Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB2592
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB2592  103rd General Assembly




State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 10/18/2023, by Sen. Terri Bryant


    Authorizes the Director of Corrections to execute and deliver to the City of Chester, for $1, specified property, subject to certain conditions. Effective immediately.

LRB103 33872 LNS 63689 b





SB2592LRB103 33872 LNS 63689 b

1    AN ACT concerning property.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Director of Corrections, on behalf of the
5State of Illinois, is authorized to execute and deliver to the
6City of Chester, a municipality organized and existing under
7the laws of the State of Illinois, for and in consideration of
8$1 paid to the Department of Corrections, a quit claim deed to
9the following described real property, to wit:
10    Beginning at the intersection of the Southwest
11    right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad and the
12    East line of Section 15, Township 7 South, Range 7 West;
13    from said point of beginning; thence South along the East
14    line of the last aforesaid Section 15 and the Southerly
15    projection thereof, a distance of 1000.00 feet to a point;
16    thence Southwest along a line with a deflection angle of
17    45°00' to the right, a distance of 600.00 feet to a point;
18    thence Northwest along a line with a deflection angle of
19    65°00' to the right, a distance of 1750.00 feet to a point;
20    thence Northwest along a line with a deflection angle of
21    20°00' to the right, a distance of 2100.00 feet to a point;
22    thence Northeast along a line with a deflection angle of
23    95°00' to the right, a distance of approximately 2080 feet



SB2592- 2 -LRB103 33872 LNS 63689 b

1    to a point in the Southwest right-of-way line of the Union
2    Pacific Railroad; thence Southeast along the Southwest
3    right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad, a
4    distance of approximately 2975 feet to the point of
5    beginning for this description, containing 154 acre more
6    or less.
7    Section 10. The conveyances of real property authorized by
8Section 5 shall be made subject to: (1) existing public
9utilities, existing public roads, and any and all
10reservations, easements, encumbrances, covenants, and
11restrictions of record; and (2) the express condition that if
12said real property ceases to be used for public purposes, it
13shall revert to the State of Illinois, Department of
15    Section 15. The Director of Corrections shall obtain a
16certified copy of the portions of this Act within 60 days after
17its effective date and, upon receipt of the payment required
18by Section 5, if any payment is required, shall record the
19certified document in the Recorder's Office in the county in
20which the land is located.
21    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
22becoming law.