Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1346
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1346  103rd General Assembly



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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of William Alfred Caldwell of Waukegan,
4who passed away on December 3, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, William Caldwell was born to James Alfred
6Caldwell and Pinky Hawkins Caldwell in New Africa, Mississippi
7on August 7, 1943; after his mother's passing, he and his
8father moved to reside with his maternal aunt and her husband,
9Lola and Luther Lackey, on Liberty Street in Waukegan,
10Illinois, where he attended Andrew Cooke Elementary School; he
11and his father joined Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan in the
121950s, where he was baptized and his father met and married
13Rose Tipton; his family built a home on McKinley Avenue in
14Waukegan, where he resided in a multigenerational household
15with his paternal grandmother, Ida Stewart, and his paternal
16uncle, Ed; after matriculating through high school, he was
17drafted into the U.S. Army, serving as a staff sergeant for two
18years; he was married three times, to Johnnie B. Jennings,
19Johnnie Mae Caples, and Louise Jackson; and
20    WHEREAS, William Caldwell, upon receiving his honorable
21discharge, returned to Waukegan and began working at Outboard
22Marine Corporation (OMC), where he remained until it
23downsized; given his veteran status and past supervisory



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1experience, he became employed as a case manager at Waukegan
2Township, patiently assisting and advocating for clients until
3his retirement a decade ago; during his tenure, he was known as
4"Mr. C" to clients and peers out of respect for his work; and
5    WHEREAS, William Caldwell joined and became an active
6member of Antioch Baptist Church in Waukegan in later years,
7where he loved participating with the men's ensemble; he
8returned to Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan many years
9later, where he enjoyed the fellowship and spiritual teachings
10of Pastor Walstone Elijah Francis and Pastor Charles Ivy, and
11he occasionally attended Sunday school; and
12    WHEREAS, William Caldwell was noted and admired for his
13fashion sense and style throughout his life; he was a
14consummate sports enthusiast, possessing a special affinity
15for the Chicago Cubs, the Chicago Bulls, the Chicago Bears,
16and the New York Knicks; he loved fishing with family and
17friends, and he participated in fishing competitions near and
18far; he enjoyed traveling, especially to warmer climates by
19cruise ship; he also played a variety of instruments and
20maintained an impressive album collection over the years; and
21    WHEREAS, William Caldwell was also known for his cool
22demeanor, being referred to as "Jackie" by family and friends,
23whose relationships he deeply cherished; and



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1    WHEREAS, William Caldwell was preceded in death by his
2parents; his son with Johnnie Mae Caples, Rashaan Caldwell;
3his grandmother, Ida B. Stewart; his grandfather, Preston
4Hawkins; his bonus mother, Rose Tipton Caldwell; his brother,
5James Preston Caldwell; his sister, Dorothy Armsted; his
6sister-in-love, Ernestine Caldwell; and his wives, Johnnie B.
7Jennings-Caldwell and Louise Jackson; and
8    WHEREAS, William Caldwell is survived by his daughter with
9Johnnie B. Jennings-Caldwell, LaTonya Hill; his grandson,
10Durrelle (Meghan) Hill; his nephews, Russell (Alice) Jones and
11Gregory (Stella) Jones; his nieces, Patricia A. Jones, Joy
12(Ronald) Grace, and Michelle Caldwell; two
13great-grandchildren; and a host of great-nieces; therefore, be
16ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
17William Alfred Caldwell and extend our sincere condolences to
18his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
20    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
21presented to the family of William Caldwell as an expression
22of our deepest sympathy.