Full Text of SR0711 97th General Assembly
| | SR0711 | | LRB097 21077 KXB 68433 r |
| 2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to | 3 | | learn of the death of Margaret M. Kiple of Roselle, who | 4 | | recently passed away; and
| 5 | | WHEREAS, In June of 2004, she became involved with Hospice | 6 | | and Palliative Care of Northeastern Illinois; and
| 7 | | WHEREAS, After taking a course in patient care volunteer | 8 | | training, she decided instead to work in the fundraising area; | 9 | | she became one of the founding members of the Friends of | 10 | | Hospice; she volunteered to chair the Gala, and continued in | 11 | | that role for several years; she also worked with the Duck Race | 12 | | and the Barn Dance; and
| 13 | | WHEREAS, She became friends with the original Friends of | 14 | | Hospice, and the group was renamed the Babes of Hope in her | 15 | | honor; and
| 16 | | WHEREAS, She always had a smile on her face and spent her | 17 | | final days at the Pepper Family Hospice Home surrounded by her | 18 | | family and many friends; and
| 19 | | WHEREAS, Margaret M. Kiple was the dear sister of Mary | 20 | | (Mike) Ring, Cathy (John) Potter, Carol Anderson, John (Ariel), |
| | | SR0711 | - 2 - | LRB097 21077 KXB 68433 r |
| 1 | | Bill (Cindy), David (Denise), Tom (Jackie), Paul (Linda), and | 2 | | the late Patricia and Robert (Debbie) Kiple; the dearest friend | 3 | | of Cathy and Dan Wickstrom and family, and Mary Beth and Bill | 4 | | Allen and family; and the dear aunt of many nieces and nephews; | 5 | | therefore, be it
| 6 | | RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE NINETY-SEVENTH GENERAL | 7 | | ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with | 8 | | her family and friends, the passing of Margaret Kiple; and be | 9 | | it further
| 10 | | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 11 | | presented to the family of Margaret Kiple as a symbol of our | 12 | | sincere sympathy.