Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0216
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0216  103rd General Assembly




SR0216LRB103 32055 LAW 60980 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate the Morris Theatre Guild, Inc. on the occasion of
4its 50th anniversary; and
5    WHEREAS, The Morris Theatre Guild is a not-for-profit
6community theater formed in 1973 and organized by volunteers
7with an interest in the production of live theater in all of
8its aspects, both onstage and backstage; and
9    WHEREAS, The Morris Theatre Guild's first production was
10the play January Thaw, which was presented in the auditorium
11of the Morris Community High School; and
12    WHEREAS, After performing at various venues in Morris and
13the surrounding areas for many years, the Morris Theatre Guild
14purchased the site of the old Free Methodist Church at 507
15Liberty Street in Morris in 1987; and
16    WHEREAS, The Morris Theatre Guild, after extensive
17building renovations, presented the play Footlight Frenzy as
18its first performance in its new location in 1989; and
19    WHEREAS, The Morris Theatre Guild's ongoing renovations,
20completed either by volunteers or financed by donations,



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1continued up to October 3, 2006, when the building was
2tragically destroyed by fire; and
3    WHEREAS, The Morris Theatre Guild purchased a condo unit
4in the newly renovated Coleman building at the west end of
5Illinois Avenue in Morris in February 2010, which is now known
6as the Canalport Community Center; the guild's first show in
7its new location was the play Hay Fever, which was presented in
8March 2010; and
9    WHEREAS, Despite two shows being cancelled due to COVID-19
10in the spring and fall of 2020, the Morris Theatre Guild was
11able to pay off its building loan during the pandemic; and
12    WHEREAS, The Morris Theatre Guild returned with a winter
13show in 2021, performing Momologues 2: Off to School, which
14was offered for viewing both virtually and in person; and
15    WHEREAS, The Morris Theatre Guild continues to plan for
16the future and to upgrade its current facility; and
17    WHEREAS, For the past 50 years, the Morris Theatre Guild
18has made the performing arts available to the Morris community
19while proving the old adage, the show must go on; therefore, be



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2ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the
3Morris Theatre Guild, Inc. on its 50th anniversary, and we
4commend the organization's perseverance and commitment to the
5performing arts; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That we encourage the Morris Theatre Guild to
7continue enriching the lives of its community and the State
8with its dedication to the beauty and wonder that is the
9theater; and be it further
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to Morris Theatre Guild as an expression of our
12esteem and respect.