Full Text of HR0771 100th General Assembly
| | HR0771 | | LRB100 16648 MST 31785 r |
| 2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of | 3 | | Representatives were saddened to learn of the death of
James E. | 4 | | Keefe, who passed away on November 21, 2017; and
| 5 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe was born in Chicago to James H. and | 6 | | Florence M.
(Cooney) Keefe on January 13, 1932; he moved to | 7 | | Woodstock in 1938 and attended St. Mary's School through the | 8 | | 9th
grade; he then attended St. Mary's Seminary School, where | 9 | | he had planned to become a priest; and
| 10 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe attended college at St. Ambrose | 11 | | University in Davenport, Iowa until he was drafted
during his | 12 | | sophomore year; he served his country with distinction in the | 13 | | U.S. Army as a military
policeman during the Korean War; he | 14 | | returned to college after being discharged and graduated from | 15 | | St.
Ambrose in 1957; and | 16 | | WHEREAS, Two weeks after graduating from college, James | 17 | | Keefe married the love of his life, Mary Ellen
Burmeister, at | 18 | | St. Mary Catholic Church in Woodstock; together they were | 19 | | parents to Kelly, Erin, Patrick,
and Quinn and grandparents to | 20 | | several grandchildren and one great-grandchild; and | 21 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe worked as an insurance agent for more |
| | | HR0771 | - 2 - | LRB100 16648 MST 31785 r |
| 1 | | than 43 years, with 38 years as an agent
for Country Companies; | 2 | | and | 3 | | WHEREAS, During his entire adult life, James Keefe was an | 4 | | active member of St. Mary Parish and served as a Knight
of the | 5 | | Roman Catholic Order of the Holy Sepulchre; and | 6 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe was a charter member of the Woodstock | 7 | | Rotary Club and served as the club's
vice president when the | 8 | | club was founded in 1968; he later served as president and in | 9 | | many other roles;
he and his wife hosted numerous Rotary | 10 | | Exchange students from all parts of the world throughout the
| 11 | | years; and | 12 | | WHEREAS, As a Rotarian, James Keefe recorded over 49 years | 13 | | of perfect attendance at Rotary meetings,
even seeking out | 14 | | meetings when traveling out of town; he was named a "Paul | 15 | | Harris" fellow through
Rotary; and | 16 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe was a longtime member of the McHenry | 17 | | County Civil War Roundtable,
where he served as treasurer; he | 18 | | was a past member of the Woodstock Jaycees, the Lions Club, and
| 19 | | the Elks Club; and | 20 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe was elected to the Woodstock City | 21 | | Council in 1969 and served two full terms; he
also served on |
| | | HR0771 | - 3 - | LRB100 16648 MST 31785 r |
| 1 | | the Police and Fire Commission, the Woodstock Library Board, | 2 | | and the Memorial
Hospital Board; and | 3 | | WHEREAS, In 2002, James Keefe received the Woodstock | 4 | | Chamber of Commerce Buschkopf Award for
Community Service; and | 5 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe had a deep love of history and became | 6 | | known for his "History of Woodstock"
slide presentations which | 7 | | he gave to many groups over the years; and
| 8 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe was a talented photographer and loved | 9 | | to travel and document his trips
through pictures; he traveled | 10 | | the world with his wife Mary Ellen before her death, never | 11 | | missing
Mass or Rotary Meetings wherever their travels took | 12 | | them; and
| 13 | | WHEREAS, James Keefe is survived by his children, Kelly | 14 | | (Mark) Afeld, Erin (Steve Walters) Anderegg,
Patrick | 15 | | (Katherine) Keefe, and Quinn Keefe; his grandchildren, Kendra, | 16 | | Trevor, Greta, Lauren, Bridget, Hanna,
Joseph, Hailey, and | 17 | | Katelyn; and his great-grandchild, Ella; therefore, be it
| 18 | | RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE | 19 | | HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we | 20 | | mourn the passing of James Keefe, and extend our sincere | 21 | | condolences to
his family, friends, and all who knew and loved |
| | | HR0771 | - 4 - | LRB100 16648 MST 31785 r |
| 1 | | him; and be it further
| 2 | | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 3 | | presented to the family of James Keefe as an
expression of our | 4 | | deepest sympathy.