Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SJR0019
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SJR0019  103rd General Assembly




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2    WHEREAS, It is highly fitting that the General Assembly
3pays honor and respect to those individuals who have
4contributed to the success of their community and the State
5and to the efforts to cure childhood cancers and other
6pediatric diseases; and
7    WHEREAS, Roger and Regina Landon of Chandlerville
8established trail rides at the Jim Edgar Panther Creek State
9Fish and Wildlife Area, one of the State's largest public
10access areas, to highlight the beautiful facets of nature
11found at this location, to bring horse and fish enthusiasts
12together to enjoy the trails of this wildlife area, and to
13encourage camping at the location; and
14    WHEREAS, In 2001, Roger and Regina Landon began organizing
15numerous horse trail rides at the Jim Edgar Panther Creek
16State Fish and Wildlife Area to raise money for the St. Jude
17Children's Research Hospital (St. Jude), gathering horse
18enthusiasts from all over central Illinois to attend their
19Saddle-Up for St. Jude event to raise money for children
20diagnosed with cancer and other pediatric diseases that are
21being treated at St. Jude, an event the Landon family
22continues to host and organize each June to this day; and



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1    WHEREAS, St. Jude, located in Memphis, Tennessee, treats
2children with cancer and other pediatric diseases; the
3hospital's research efforts are directed at understanding the
4molecular, genetic, and chemical basis of catastrophic
5diseases in children, identifying cures for such diseases, and
6promoting their prevention, with research being focused
7specifically on cancers, acquired and inherited
8immunodeficiency disorders, sickle cell disease, infectious
9diseases, and genetic disorders; in Illinois, the hospital is
10associated with the Children's Hospital of Illinois, located
11in Peoria; and
12    WHEREAS, St. Jude treats children at no cost to the
13patients; in order to operate, it is estimated to cost the
14hospital more than $2 billion each year, with the majority of
15those funds coming from generous donors and fundraising
16events; and
17    WHEREAS, Roger and Regina Landon started Saddle-Up for St.
18Jude in 2001 with the initial goal or becoming more successful
19than similar fundraisers held in Illinois, which then averaged
20$3,500; their annual benefit includes food, music, raffles,
21prizes, and a silent auction, with items donated by generous
22friends and acquaintances; their benefit is well-attended each
23year, not only by horse enthusiasts but also by individuals
24interested in supporting St. Jude; and



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1    WHEREAS, Roger and Regina Landon's Saddle-Up for St. Jude
2raised $10,000 after its first benefit, with the event
3routinely securing more donations each year; when the COVID-19
4pandemic looked to derail their efforts in 2020, they pivoted
5their outdoor event to a virtual fundraiser, collecting an
6additional $35,000 for St. Jude; most recently, their benefit
7raised over $63,000 in 2022; since the benefit's inception,
8they have given over $800,000 to benefit the children at St.
9Jude; and
10    WHEREAS, For his work and dedication, Roger Landon was
11recognized as Event Coordinator of the Year by St. Jude in
122012, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the hospital,
13which was established in 1962; and
14    WHEREAS, Sadly, Roger Landon passed in the fall of 2021;
15Michael Landon, one of Roger and Regina's sons, assumed the
16leadership role for the Saddle-Up for St. Jude event,
17continuing his parents' efforts to bring people together in
18order to support the work of St. Jude; and
19    WHEREAS, The Landon family remains personally interested
20in the Jim Edgar Panther Creek Equestrian Park, not only
21because of it being the location for Saddle-Up for St. Jude but
22also for their desire to keep the park beautiful and enticing



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1for everyone to visit and camp; therefore, be it
5equestrian campground within the Jim Edgar Panther Creek State
6Fish and Wildlife Area in Chandlerville as the "Landon
7Equestrian Campground"; and be it further
8    RESOLVED, That the Department of Natural Resources is
9requested to erect at suitable locations, consistent with
10State and federal regulations, appropriate plaques or signs
11giving notice of the name "Landon Equestrian Campground"; and
12be it further
13    RESOLVED, That we recognize Regina Landon and the late
14Roger Landon on their distinguished volunteerism and their
15lifelong dedication to the people of Illinois and to
16preserving the natural fish and wildlife areas of Illinois;
17and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That we recognize Michael Landon for continuing
19his parents' legacy and leading Saddle-Up for St. Jude; and be
20it further
21    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be



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1presented to the Director of Natural Resources and the Landon