Full Text of HB4331 100th General Assembly
| | HB4331 Engrossed | | LRB100 16764 MJP 31904 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning regulation.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and | 5 | | Duties Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is | 6 | | amended by adding Section 2310-316 as follows: | 7 | | (20 ILCS 2310/2310-316 new) | 8 | | Sec. 2310-316. Opioid overdose reporting. | 9 | | (a) The Department shall adopt rules to implement the | 10 | | requirements of this amendatory Act of the 100th General | 11 | | Assembly. | 12 | | (b) The Department shall annually report to the General | 13 | | Assembly the data collected under this Section, Section 8.5 of | 14 | | the University of Illinois Hospital Act, and Section 6.09c of | 15 | | the Hospital Licensing Act and the data reported to the | 16 | | Department concerning deaths in which an opioid overdose is | 17 | | determined to be a contributing factor, as required by Section | 18 | | 3-3013 of the Counties Code. The report shall specify the data | 19 | | for each county. The report to the General Assembly shall be | 20 | | filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the | 21 | | Secretary of the Senate in electronic form only, in the manner | 22 | | that the Clerk and the Secretary shall direct. The report shall | 23 | | be provided electronically to any member of the General |
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| 1 | | Assembly upon request. | 2 | | Section 10. The Counties Code is amended by changing | 3 | | Section 3-3013 as follows:
| 4 | | (55 ILCS 5/3-3013) (from Ch. 34, par. 3-3013)
| 5 | | Sec. 3-3013. Preliminary investigations; blood and urine | 6 | | analysis;
summoning jury; reports. Every coroner, whenever, as | 7 | | soon as he knows or is
informed that the dead body of any | 8 | | person is found, or lying within his
county, whose death is | 9 | | suspected of being:
| 10 | | (a) A sudden or violent death, whether apparently | 11 | | suicidal,
homicidal or accidental, including but not | 12 | | limited to deaths apparently
caused or contributed to by | 13 | | thermal, traumatic, chemical, electrical or
radiational | 14 | | injury, or a complication of any of them, or by drowning or
| 15 | | suffocation, or as a result of domestic violence as defined | 16 | | in the Illinois
Violence Act of 1986;
| 17 | | (b) A maternal or fetal death due to abortion, or any | 18 | | death due to a
sex crime or a crime against nature;
| 19 | | (c) A death where the circumstances are suspicious, | 20 | | obscure,
mysterious or otherwise unexplained or where, in | 21 | | the written opinion of
the attending physician, the cause | 22 | | of death is not determined;
| 23 | | (d) A death where addiction to alcohol or to any drug | 24 | | may have been
a contributory cause; or
| | | HB4331 Engrossed | - 3 - | LRB100 16764 MJP 31904 b |
| 1 | | (e) A death where the decedent was not attended by a | 2 | | licensed
| 3 | | shall go to the place where the dead body is, and take charge | 4 | | of the
same and shall make a preliminary investigation into the | 5 | | circumstances
of the death. In the case of death without | 6 | | attendance by a licensed
physician the body may be moved with | 7 | | the coroner's consent from the
place of death to a mortuary in | 8 | | the same county. Coroners in their
discretion shall notify such | 9 | | physician as is designated in accordance
with Section 3-3014 to | 10 | | attempt to ascertain the cause of death, either by
autopsy or | 11 | | otherwise.
| 12 | | In cases of accidental death involving a motor vehicle in | 13 | | which the
decedent was (1) the operator or a suspected operator | 14 | | of a motor
vehicle, or (2) a pedestrian 16 years of age or | 15 | | older, the coroner shall
require that a blood specimen of at | 16 | | least 30 cc., and if medically
possible a urine specimen of at | 17 | | least 30 cc. or as much as possible up
to 30 cc., be withdrawn | 18 | | from the body of the decedent in a timely fashion after
the | 19 | | accident causing his death, by such physician as has been | 20 | | designated
in accordance with Section 3-3014, or by the coroner | 21 | | or deputy coroner or
a qualified person designated by such | 22 | | physician, coroner, or deputy coroner. If the county
does not | 23 | | maintain laboratory facilities for making such analysis, the
| 24 | | blood and urine so drawn shall be sent to the Department of | 25 | | State Police or any other accredited or State-certified | 26 | | laboratory
for analysis of the alcohol, carbon monoxide, and |
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| 1 | | dangerous or
narcotic drug content of such blood and urine | 2 | | specimens. Each specimen
submitted shall be accompanied by | 3 | | pertinent information concerning the
decedent upon a form | 4 | | prescribed by such laboratory. Any
person drawing blood and | 5 | | urine and any person making any examination of
the blood and | 6 | | urine under the terms of this Division shall be immune from all
| 7 | | liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred | 8 | | or
| 9 | | In all other cases coming within the jurisdiction of the | 10 | | coroner and
referred to in subparagraphs (a) through (e) above, | 11 | | blood, and whenever
possible, urine samples shall be analyzed | 12 | | for the presence of alcohol
and other drugs. When the coroner | 13 | | suspects that drugs may have been
involved in the death, either | 14 | | directly or indirectly, a toxicological
examination shall be | 15 | | performed which may include analyses of blood, urine,
bile, | 16 | | gastric contents and other tissues. When the coroner suspects
a | 17 | | death is due to toxic substances, other than drugs, the coroner | 18 | | shall
consult with the toxicologist prior to collection of | 19 | | samples. Information
submitted to the toxicologist shall | 20 | | include information as to height,
weight, age, sex and race of | 21 | | the decedent as well as medical history,
medications used by | 22 | | and the manner of death of decedent.
| 23 | | When the coroner or medical examiner finds that the cause | 24 | | of death is due to homicidal means, the coroner or medical | 25 | | examiner shall cause blood and buccal specimens (tissue may be | 26 | | submitted if no uncontaminated blood or buccal specimen can be |
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| 1 | | obtained), whenever possible, to be withdrawn from the body of | 2 | | the decedent in a timely fashion. For proper preservation of | 3 | | the specimens, collected blood and buccal specimens shall be | 4 | | dried and tissue specimens shall be frozen if available | 5 | | equipment exists. As soon as possible, but no later than 30 | 6 | | days after the collection of the specimens, the coroner or | 7 | | medical examiner shall release those specimens to the police | 8 | | agency responsible for investigating the death. As soon as | 9 | | possible, but no later than 30 days after the receipt from the | 10 | | coroner or medical examiner, the police agency shall submit the | 11 | | specimens using the agency case number to a National DNA Index | 12 | | System (NDIS) participating laboratory within this State, such | 13 | | as the Illinois Department of State Police, Division of | 14 | | Forensic Services, for analysis and categorizing into genetic | 15 | | marker groupings. The results of the analysis and categorizing | 16 | | into genetic marker groupings shall be provided to the Illinois | 17 | | Department of State Police and shall be maintained by the | 18 | | Illinois Department of State Police in the State central | 19 | | repository in the same manner, and subject to the same | 20 | | conditions, as provided in Section 5-4-3 of the Unified Code of | 21 | | Corrections. The requirements of this paragraph are in addition | 22 | | to any other findings, specimens, or information that the | 23 | | coroner or medical examiner is required to provide during the | 24 | | conduct of a criminal investigation.
| 25 | | In all counties, in cases of apparent
suicide, homicide, or | 26 | | accidental death or in other cases, within the
discretion of |
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| 1 | | the coroner, the coroner may summon 8 persons of lawful age
| 2 | | from those persons drawn for petit jurors in the county. The | 3 | | summons shall
command these persons to present themselves | 4 | | personally at such a place and
time as the coroner shall | 5 | | determine, and may be in any form which the
coroner shall | 6 | | determine and may incorporate any reasonable form of request
| 7 | | for acknowledgement which the coroner deems practical and | 8 | | provides a
reliable proof of service. The summons may be served | 9 | | by first class mail.
From the 8 persons so summoned, the | 10 | | coroner shall select 6 to serve as the
jury for the inquest. | 11 | | Inquests may be continued from time
to time, as the coroner may | 12 | | deem necessary. The 6 jurors selected in
a given case may view | 13 | | the body of the deceased.
If at any continuation of an inquest | 14 | | one or more of the original jurors
shall be unable to continue | 15 | | to serve, the coroner shall fill the vacancy or
vacancies. A | 16 | | juror serving pursuant to this paragraph shall receive
| 17 | | compensation from the county at the same rate as the rate of | 18 | | compensation
that is paid to petit or grand jurors in the | 19 | | county. The coroner shall
furnish to each juror without fee at | 20 | | the time of his discharge a
certificate of the number of days | 21 | | in attendance at an inquest, and, upon
being presented with | 22 | | such certificate, the county treasurer shall pay to
the juror | 23 | | the sum provided for his services.
| 24 | | In counties which have a jury commission, in cases of | 25 | | apparent suicide or
homicide or of accidental death, the | 26 | | coroner may conduct an inquest. The jury commission shall |
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| 1 | | provide
at least 8 jurors to the coroner, from whom the coroner | 2 | | shall select any 6
to serve as the jury for the inquest. | 3 | | Inquests may be continued from time
to time as the coroner may | 4 | | deem necessary. The 6 jurors originally chosen
in a given case | 5 | | may view the body of the deceased. If at any continuation
of an | 6 | | inquest one or more of the 6 jurors originally chosen shall be | 7 | | unable
to continue to serve, the coroner shall fill the vacancy | 8 | | or vacancies. At
the coroner's discretion, additional jurors to | 9 | | fill such vacancies shall be
supplied by the jury commission. A | 10 | | juror serving pursuant to this
paragraph in such county shall | 11 | | receive compensation from the county at the
same rate as the | 12 | | rate of compensation that is paid to petit or grand jurors
in | 13 | | the county.
| 14 | | In every case in which a fire is determined to be
| 15 | | contributing factor in a death, the coroner shall report the | 16 | | death to the
Office of the State Fire Marshal. The coroner | 17 | | shall provide a copy of the death certificate (i) within 30 | 18 | | days after filing the permanent death certificate and (ii) in a | 19 | | manner that is agreed upon by the coroner and the State Fire | 20 | | Marshal. | 21 | | In every case in which a drug overdose is determined to be | 22 | | the cause or a contributing factor in the death, the coroner or | 23 | | medical examiner shall report the death to the Department of | 24 | | Public Health. The Department of Public Health shall adopt | 25 | | rules regarding specific information that must be reported in | 26 | | the event of such a death. If possible, the coroner shall |
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| 1 | | report the cause of the overdose. As used in this Section, | 2 | | "overdose" has the same meaning as it does in Section 414 of | 3 | | the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. The Department of | 4 | | Public Health shall issue a semiannual report to the General | 5 | | Assembly summarizing the reports received. The Department | 6 | | shall also provide on its website a monthly report of overdose | 7 | | death figures organized by location, age, and any other | 8 | | factors, the Department deems appropriate. | 9 | | In addition, in every case in which domestic violence is | 10 | | determined to be
contributing factor in a death, the coroner | 11 | | shall report the death to the
Department of State Police.
| 12 | | In addition, in every case in which an opioid overdose is | 13 | | determined to be a contributing factor in a death, the coroner | 14 | | shall report the death and the age, gender, race, and county of | 15 | | residence, if known, of the decedent to the Department of | 16 | | Public Health. | 17 | | All deaths in State institutions and all deaths of wards of | 18 | | the State or youth in care as defined in Section 4d of the | 19 | | Children and Family Services Act in
private care facilities or | 20 | | in programs funded by the Department of Human
Services under | 21 | | its powers relating to mental health and developmental
| 22 | | disabilities or alcoholism and substance
abuse or funded by the | 23 | | Department of Children and Family Services shall
be reported to | 24 | | the coroner of the county in which the facility is
located. If | 25 | | the coroner has reason to believe that an investigation is
| 26 | | needed to determine whether the death was caused by |
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| 1 | | maltreatment or
negligent care of the ward of the State or | 2 | | youth in care as defined in Section 4d of the Children and | 3 | | Family Services Act, the coroner may conduct a
preliminary | 4 | | investigation of the circumstances of such death as in cases of
| 5 | | death under circumstances set forth in paragraphs (a) through | 6 | | (e) of this
| 7 | | (Source: P.A. 99-354, eff. 1-1-16; 99-480, eff. 9-9-15; 99-642, | 8 | | eff. 7-28-16; 100-159, eff. 8-18-17.)