Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1051
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1051  103rd General Assembly



SR1051LRB103 41015 ECR 74140 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Pastor Wendell E. Day Sr., who passed
4away on May 18, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Pastor Day was born to Robert E. Day Sr. and
6Patria Coe Day-Thomas on July 2, 1942; he was raised in
7Springfield; he served in the U.S. Navy for four years; he
8married Diane Galbreath; he attended Lincoln Land Community
9College and Sangamon State University; he received his
10minister's license in 1974; and
11    WHEREAS, Pastor Day worked as a supervisor and recruiter
12for R.C. Cola; he also worked at Southeast High School, where
13he improved student attendance through engagement strategies;
14he then served as an auditor at General Motors Acceptance
15Corporation before retiring in 1994; and
16    WHEREAS, Pastor Day committed to his faith in 1967; he was
17ordained as a church elder in 1982; he established the Miracle
18Temple Church of God in Christ on November 4, 1984, serving as
19its pastor until his passing; and
20    WHEREAS, Pastor Day was district superintendent of the
21Illinois Central Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction for 20 years; he



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1also served as an administrative assistant to the late Bishop
2Juan Morrison Sr.; and
3    WHEREAS, Pastor Day was regarded as the patriarch of the
4Day family, and he loved organizing family reunions, Christmas
5celebrations, and birthday gatherings; he enjoyed fishing,
6track and field, and music; and
7    WHEREAS, Pastor Day offered humor and kindness to everyone
8he met; he will be remembered for his legacy of unwavering
9love, the hearts he touched, and the friendships he formed;
11    WHEREAS, Pastor Day was preceded in death by his parents
12and his siblings, Gloria Day Casey, Patrick Day, Dorothy
13Jones, Patricia Hughes, and Robert Day; and
14    WHEREAS, Pastor Day is survived by his wife, Diane Day;
15his sons, Wendell (Amy) Day Jr., Bryan (Sikiesha) Day, and
16Bradley Day; his daughter, Apryl Day; nine grandchildren; five
17great-grandchildren; his brothers, John Day, Louis Day, Harlan
18Day, and Fred Day; his sister, Norma Graham; and a host of
19family and friends; therefore, be it
21ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of



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1Pastor Wendell E. Day Sr. and extend our sincere condolences
2to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
3it further
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to the family of Pastor Day as an expression of our
6deepest sympathy.