Full Text of SB2165 94th General Assembly
SB2165 Enrolled |
LRB094 15391 LCT 50583 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning property.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Condominium Property Act is amended by | 5 |
| changing Section 18.4 as follows:
| 6 |
| (765 ILCS 605/18.4) (from Ch. 30, par. 318.4)
| 7 |
| Sec. 18.4. Powers and Duties of Board of Managers. The | 8 |
| board of
managers shall exercise for the association all | 9 |
| powers, duties and
authority vested in the association by law | 10 |
| or the condominium instruments
except for such powers, duties | 11 |
| and authority reserved by law to the members
of the | 12 |
| association. The powers and duties of the board of managers | 13 |
| shall
include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
| 14 |
| (a) To provide for the operation, care, upkeep, | 15 |
| maintenance,
replacement and improvement of the common | 16 |
| elements. Nothing
this subsection (a) shall be deemed to | 17 |
| invalidate any provision in a
condominium instrument | 18 |
| placing limits on expenditures for the common elements, | 19 |
| provided, that such
limits shall not be applicable to | 20 |
| expenditures for repair, replacement, or
restoration of | 21 |
| existing portions of the common elements. The
term "repair, | 22 |
| replacement or restoration" means expenditures to | 23 |
| deteriorated or
damaged portions of the property related to | 24 |
| the existing decorating,
facilities, or structural or | 25 |
| mechanical components, interior or exterior
surfaces, or | 26 |
| energy systems and equipment with the functional | 27 |
| equivalent of the
original portions of such areas. | 28 |
| Replacement of the common elements may
result in an | 29 |
| improvement over the original quality of such elements or
| 30 |
| facilities; provided that, unless the improvement is | 31 |
| mandated by law or is an
emergency as defined in item (iv) | 32 |
| of subparagraph (8) of paragraph (a) of
Section 18, if the |
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| 1 |
| improvement results in a proposed expenditure
exceeding 5% | 2 |
| of the annual budget, the board of managers, upon written | 3 |
| petition
by unit owners with 20% of the votes of the | 4 |
| association delivered to the board
within 14 days of the | 5 |
| board action to approve the expenditure, shall call a
| 6 |
| meeting of the unit owners within 30 days of the date of | 7 |
| delivery of the
petition to consider the expenditure. | 8 |
| Unless a majority of the total votes of
the unit owners are | 9 |
| cast at the meeting to reject the expenditure, it is
| 10 |
| ratified.
| 11 |
| (b) To prepare, adopt and distribute the annual budget | 12 |
| for the property.
| 13 |
| (c) To levy and expend assessments.
| 14 |
| (d) To collect assessments from unit
| 15 |
| (e) To provide for the employment and dismissal of the | 16 |
| personnel
necessary or advisable for the maintenance and | 17 |
| operation of the common
| 18 |
| (f) To obtain adequate and appropriate kinds of
| 19 |
| insurance.
| 20 |
| (g) To own, convey, encumber, lease, and otherwise deal | 21 |
| with units
conveyed to or purchased by it.
| 22 |
| (h) To adopt and amend rules and regulations covering | 23 |
| the details of
the operation and use of the property, after | 24 |
| a meeting of the unit owners
called for the specific | 25 |
| purpose of discussing the proposed rules and
regulations. | 26 |
| Notice of the meeting shall contain the full text of the
| 27 |
| proposed rules and regulations, and the meeting shall | 28 |
| conform to the
requirements of Section 18(b) of this Act, | 29 |
| except that no quorum is
required at the meeting of the | 30 |
| unit owners unless the declaration, bylaws
or other | 31 |
| condominium instrument expressly provides to the contrary.
| 32 |
| However, no rule or regulation may impair any rights | 33 |
| guaranteed by the
First Amendment to the Constitution of | 34 |
| the United States or Section 4 of
Article I of the Illinois | 35 |
| Constitution including , but not limited to, the free | 36 |
| exercise of religion, nor may any rules or regulations
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| conflict with the provisions of this Act or the condominium | 2 |
| instruments. No rule or regulation shall prohibit any | 3 |
| reasonable accommodation for religious practices, | 4 |
| including the attachment of religiously mandated objects | 5 |
| to the front-door area of a condominium unit.
| 6 |
| (i) To keep detailed, accurate records of the receipts | 7 |
| and
expenditures affecting the use and operation of the | 8 |
| property.
| 9 |
| (j) To have access to each unit from time to time as | 10 |
| may be necessary
for the maintenance, repair or replacement | 11 |
| of any common elements or for
making emergency repairs | 12 |
| necessary to prevent damage to the common elements
or to | 13 |
| other units.
| 14 |
| (k) To pay real property taxes, special assessments, | 15 |
| and any other
special taxes or charges of the State of | 16 |
| Illinois or of any political
subdivision thereof, or other | 17 |
| lawful taxing or assessing body, which are
authorized by | 18 |
| law to be assessed and levied upon the real property of the
| 19 |
| condominium.
| 20 |
| (l) To impose charges for late payment of a unit | 21 |
| owner's proportionate
share of the common expenses, or any | 22 |
| other expenses lawfully agreed upon,
and after notice and | 23 |
| an opportunity to be heard, to levy reasonable fines
for | 24 |
| violation of the declaration, by-laws, and rules and | 25 |
| regulations of
the association.
| 26 |
| (m) Unless the condominium instruments expressly | 27 |
| provide to the
contrary, by a majority vote of the entire | 28 |
| board of managers, to assign the
right of the association | 29 |
| to future income from common expenses or other
sources, and | 30 |
| to mortgage or pledge substantially all of the remaining
| 31 |
| assets of the association.
| 32 |
| (n) To record the dedication of a portion of the common | 33 |
| elements
to a public body for use as, or in connection | 34 |
| with, a street or utility
where authorized by the unit | 35 |
| owners under the provisions of Section 14.2.
| 36 |
| (o) To record the granting of an easement for the |
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| laying of cable
television cable where authorized by the | 2 |
| unit owners under the provisions
of Section 14.3; to | 3 |
| obtain, if available and determined by the board to be in
| 4 |
| the best interests of the association, cable television
| 5 |
| service for all of the units of the condominium on a bulk
| 6 |
| identical service and equal cost per unit basis; and to | 7 |
| assess and recover the
expense as a common expense and, if | 8 |
| so determined by the board, to assess each
and every unit | 9 |
| on the same equal cost per unit basis.
| 10 |
| (p) To seek relief on behalf of all unit owners when | 11 |
| authorized
pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 10 from or | 12 |
| in connection with the
assessment or levying of real | 13 |
| property taxes, special assessments, and any
other special | 14 |
| taxes or changes of the State of Illinois or of any | 15 |
| political
subdivision thereof or of any lawful taxing or | 16 |
| assessing body.
| 17 |
| (q) To reasonably accommodate the needs of a | 18 |
| handicapped unit owner
as required by the federal Civil | 19 |
| Rights Act of 1968, the Human Rights Act
and any applicable | 20 |
| local ordinances in the exercise of its powers with
respect | 21 |
| to the use of common elements or approval of modifications | 22 |
| in an
individual unit.
| 23 |
| (r) To accept service of a notice of claim for purposes | 24 |
| of the Mechanics Lien Act on behalf of each respective | 25 |
| member of the Unit Owners' Association with respect to | 26 |
| improvements performed pursuant to any contract entered | 27 |
| into by the Board of Managers or any contract entered into | 28 |
| prior to the recording of the condominium declaration | 29 |
| pursuant to this Act, for a property containing more than 8 | 30 |
| units, and to distribute the notice to the unit owners | 31 |
| within 7 days of the acceptance of the service by the Board | 32 |
| of Managers. The service shall be effective as if each | 33 |
| individual unit owner had been served individually with | 34 |
| notice.
| 35 |
| In the performance of their duties, the officers and | 36 |
| members of the board,
whether appointed by the developer or |
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| elected by the unit owners, shall
exercise the care required of | 2 |
| a fiduciary of the unit owners.
| 3 |
| The collection of assessments from unit owners by an | 4 |
| association, board
of managers or their duly authorized agents | 5 |
| shall not be considered acts
constituting a collection agency | 6 |
| for purposes of the Collection Agency Act.
| 7 |
| The provisions of this Section are
applicable to all | 8 |
| condominium instruments recorded under this Act. Any
portion of | 9 |
| a condominium instrument which contains provisions contrary to
| 10 |
| these provisions shall be void as against public policy and | 11 |
| ineffective.
Any such instrument that fails to contain the | 12 |
| provisions required by this
Section shall be deemed to | 13 |
| incorporate such provisions by operation of law.
| 14 |
| (Source: P.A. 94-384, eff. 1-1-06.)