the penalty. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act
5is amended by adding Section 1.25 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 25/1.25 new)
7    Sec. 1.25. Athletic practice time limits.
8    (a) In this Section, "practice" means:
9        (1) any school team or individual activity organized
10    by the coach or a member of the athletics staff that is
11    intended to maintain or improve an athlete's skill
12    proficiency in a sport;
13        (2) any school team or individual activity that
14    includes skill drills, game situation drills, inter-squad
15    scrimmages or games, weight training, chalk talks, film
16    review, and meetings outside of school time, excluding
17    parent meetings that are explicitly or implicitly required
18    by the coach or a member of the athletics staff;
19        (3) any other coach-directed or supervised school team
20    or individual activity or instruction for a specific
21    sport; or
22        (4) any other team or individual instruction for a
23    specific sport organized or supervised by any team member,



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1    or anyone else associated with the high school athletic
2    program, team, or school.
3    (b) For the benefit of the physical and mental health of
4athletes, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, all
5practices, games, or contests by a State high school athletic
6program or team that is a part of an association or other
7entity that has, as one of its purposes, promoting,
8sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for
9interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition
10among high schools and high school students within this State
11shall meet all of the following requirements:
12        (1) A team may be allowed no more than 18 hours of
13    practice time per week and no more than 4 hours of practice
14    time in any single day.
15        (2) For golf only, a team is allowed a maximum of 2
16    days per week of 18-hole round of golf. A 18-hole round of
17    golf shall count as 4 hours of practice time.
18        (3) Any competition day shall count as 3 hours of
19    practice no matter the length of the competition.
20    Additional practice time may continue for one hour after
21    the competition, which shall include post-competition
22    cool-downs, stretching, and team discussion.
23        (4) An outside organizational activity may not be used
24    to circumvent any of the requirements of this subsection
25    (b).
26        (5) Team captains or other team leaders, such as



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1    upperclassmen, may not be used to circumvent any
2    requirements of this subsection (b) and may not organize
3    practice to circumvent any requirements of this subsection
4    (b). Student-led practices may occur but shall count
5    toward the practice limitation under this subsection (b).
6        (6) Other optional activities, including, but not
7    limited to, team dinners and team building, shall not be
8    considered practice time if the optional activities do not
9    fall under the definition of practice under subsection
10    (a). Optional activities must be approved by the principal
11    or the principal's administrative designee.
12    (c) An association or other entity that has as one of its
13purposes promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner
14providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of
15athletic competition among schools and students within this
16State shall enforce a penalty for a State high school athletic
17program or team exceeding practice maximums under this
18Section, which may include, but are not limited to, a loss of a
19practice day or other sanctions determined by the Illinois
20High School Association for each violation of this Section and
21shall be imposed as appropriate to the level, extent, and
22duration of the penalty.
23    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
24becoming law.