Full Text of HJR0119 96th General Assembly
HJ0119 |
LRB096 22241 GRL 41086 r |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| WHEREAS, On April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer | 3 |
| signed into law SB 1070, legislation that purports to crack | 4 |
| down on undocumented immigrants present in Arizona; and
| 5 |
| WHEREAS, Among its many provisions, SB 1070 requires that | 6 |
| law enforcement officers in Arizona request documentation from | 7 |
| anyone they encounter if they have "reasonable suspicion" that | 8 |
| such person is present in the United States unlawfully; and
| 9 |
| WHEREAS, SB 1070 also makes it a state crime to fail to | 10 |
| carry valid immigration documents; and
| 11 |
| WHEREAS, Immigration law and policy and the enforcement of | 12 |
| our nation's immigration laws are federal responsibilities, | 13 |
| but SB 1070 would convert federal civil immigration infractions | 14 |
| into state criminal offenses; and
| 15 |
| WHEREAS, SB 1070, in effect, authorizes police officers in | 16 |
| Arizona to harass minorities and engage in racial and ethnic | 17 |
| profiling, associating an individual's skin color and | 18 |
| appearance with "reasonable suspicion" of undocumented status; | 19 |
| and
| 20 |
| WHEREAS, SB 1070 has been criticized by police and other |
HJ0119 |
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LRB096 22241 GRL 41086 r |
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| law enforcement officials inside and outside of Arizona, who | 2 |
| are concerned that this new law will drain local law | 3 |
| enforcement resources and undermine trust between police and | 4 |
| immigrant, Latino, and other minority community members, who | 5 |
| may not report crimes or cooperate with law enforcement if they | 6 |
| fear for their own safety when encountering police; and
| 7 |
| WHEREAS, Elected officials from both parties have | 8 |
| expressed deep concerns about SB 1070, including New York City | 9 |
| Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio | 10 |
| Villaraigosa, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and former | 11 |
| Florida House Speaker and US Senate candidate Marco Rubio; and
| 12 |
| WHEREAS, The State of Illinois has long welcomed immigrants | 13 |
| and recognized the contributions of these newcomers; and
| 14 |
| WHEREAS, Our state has long resisted and rejected attempts | 15 |
| to polarize against immigrants and, in particular, | 16 |
| undocumented immigrants; and | 17 |
| WHEREAS, As it had two decades ago, when it refused to | 18 |
| observe the holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the | 19 |
| State of Arizona has again chosen a counterproductive path that | 20 |
| offends our nation's conscience; therefore, be it
| 21 |
HJ0119 |
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LRB096 22241 GRL 41086 r |
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| SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we condemn, in the strongest | 3 |
| terms, the enactment of Arizona's SB 1070, legislation that | 4 |
| will foster racial profiling, drive a wedge between police and | 5 |
| communities of color, and diminish the effectiveness of law | 6 |
| enforcement; and be it further
| 7 |
| RESOLVED, That we call upon the Arizona legislature to | 8 |
| repeal SB 1070; and be it further | 9 |
| RESOLVED, That we call upon President Obama and the United | 10 |
| States Congress to act quickly to enact comprehensive reforms | 11 |
| that will bring workable, practical, and humane solutions to | 12 |
| fix our broken immigration system; and be it further | 13 |
| RESOLVED, That we reject the use of hateful rhetoric that | 14 |
| scapegoats immigrants for our national and state difficulties | 15 |
| and declare that such rhetoric has no place in federal, state, | 16 |
| or local immigration policy debates; and be it further | 17 |
| RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be | 18 |
| presented to President Barack Obama, the members of the | 19 |
| Illinois congressional delegation, Arizona Governor Jan | 20 |
| Brewer, and the Speaker and Senate President of the Arizona | 21 |
| Legislature.