Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1444
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1444  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/7/2023, by Sen. Mike Simmons


35 ILCS 5/234 new

    Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Creates an income tax credit for dependents of the taxpayer. Provides that the maximum amount of the credit is $700 per qualified dependent of the taxpayer. Provides that the maximum amount shall be reduced by $24 for each $1,000 by which the taxpayer's net income exceeds $75,000 in the case of a joint return or $50,000 in the case of any other form of return. Defines "qualified dependent". Effective immediately.

LRB103 27754 HLH 57051 b





SB1444LRB103 27754 HLH 57051 b

1    AN ACT concerning revenue.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Illinois Income Tax Act is amended by
5adding Section 234 as follows:
6    (35 ILCS 5/234 new)
7    Sec. 234. Dependent tax credit.
8    (a) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
92024, there shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed
10by subsections (a) and (b) of Section 201 in an amount
11calculated under subsection (b). If the amount of the credit
12exceeds the taxpayer's income tax liability under this Act for
13the applicable tax year, then the excess credit shall be
14refunded to the taxpayer. Each individual taxpayer, including
15a taxpayer filing a return using a federal individual taxpayer
16identification number as prescribed under Section 6109 of the
17Internal Revenue Code, is entitled to the credit under this
19    (b) The maximum amount of the credit allowed under this
20Section is $700 per qualified dependent of the taxpayer;
21however, that amount shall be reduced by $24 for each $1,000 by
22which the taxpayer's net income exceeds $75,000 in the case of
23a joint return or $50,000 in the case of any other form of



SB1444- 2 -LRB103 27754 HLH 57051 b

2    (c) The amount of a refund shall not be included in the
3taxpayer's income or resources for the purposes of determining
4eligibility or benefit level in any means-tested benefit
5program administered by a governmental entity unless required
6by federal law.
7    (d) As used in this Section, "qualified dependent" means a
8person who is a dependent of the taxpayer under Section 152 of
9the Internal Revenue Code, has the same principal place of
10abode as the taxpayer for more than 50% of the taxable year,
11and either is (i) 17 years of age or younger during the taxable
12year or (ii) physically or mentally incapable of caring for
13himself or herself, as determined under Section 21(b)(1)(B) of
14the Internal Revenue Code.
15    (e) The Department of Revenue may adopt rules necessary or
16appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Section.
17    (f) This Section is exempt from Section 250.
18    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
19becoming law.