Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0163
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0163  103rd General Assembly




SR0163LRB103 31678 ECR 60200 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Paul E. Peters, who passed away on
4February 27, 2023 at the age of 56; and
5    WHEREAS, Paul Peters was born in Chicago at Augustana
6Hospital on October 26, 1966; and
7    WHEREAS, Paul Peters was raised and lived in Chicago his
8entire life; he attended Hawthorne and St. Ladislaus
9Elementary Schools before graduating from St. Patrick's High
10School in 1984; and
11    WHEREAS, Paul Peters' childhood accomplishments include
12earning the rank of Eagle Scout on December 11, 1980, as well
13as serving as an altar boy at St. Ladislaus Catholic Church;
15    WHEREAS, Paul Peters continued his involvement with the
16church by becoming an active member of Edgebrook Lutheran
17Church; and
18    WHEREAS, Paul Peters and his good friend, Adam Szetela,
19were co-owners of Westgate Flowers in Oak Park for over 34
20years; and



SR0163- 2 -LRB103 31678 ECR 60200 r

1    WHEREAS, Paul Peters was well-known for his artistry in
2floral design and arrangements, and he always took pride in a
3job well-done; and
4    WHEREAS, Paul Peters' favorite activities included fishing
5with his father and later with his daughters, cooking and
6eating good food, watching Star Trek and Dr. Who, and cheering
7for the Chicago Cubs, Bears, and Blackhawks; and
8    WHEREAS, Paul Peters will always be remembered for his
9outgoing personality, his ready smile, and an optimistic
10outlook that made everyone feel he was their great friend; and
11    WHEREAS, Paul Peters was preceded in death by his father,
12Richard Albers Peters; and
13    WHEREAS, Paul Peters is survived by his wife, Dora Navarro
14Peters; his children, Marie Navarro Peters and Rose Navarro
15Peters; his mother, Barbara Ann Hauffe; his siblings, Linda
16Cybul and Marianne Peters; his many cousins and nephews; his
17niece; his great-grandniece and great-nephew; and his in-laws;
18therefore, be it
20ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of



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1Paul E. Peters and extend our sincere condolences to his
2family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to the family of Paul E. Peters as an expression of
6our deepest sympathy.