Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2017
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB2017  103rd General Assembly




SB2017 EnrolledLRB103 25689 RJT 52038 b

1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section
524-2 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/24-2)  (from Ch. 122, par. 24-2)
7    Sec. 24-2. Holidays.
8    (a) Teachers shall not be required to teach on Saturdays,
9nor, except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section,
10shall teachers, educational support personnel employees, or
11other school employees, other than noncertificated school
12employees whose presence is necessary because of an emergency
13or for the continued operation and maintenance of school
14facilities or property, be required to work on legal school
15holidays, which are January 1, New Year's Day; the third
16Monday in January, the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King,
17Jr.; February 12, the Birthday of President Abraham Lincoln;
18the first Monday in March (to be known as Casimir Pulaski's
19birthday); Good Friday; the day designated as Memorial Day by
20federal law; June 19, Juneteenth National Freedom Day; July 4,
21Independence Day; the first Monday in September, Labor Day;
22the second Monday in October, Columbus Day; November 11,
23Veterans' Day; the Thursday in November commonly called



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1Thanksgiving Day; and December 25, Christmas Day. School
2boards may grant special holidays whenever in their judgment
3such action is advisable. No deduction shall be made from the
4time or compensation of a school employee, including an
5educational support personnel employee, on account of any
6legal or special holiday in which that employee would have
7otherwise been scheduled to work but for the legal or special
9    (b) A school board or other entity eligible to apply for
10waivers and modifications under Section 2-3.25g of this Code
11is authorized to hold school or schedule teachers' institutes,
12parent-teacher conferences, or staff development on the third
13Monday in January (the Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King,
14Jr.); February 12 (the Birthday of President Abraham Lincoln);
15the first Monday in March (known as Casimir Pulaski's
16birthday); the second Monday in October (Columbus Day); and
17November 11 (Veterans' Day), provided that:
18        (1) the person or persons honored by the holiday are
19    recognized through instructional activities conducted on
20    that day or, if the day is not used for student attendance,
21    on the first school day preceding or following that day;
22    and
23        (2) the entity that chooses to exercise this authority
24    first holds a public hearing about the proposal. The
25    entity shall provide notice preceding the public hearing
26    to both educators and parents. The notice shall set forth



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1    the time, date, and place of the hearing, describe the
2    proposal, and indicate that the entity will take testimony
3    from educators and parents about the proposal.
4    (c) Commemorative holidays, which recognize specified
5patriotic, civic, cultural or historical persons, activities,
6or events, are regular school days. Commemorative holidays
7are: January 17 (the birthday of Muhammad Ali), January 28 (to
8be known as Christa McAuliffe Day and observed as a
9commemoration of space exploration), February 15 (the birthday
10of Susan B. Anthony), March 29 (Viet Nam War Veterans' Day),
11September 11 (September 11th Day of Remembrance), the school
12day immediately preceding Veterans' Day (Korean War Veterans'
13Day), October 1 (Recycling Day), October 7 (Iraq and
14Afghanistan Veterans Remembrance Day), December 7 (Pearl
15Harbor Veterans' Day), and any day so appointed by the
16President or Governor. School boards may establish
17commemorative holidays whenever in their judgment such action
18is advisable. School boards shall include instruction relative
19to commemorated persons, activities, or events on the
20commemorative holiday or at any other time during the school
21year and at any point in the curriculum when such instruction
22may be deemed appropriate. The State Board of Education shall
23prepare and make available to school boards instructional
24materials relative to commemorated persons, activities, or
25events which may be used by school boards in conjunction with
26any instruction provided pursuant to this paragraph.



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1    (d) City of Chicago School District 299 shall observe
2March 4 of each year as a commemorative holiday. This holiday
3shall be known as Mayors' Day which shall be a day to
4commemorate and be reminded of the past Chief Executive
5Officers of the City of Chicago, and in particular the late
6Mayor Richard J. Daley and the late Mayor Harold Washington.
7If March 4 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, Mayors' Day shall be
8observed on the following Monday.
9    (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of State law to
10the contrary, November 3, 2020 shall be a State holiday known
11as 2020 General Election Day and shall be observed throughout
12the State pursuant to this amendatory Act of the 101st General
13Assembly. All government offices, with the exception of
14election authorities, shall be closed unless authorized to be
15used as a location for election day services or as a polling
17    Notwithstanding any other provision of State law to the
18contrary, November 8, 2022 shall be a State holiday known as
192022 General Election Day and shall be observed throughout the
20State under Public Act 102-15.
21(Source: P.A. 101-642, eff. 6-16-20; 102-14, eff. 1-1-22;
22102-15, eff. 6-17-21; 102-334, eff. 8-9-21; 102-411, eff.
231-1-22; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)