Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2350
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB2350  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/10/2023, by Sen. Rachel Ventura


105 ILCS 5/24-8  from Ch. 122, par. 24-8
105 ILCS 5/24-27 new

    Amends the School Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, provides that beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, all teachers shall be paid based on the federal General Schedule classification at the GS-9 level. Provides that if the teacher's base salary does not exceed $45,000, then the teacher shall be paid starting at $45,000. Provides that if the increase in the salary from the federal GS-9 level has not exceeded the starting salary for the previous school year increased by a percentage equal to one-half of the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor for the previous school year, the teacher's salary shall increase by a percentage equal to one-half of the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items. Provides that public school teachers shall be paid for any time spent taking a continuing education course.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The School Code is amended changing Section
524-8 and by adding Section 24-27 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/24-8)  (from Ch. 122, par. 24-8)
7    Sec. 24-8. Minimum salary. Through the 2023-2024 school
8year, in In fixing the salaries of teachers, school boards
9shall pay those who serve on a full-time basis not less than a
10rate for the school year that is based upon training completed
11in a recognized institution of higher learning, as follows:
12for the school year beginning July 1, 1980 and until the
132020-2021 school year, less than a bachelor's degree, $9,000;
14120 semester hours or more and a bachelor's degree, $10,000;
15150 semester hours or more and a master's degree, $11,000. In
16fixing the salaries of teachers, a school board shall pay
17those who serve on a full-time basis a rate not less than (i)
18$32,076 for the 2020-2021 school year, (ii) $34,576 for the
192021-2022 school year, (iii) $37,076 for the 2022-2023 school
20year, and (iv) $40,000 for the 2023-2024 school year. The
21minimum salary rate for each school year thereafter, subject
22to review by the General Assembly, shall equal the minimum
23salary rate for the previous school year increased by a



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1percentage equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the
2Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items
3published by the United States Department of Labor for the
4previous school year.
5    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, beginning with
6the 2024-2025 school year, all teachers shall be paid based on
7the federal General Schedule classification at the GS-9 level.
8If the teacher's base salary does not exceed $45,000, then the
9teacher shall be paid starting at $45,000. If the increase in
10the salary from the federal GS-9 level has not exceeded the
11starting salary for the previous school year increased by a
12percentage equal to one-half of the percentage increase, if
13any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for
14all items published by the United States Department of Labor
15for the previous school year, the teacher's salary shall
16increase by a percentage equal to one-half of the percentage
17increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban
18Consumers for all items.
19    On or before January 31, 2020, the Professional Review
20Panel created under Section 18-8.15 must submit a report to
21the General Assembly on how State funds and funds distributed
22under the evidence-based funding formula under Section 18-8.15
23may aid the financial effects of the changes made by this
24amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly.
25    Based upon previous public school experience in this State
26or any other state, territory, dependency or possession of the



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1United States, or in schools operated by or under the auspices
2of the United States, teachers who serve on a full-time basis
3shall have their salaries increased to at least the following
4amounts above the starting salary for a teacher in such
5district in the same classification: with less than a
6bachelor's degree, $750 after 5 years; with 120 semester hours
7or more and a bachelor's degree, $1,000 after 5 years and
8$1,600 after 8 years; with 150 semester hours or more and a
9master's degree, $1,250 after 5 years, $2,000 after 8 years
10and $2,750 after 13 years.
11    For the purpose of this Section a teacher's salary shall
12include any amount paid by the school district on behalf of the
13teacher, as teacher contributions, to the Teachers' Retirement
14System of the State of Illinois.
15    If a school board establishes a schedule for teachers'
16salaries based on education and experience, not inconsistent
17with this Section, all certificated nurses employed by that
18board shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of such
20    For purposes of this Section, a teacher who submits a
21certificate of completion to the school office prior to the
22first day of the school term shall be considered to have the
23degree stated in such certificate.
24(Source: P.A. 101-443, eff. 6-1-20.)
25    (105 ILCS 5/24-27 new)



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1    Sec. 24-27. continuing education course payments. Public
2school teachers shall be paid for any time spent taking a
3continuing education course.