Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1226
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1226  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/2/2023, by Sen. Dan McConchie


55 ILCS 5/5-45015
55 ILCS 5/5-45025
55 ILCS 5/5-45045

    Amends the County Design-Build Authorization Division of the Counties Code. Provides that, rather than evaluating design-build proposals to see if they meet the utilization goals for business enterprises established in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act and provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act, design-build proposals may be evaluated to determine if the proposals meet the county's contracting goals for the county's program for disadvantaged business enterprises based on the county's most recent, legally defensible disparity study.

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1    AN ACT concerning local government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Counties Code is amended by changing
5Sections 5-45015, 5-45025, and 5-45045 as follows:
6    (55 ILCS 5/5-45015)
7    Sec. 5-45015. Solicitation of proposals.
8    (a) A county may enter into design-build contracts. In
9addition to the requirements set forth in its local
10ordinances, when the county elects to use the design-build
11delivery method, it must issue a notice of intent to receive
12proposals for the project at least 14 days before issuing the
13request for the proposal. The county must publish the advance
14notice in the manner prescribed by ordinance, which shall
15include posting the advance notice online on its website. The
16county may publish the notice in construction industry
17publications or post the notice on construction industry
18websites. A brief description of the proposed procurement must
19be included in the notice. The county must provide a copy of
20the request for proposal to any party requesting a copy.
21    (b) The request for proposal shall be prepared for each
22project and must contain, without limitation, the following



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1        (1) The name of the county.
2        (2) A preliminary schedule for the completion of the
3    contract.
4        (3) The proposed budget for the project, the source of
5    funds, and the currently available funds at the time the
6    request for proposal is submitted.
7        (4) Prequalification criteria for design-build
8    entities wishing to submit proposals. The county shall
9    include, at a minimum, its normal qualifications,
10    licensing, registration, and other requirements; however,
11    nothing precludes the use of additional prequalification
12    criteria by the county.
13        (5) Material requirements of the contract, including,
14    but not limited to, the proposed terms and conditions,
15    required performance and payment bonds, insurance, and the
16    entity's plan to comply with the county's contracting
17    goals for the county's program for disadvantaged business
18    enterprises based on the county's most recent, legally
19    defensible disparity study or the utilization goals for
20    business enterprises established in the Business
21    Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with
22    Disabilities Act and with Section 2-105 of the Illinois
23    Human Rights Act.
24        (6) The performance criteria.
25        (7) The evaluation criteria for each phase of the
26    solicitation. Price may not be used as a factor in the



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1    evaluation of Phase I proposals.
2        (8) The number of entities that will be considered for
3    the technical and cost evaluation phase.
4    (c) The county may include any other relevant information
5that it chooses to supply. The design-build entity shall be
6entitled to rely upon the accuracy of this documentation in
7the development of its proposal.
8    (d) The date that proposals are due must be at least 21
9calendar days after the date of the issuance of the request for
10proposal. If the cost of the project is estimated to exceed
11$12,000,000, then the proposal due date must be at least 28
12calendar days after the date of the issuance of the request for
13proposal. The county shall include in the request for proposal
14a minimum of 30 days to develop the Phase II submissions after
15the selection of entities from the Phase I evaluation is
17(Source: P.A. 102-954, eff. 1-1-23.)
18    (55 ILCS 5/5-45025)
19    Sec. 5-45025. Procedures for Selection.
20    (a) The county must use a two-phase procedure for the
21selection of the successful design-build entity. Phase I of
22the procedure will evaluate and shortlist the design-build
23entities based on qualifications, and Phase II will evaluate
24the technical and cost proposals.
25    (b) The county shall include in the request for proposal



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1the evaluating factors to be used in Phase I. These factors are
2in addition to any prequalification requirements of
3design-build entities that the county has set forth. Each
4request for proposal shall establish the relative importance
5assigned to each evaluation factor and subfactor, including
6any weighting of criteria to be employed by the county. The
7county must maintain a record of the evaluation scoring to be
8disclosed in event of a protest regarding the solicitation.
9    The county shall include the following criteria in every
10Phase I evaluation of design-build entities: (i) experience of
11personnel; (ii) successful experience with similar project
12types; (iii) financial capability; (iv) timeliness of past
13performance; (v) experience with similarly sized projects;
14(vi) successful reference checks of the firm; (vii) commitment
15to assign personnel for the duration of the project and
16qualifications of the entity's consultants; and (viii) ability
17or past performance in meeting or exhausting good faith
18efforts to meet the county's contracting goals for the
19county's program for disadvantaged business enterprises based
20on the county's most recent, legally defensible disparity
21study or the utilization goals for business enterprises
22established in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women,
23and Persons with Disabilities Act and with Section 2-105 of
24the Illinois Human Rights Act. The county may include any
25additional relevant criteria in Phase I that it deems
26necessary for a proper qualification review.



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1    The county may not consider any design-build entity for
2evaluation or award if the entity has any pecuniary interest
3in the project or has other relationships or circumstances,
4including, but not limited to, long-term leasehold, mutual
5performance, or development contracts with the county, that
6may give the design-build entity a financial or tangible
7advantage over other design-build entities in the preparation,
8evaluation, or performance of the design-build contract or
9that create the appearance of impropriety. No proposal shall
10be considered that does not include an entity's plan to comply
11with the county's contracting goals for the county's program
12for disadvantaged business enterprises based on the county's
13most recent, legally defensible disparity study or the
14requirements established in the Business Enterprise for
15Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act, for both
16the design and construction areas of performance, and with
17Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act.
18    Upon completion of the qualifications evaluation, the
19county shall create a shortlist of the most highly qualified
20design-build entities. The county, in its discretion, is not
21required to shortlist the maximum number of entities as
22identified for Phase II evaluation, provided that no less than
232 design-build entities nor more than 6 are selected to submit
24Phase II proposals.
25    The county shall notify the entities selected for the
26shortlist in writing. This notification shall commence the



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1period for the preparation of the Phase II technical and cost
2evaluations. The county must allow sufficient time for the
3shortlist entities to prepare their Phase II submittals
4considering the scope and detail requested by the county.
5    (c) The county shall include in the request for proposal
6the evaluating factors to be used in the technical and cost
7submission components of Phase II. Each request for proposal
8shall establish, for both the technical and cost submission
9components of Phase II, the relative importance assigned to
10each evaluation factor and subfactor, including any weighting
11of criteria to be employed by the county. The county must
12maintain a record of the evaluation scoring to be disclosed in
13event of a protest regarding the solicitation.
14    The county shall include the following criteria in every
15Phase II technical evaluation of design-build entities: (i)
16compliance with objectives of the project; (ii) compliance of
17proposed services to the request for proposal requirements;
18(iii) quality of products or materials proposed; (iv) quality
19of design parameters; (v) design concepts; (vi) innovation in
20meeting the scope and performance criteria; and (vii)
21constructability of the proposed project. The county may
22include any additional relevant technical evaluation factors
23it deems necessary for proper selection.
24    The county shall include the following criteria in every
25Phase II cost evaluation: the total project cost, the
26construction costs, and the time of completion. The county may



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1include any additional relevant technical evaluation factors
2it deems necessary for proper selection. The total project
3cost criteria weighting weighing factor shall not exceed 30%.
4    The county shall directly employ or retain a licensed
5design professional or a public art designer to evaluate the
6technical and cost submissions to determine if the technical
7submissions are in accordance with generally accepted industry
8standards. Upon completion of the technical submissions and
9cost submissions evaluation, the county may award the
10design-build contract to the highest overall ranked entity.
11(Source: P.A. 102-954, eff. 1-1-23; revised 12-16-22.)
12    (55 ILCS 5/5-45045)
13    Sec. 5-45045. Reports and evaluation. At the end of every
146-month period following the contract award, and again prior
15to final contract payout and closure, a selected design-build
16entity shall detail, in a written report submitted to the
17county, its efforts and success in implementing the entity's
18plan to comply with the county's contracting goals for the
19county's program for disadvantaged business enterprises based
20on the county's most recent, legally defensible disparity
21study or the utilization goals for business enterprises
22established in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women,
23and Persons with Disabilities Act and the provisions of
24Section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act.
25(Source: P.A. 102-954, eff. 1-1-23.)