Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1276
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1276  103rd General Assembly



SR1276LRB103 42654 MST 75887 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Nemer Ziyad, who passed away on
4September 13, 2024, his 61st birthday; and
5    WHEREAS, Nemer Ziyad, the eldest son of Ahmad Ziyad,
6founded Ziyad Brothers Importing with his brother, Ibrahim,
7and served as the chief executive officer and principal for
8the company; and
9    WHEREAS, Ziyad Brothers Importing was founded as a small
10retail food importing business on the southwest side of
11Chicago in 1966 but grew into one of the nation's largest
12distributors of authentic Mediterranean and Middle Eastern
13food products and ingredients; and
14    WHEREAS, Ziyad Brothers Importing employs more than 80
15people in a 150,000 sq. ft. warehouse and office center
16located in Cicero, where it distributes more than 1,000 food
17and food-related products to more than 4,000 ethnic grocery
18stores and more than 18,000 mainstream retail stores and
19outlets in 48 states and six countries; and
20    WHEREAS, Nemer Ziyad, working with his brothers, Nassem
21and Nazmy, and his cousin, Nezar, was instrumental in



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1directing the national growth of the company, bringing
2Mediterranean and Middle East food essentials into the homes
3of every family in America and negotiating the company's
4purchase by Peak Rock Capitol in 2022; and
5    WHEREAS, Nemer Ziyad established his reputation not only
6as a food industry professional and expert but also as an Arab
7American of Palestinian heritage and served the public in many
8capacities, including as a former founding board member of the
9United Trust Bank in Bridgeview and as a supporter of the
10Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF); and
11    WHEREAS, Nemer Ziyad served on the board of the Chicago
12International Sister Cities (Amman-Chicago) and was a member
13of the exclusive International Order of Chefs, Les Aims
14Escoffier Society; and
15    WHEREAS, Nemer Ziyad was the recipient of numerous awards,
16including Man of the Year by the Arab American Democratic
17Club; and
18    WHEREAS, Nemer Ziyad's achievements in business and in
19strengthening the pride in his Arab American community have
20been unprecedented; therefore, be it



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1ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
2Nemer Ziyad and extend our sincere condolences to his family,
3friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to Nemer Ziyad's wife, Kathryn, and his daughters,
6Marissa and Sahra, as an expression of our deepest sympathy.