Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1041
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1041  103rd General Assembly



SR1041LRB103 40904 ECR 73887 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Patricia "Pat" Daley Martino, who
4passed away on March 9, 2024 at the age of 86; and
5    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino grew up in Chicago and attended
6St. Xavier Academy for Young Ladies, continuing her education
7at St. Xavier University; and
8    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino's childhood was full of fond
9memories, including outings to White Sox games where all her
10siblings would exchange seats to sit closest to their father,
11the late Richard J. Daley; and
12    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino worked as a Chicago Public
13Schools English teacher and taught at Mather High School,
14Kennedy High School, and Tilden High School; she was an avid
15reader and life-long learner, who was always committed to
16teaching herself something new; and
17    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino was a source of joy for all who
18knew her; she was so well-known for her infectious smile and
19laughter that her grandchildren knew her as "Grinny" instead
20of Granny; and



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1    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino was known for her witty and fun
2personality, bringing sunshine, laughter, and a song
3everywhere she went, and she was even able to play by-ear any
4song that was requested on the piano; and
5    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino was also known for her
6life-long commitment to the Democratic Party and her
7outspokenness as a proud Chicago Democrat; and
8    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino taught her children the
9importance of faith, family, and fun, which was evident in her
10work with the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and her habit of
11prayer; and
12    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino adored her home in Grand Beach,
13Michigan that she and her husband designed, a true labor of
14love; she never forget her roots in Chicago, returning to live
15there from Hinsdale; and
16    WHEREAS, Pat Daley will always be remembered for the love
17she brought to all aspects of her life, especially towards her
18family and legion of friends; although she was an
19extraordinary person and lived a storied life, she remained
20down-to-earth and personable; and
21    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino was preceded in death by her



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1husband, Peter M. Martino; her parents, Richard J. and Eleanor
2Daley; her sister, Eleanor Daley; and her in-laws, Robert M.
3(Mary Carol) Vanecko, Maggie (Richard M.) Daley, and Barbara
4(Michael) Daley; and
5    WHEREAS, Pat Daley Martino is survived by her children,
6Courtney Thompson, Peter Thompson, and Patrick (Kathleen)
7Thompson; her grandchildren, Charles Thompson, Eleanor
8Thompson, Richard Thompson, Amelia Thompson, Grace Thompson,
9Adeline Thompson, William Thompson, and Patrick Thompson; her
10siblings, Mary Carol Vanecko, Richard M. Daley, Michael
11(Nancy) Daley, John (Mary Lou) Daley, and William (Bernadette)
12Daley; and many nieces and nephews; therefore, be it
14ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
15Patricia "Pat" Daley Martino and extend our sincere
16condolences to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved
17her; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19presented to the family of Pat Daley Martino as an expression
20of our deepest sympathy.