Full Text of HR0921 94th General Assembly
HR0921 |
LRB094 19585 HSS 55756 r |
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| WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the | 3 |
| State of Illinois learned with regret of the death of Dr. James | 4 |
| Walker, the first African-American person to serve as president | 5 |
| of the two-campus, 35,000-student Southern Illinois University | 6 |
| system (SIU), on Sunday, February 5, 2006; and
| 7 |
| WHEREAS, An Alabama native, Dr. Walker was a graduate of | 8 |
| Pennsylvania State University's doctoral program in education | 9 |
| and was the co-author of a book, "Behavior Management: A | 10 |
| Practical Approach for Education", which is in its eighth | 11 |
| edition; he authored several journal articles related to | 12 |
| special education and educational psychology; and | 13 |
| WHEREAS, He earned his bachelor's degree in biology from | 14 |
| Alabama State University and a Masters in Special Education | 15 |
| from Atlanta University; he was a post-doctoral fellow at the | 16 |
| University of Alabama in Higher Education Administration and | 17 |
| was also a graduate of the Harvard University Institute for | 18 |
| Educational Management; and
| 19 |
| WHEREAS, Dr. Walker came to SIU from the president's job at | 20 |
| Middle Tennessee State University in 2000; he was recognized as | 21 |
| one of the most accomplished and dedicated higher education | 22 |
| professionals in this country; he is remembered by his | 23 |
| successor at SIU as a caring and decent man who accomplished a | 24 |
| great deal for Southern Illinois University through his | 25 |
| positive outlook on life and his wonderful sense of humor and | 26 |
| is credited with providing stable and experienced leadership to | 27 |
| the SIU system at a critical point in its history; and | 28 |
| WHEREAS, Upon arriving at SIU in 2000, President Walker | 29 |
| formed a committee known as the "2020 Vision Committee" | 30 |
| composed of an external group of nationally recognized | 31 |
| educators and community leaders; chaired by the late Senator |
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| Paul Simon, the committee developed a set of recommendations | 2 |
| designed to chart the way for SIU as it moved into the 21st | 3 |
| century; in September of 2002 the "2020 Vision Committee" | 4 |
| issued its report, which included 42 specific recommendations | 5 |
| to move the University forward during the next two decades; the | 6 |
| report guided much of the President's administrative planning | 7 |
| and decision-making processes during his tenure at SIU; and
| 8 |
| WHEREAS, President Walker's many visits to Springfield and | 9 |
| Washington, D.C., gained him respect and stature among State | 10 |
| and federal elected officials; key members of the Illinois | 11 |
| Congressional delegation, working together with Dr. Walker, | 12 |
| secured millions in federal research grants in the areas of | 13 |
| coal, agriculture, bio-fuels, health care, and education | 14 |
| during his tenure; and | 15 |
| WHEREAS, His discussions and relationships with key State | 16 |
| officials assisted the University in securing more than $110 | 17 |
| million in State appropriations for capital funding during his | 18 |
| tenure; key projects included the $12 million renovation of | 19 |
| Altgeld Hall and Old Baptist Foundation, the $35 million | 20 |
| renovation of Morris Library, the new construction of the $30 | 21 |
| million School of Medicine Combined Laboratory Facility in | 22 |
| Springfield, the $21 million Cancer Institute that will break | 23 |
| ground this year, and the $20 million Corn to Ethanol National | 24 |
| Research Plant at SIUE; during his tenure at SIU, private | 25 |
| contributions to the university's foundation rose by 30%; and | 26 |
| WHEREAS, President Walker was also instrumental in raising | 27 |
| student scholarship funds; his Presidential Scholarship Fund | 28 |
| annually rewarded academic excellence and resulted in some of | 29 |
| the best young minds in the State enrolling at SIU's campuses; | 30 |
| and | 31 |
| WHEREAS, He also initiated efforts to foster greater | 32 |
| cooperation between the Carbondale and Edwardsville campuses; |
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| his Task Force for the Identification and Development of | 2 |
| Collaborative Opportunities resulted in significant | 3 |
| improvements in maximizing resources and strengths of SIU as | 4 |
| one university; his work in this area resulted in successful | 5 |
| joint coordination of federal research funding efforts in rural | 6 |
| health care programs including medicine, nursing, dental | 7 |
| medicine, and allied health work; in the area of budget, | 8 |
| administrative, and legal services, President Walker's | 9 |
| streamlining initiatives resulted in a 28% reduction in | 10 |
| University administrative costs over the last two years of his | 11 |
| service; and | 12 |
| WHEREAS, President Walker was also aggressive in working | 13 |
| with the Chancellors of the Carbondale and Edwardsville | 14 |
| campuses in pursuing new programs and capital projects funded | 15 |
| with university resources, including the new SIUE Pharmacy | 16 |
| School and the recently approved expansion of the SIU | 17 |
| governmental internship program; and | 18 |
| WHEREAS, President Walker was a member of numerous higher | 19 |
| education professional organizations and served on the boards | 20 |
| of several of these associations, including the American | 21 |
| Association of State Colleges and Universities and the American | 22 |
| Council on Education; he also served as chair of the NCAA | 23 |
| Division I Athletics Certification Committee; he was involved | 24 |
| in Rotary International, the United Way, Boy Scouts of America, | 25 |
| and the American Heart Association; and
| 26 |
| WHEREAS, He spent more than three decades in higher | 27 |
| education; he took the position at SIU after serving at Middle | 28 |
| Tennessee State University, where he was president for ten | 29 |
| years; prior to becoming president at MTSU, he was Provost and | 30 |
| Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of | 31 |
| Northern Colorado; he moved through the ranks from assistant | 32 |
| professor, department chair, dean, provost, and vice president | 33 |
| for academic affairs to president; and |
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| WHEREAS, The passing of Dr. James Walker has been deeply | 2 |
| felt by many lives that he touched, especially his wife, Gwenn, | 3 |
| and his two daughters; therefore, be it
| 4 |
| we mourn the passing of Dr. James Walker, and we extend our | 7 |
| sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew | 8 |
| and loved him; and be it further
| 9 |
| RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 10 |
| presented to his family as an expression of our deepest | 11 |
| sympathy.