Full Text of HR0267 99th General Assembly
| | HR0267 | | LRB099 11355 GRL 32112 r |
| 2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of | 3 | | Representatives wish to congratulate Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey | 4 | | of Oswego for being named one of the top 2 youth volunteers in | 5 | | Illinois for 2015 in the Prudential Spirit of Community Award | 6 | | program; and
| 7 | | WHEREAS, The Prudential Spirit of Community Award, | 8 | | presented by Prudential Financial in partnership with the | 9 | | National Association of Secondary School Principals, honors | 10 | | young volunteers across America who have demonstrated an | 11 | | extraordinary commitment to serving their communities; and
| 12 | | WHEREAS, Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey earned this award by | 13 | | giving generously of her time and energy to found a non-profit | 14 | | organization with her younger brother, "SMART2bfit", that | 15 | | seeks to engage young people in promoting healthy eating, | 16 | | accessible clean water, and other essentials for healthy | 17 | | living; Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey's family has a history of poor | 18 | | health, so she learned early on the fundamentals of a healthy | 19 | | lifestyle; wanting to share this knowledge with others, she | 20 | | started an after-school club that taught 30 kids about | 21 | | nutrition, hydration, and healthy habits; the members of the | 22 | | club then planted an organic garden at their school with a | 23 | | grant won by Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey; and |
| | | HR0267 | - 2 - | LRB099 11355 GRL 32112 r |
| 1 | | WHEREAS, Clubs and gardens continue to be a major part of | 2 | | Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey's "SMART2bfit" program; she and her | 3 | | brother organize clubs and camps to teach kids how to be | 4 | | healthy through various fun physical activities, such as | 5 | | cooking and gardening; they have sponsored 5 youth-run gardens | 6 | | that have raised thousands of pounds of fresh, organic produce | 7 | | for local food banks; they have also organized community walks | 8 | | that educate participants about the global water crisis while | 9 | | raising money to build wells and water tanks in Africa; and | 10 | | WHEREAS, As a State Honoree, Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey | 11 | | received a $1,000 award, an engraved silver medallion, and a | 12 | | trip to Washington, D.C. on May 2-5, 2015 during a series of | 13 | | national recognition events; and
| 14 | | WHEREAS, The success of the State of Illinois, the strength | 15 | | of our communities, and the overall vitality of American | 16 | | society depend, in great measure, upon the dedication of young | 17 | | people like Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey, who use their | 18 | | considerable talents and resources to serve others; therefore, | 19 | | be it
| 20 | | RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE | 21 | | NINETY-NINTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we | 22 | | congratulate and honor Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey for being named |
| | | HR0267 | - 3 - | LRB099 11355 GRL 32112 r |
| 1 | | one of the top 2 youth volunteers in Illinois for 2015 in the | 2 | | Prudential Spirit of Community Award program; recognize her | 3 | | outstanding record of volunteer service, peer leadership, and | 4 | | community spirit; and extend our best wishes for her continued | 5 | | success and happiness in the future; and be it further
| 6 | | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 7 | | presented to Madeline Hoskins-Cumbey as a symbol of our respect | 8 | | and esteem.