Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3615
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3615  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/17/2023, by Rep. Steven Reick


20 ILCS 505/5.47

    Amends the Children and Family Services Act. Provides that the Department of Children and Family Services shall initialize, but not complete, the move of Family First functions, carried under the Act and the federal Family First Prevention Services Act (Title IV-E of the federal Social Security Act) from the Department of Children and Family Services to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.

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1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Children and Family Services Act is amended
5by changing Section 5.47 as follows:
6    (20 ILCS 505/5.47)
7    Sec. 5.47 5.46. Extended Family Support Pilot Program. The
8Department may consult with independent partners to review
9Extended Family Support Program services and advise if
10additional services are needed prior to the start of the pilot
11program required under this Section. Beginning January 1,
122023, the Department shall implement a 3-year pilot program of
13additional resources for families receiving Extended Family
14Support Program services from the Department for the purpose
15of supporting relative caregivers. These resources may
16include, but are not limited to: (i) wraparound case
17management services, (ii) home visiting services for
18caregivers with children under the age of 5, and (iii) parent
19mentors for caregivers with children over the age of 3.
20    The services for the Extended Family Support Program are
21expanded given the program's inclusion in the Family First
22Prevention Services Act's targeted populations. Other target
23populations include intact families, pregnant and parenting



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1youth, reunification within 6 months, and post adoption and
2subsidized guardianship. Inclusion provides the array of
3evidence-based interventions included within the State's
4Family First Prevention Services plan. Funding through Title
5IV-E of the Social Security Act shall be spent on services to
6prevent children and youth who are candidates for foster care
7from coming into care and allow them to remain with their
8families. Given the inclusion of the Extended Family Support
9Program in the Family First Prevention Services Act, the
10program is a part of the independent evaluation of Family
11First Prevention Services. This includes tracking deflection
12from foster care.
13    The resources provided by the pilot program are voluntary
14and refusing such resources shall not be used as evidence of
15neglect of a child.
16    The Department shall arrange for an independent evaluation
17of the pilot program to determine whether the pilot program is
18successfully supporting families receiving Extended Family
19Support Program services or Family First Prevention Program
20services and preventing entrance into the foster care system.
21This evaluation will support determining whether there is a
22long-term cost benefit to continuing the pilot program.
23    At the end of the 3-year pilot program, the Department
24shall submit a report to the General Assembly with its
25findings of the evaluation. The report shall state whether the
26Department intends to continue the pilot program and the



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1rationale for its decision.
2    The Department of Children and Family Services shall
3initialize, but not complete, the move of Family First
4functions, carried under this Act and the federal Family First
5Prevention Services Act (Title IV-E of the federal Social
6Security Act) from the Department of Children and Family
7Services to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
8    The Department may adopt rules and procedures to implement
9and administer this Section.
10(Source: P.A. 102-1029, eff. 5-27-22; revised 7-26-22.)