Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0012
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0012  103rd General Assembly




SR0012LRB103 24891 LAW 51224 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Enoch "Nick" Scull Jr., who passed
4away on July 19, 2021; and
5    WHEREAS, Nick Scull was born to Enoch and Vera (Johns)
6Scull Sr. on a farm outside Plano on August 12, 1924; he
7graduated from Plano High School; he was a longtime resident
8of the Plano/Sandwich area; and
9    WHEREAS, Nick Scull served as a tech sergeant with the
10103rd Combat Engineer Battalion, 28th Infantry Division, in
11the U.S. Army during World War II; during his service, he
12fought in several major battles in northern Europe, including
13Normandy, northern France, the Ardennes, and Rhineland, most
14notably D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge; and
15    WHEREAS, Nick Scull was one of the "Heroes of Hosingen",
16one of 300 soldiers who helped defend the village of Hosingen,
17Luxembourg, holding back numerically superior enemy troops
18against overwhelming odds for two and a half days; their
19efforts helped delay the German Army siege of Bastogne; after
20exhausting their food, water, and ammunition, he and the rest
21of the American forces in Hosingen were ordered to surrender
22and were captured by the Germans in December 1944; he then



SR0012- 2 -LRB103 24891 LAW 51224 r

1spent four months in German prisoner of war camps before being
2liberated by General Patton's Army on March 30, 1945; and
3    WHEREAS, After his military service, Nick Scull played
4baseball for the minor league team, the Tampa Bay Smokers, for
5a year; he attended barber college through the G.I. Bill and
6then opened up Nick's Barber Shop in Plano in 1947; he was
7later a foreman for Federal Huber and a partner of Plano Metal
8Specialties Inc.; and
9    WHEREAS, Nick Scull was a decorated veteran, receiving two
10Purple Hearts, an American Theater Ribbon, an
11European/American Theater Ribbon with four Bronze Battle
12Stars, the Victory Medal, the Good Conduct Medal with two
13Overseas Service Bars, a POW Medal, and a Unit Citation for
14Bravery; he was awarded Knight of the French Legion of Honor,
15the highest award given by the French government, on October
1624, 2019; he was presented the Order of Merit of the Grand
17Duchy of Luxembourg for his bravery during the Battle of the
18Bulge from the Ambassador of Luxembourg in June 2021; and
19    WHEREAS, Nick Scull was honored for his military service
20at a Chicago Cubs game on July 17, 2019; he also received the
21honor of having Governor Pritzker proclaim June 11, 2021 as
22the "Nick Scull Day of Recognition" in the State of Illinois;



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1    WHEREAS, Nick Scull was a member of Cedardell Golf Club
2and a 74-year member of the Plano American Legion Post; and
3    WHEREAS, Nick Scull was preceded in death by his parents;
4his sisters, Susan (Walter) Sherman, Kay (Myles) Inman, Elsie
5Scull, and Vera (George) Eleff; his son, Paul Scull Sr.; and
6his son-in-law, Tom Hartzfeld; and
7    WHEREAS, Nick Scull is survived by his wife of 60 years,
8Patricia (Henry) Scull; his children, Jeff Scull, Wendy (the
9late Tom) Hartzfeld, Scott (Vicki) Scull, and Steve (Ellie)
10Scull; his grandchildren, Nikki (Marcos) Gonzales, Tracee
11(Scott) Leitner, Summer (Josh) Beyer, Brandi Hartzfeld, Mindy
12(Tim) Hilliard, Kaelyn Scull, Kurt (Jeanice) Muth, Chris
13(Allysia) Muth, Paul (Heather) Scull, Jeremy (Diana) Scull,
14Joey Scull, Josh (Brandy) Scull, Jon (Whitney) Scull, and
15Ashleigh (Tom) Russell; his 27 great-grandchildren; and his
16many nieces and nephews; therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
19Enoch "Nick" Scull Jr. and extend our sincere condolences to
20his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it



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1    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to the family of Nick Scull as an expression of our
3deepest sympathy.