Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3631
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3631  103rd General Assembly



SB3631 EnrolledLRB103 37857 MXP 67988 b

1    AN ACT concerning State government.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Illinois Coordinate System Act of 2024.
6    Section 3. Purpose. The Illinois Coordinate System Act is
7established for the purpose of compiling accessible, accurate,
8reliable, and repeatable data for use in the Illinois
9Coordinate System and the Illinois State Plane Coordinate
10System. Highly accurate geospatial data used by disciplines,
11including the engineering, surveying, construction,
12cartography, and geographic information professions, advances
13the development of public infrastructure, industry,
14agriculture, and other facets of the economy.
15    Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
16    "Committee" means the Illinois Coordinate System
18    "Illinois Coordinate System" means a collection of various
19plane coordinate systems included in the guide for defining
20and stating the position or location of points on the surface
21of the earth within the State.
22    "Illinois State Plane Coordinate System" means a



SB3631 Enrolled- 2 -LRB103 37857 MXP 67988 b

1collection of various plane coordinate systems that have been
2established by the United States Department of Commerce,
3National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National
4Ocean Service, National Geodetic Survey, and predecessor
5agencies for defining and stating the position or location of
6points on the surface of the earth within the State.
7    "Metadata" means naming the used geodetic reference frame
8or datum; epoch or adjustment; unit of measurement; and
10    Section 10. Illinois Coordinate System Committee.
11    (a) The Illinois Coordinate System Committee is hereby
12created. The Committee is created for the purpose of creating,
13reviewing, and revising the Guide to the Illinois Coordinate
14System. The Committee shall meet at the call of any designated
15member of the Committee. The Committee shall adopt an
16organizational structure as necessary for the fulfillment of
17its purpose.
18    (b) The Committee shall consist of the following members:
19        (1) the Secretary of Transportation, or the
20    Secretary's designee, who shall serve as Chair;
21        (2) the Director of the Illinois Center for Geographic
22    Information, or the Director's designee;
23        (3) the Director of Natural Resources, or the
24    Director's designee;
25        (4) the Executive Director of the Illinois State Toll



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1    Highway Authority, or the Executive Director's designee;
2        (5) the Director of Agriculture, or the Director's
3    designee;
4        (6) one member of a statewide organization
5    representing land surveyors, appointed by the Governor;
6        (7) one member of a statewide organization made up of
7    professionals who work with geographic information
8    systems, appointed by the Governor;
9        (8) the Director of the Illinois State Police or the
10    Director's designee; and
11        (9) one member of a statewide organization
12    representing professional engineers appointed by the
13    Governor.
14    (c) The Committee shall engage with interested
15stakeholders throughout the State representing local,
16regional, State, and federal agencies; professional
17associations; academic institutions; and private sector
18companies, enterprises, and businesses.
19    (d) The Committee shall create, review, and revise the
20Guide to the Illinois Coordinate System. This Act shall not be
21construed to prohibit the appropriate use of other datums,
22geodetic reference networks or systems, or other coordinate
23systems when made mathematically relatable to at least one
24coordinate reference system outlined in the Guide to the
25Illinois Coordinate System. The Guide to the Illinois
26Coordinate System shall:



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1        (1) define the various plane coordinate systems of the
2    Illinois Coordinate System;
3        (2) contain metadata to accompany the data from the
4    Illinois Coordinate System, the Illinois State Plane
5    Coordinate System, or from any other datum, network, or
6    system intended to be a part of a public record; and
7        (3) be made available to the public through the
8    Illinois Geospatial Data Clearinghouse, or other public
9    source approved by the Committee.
10    (765 ILCS 225/Act rep.)
11    Section 100. The Illinois Coordinate System Act is